It is very likely and essential to mark specific codes of statement of curricular and social bevavior of students in class for recordings conducted by their TA (teaching assistant). We may thus find it pratical and constructive to decode these specific noticeabilities to the parents of the students, who will be curious to know about the learning condition in intensive drilling classes. There are mainly three categories to evaluate the said cognitive behaviors and reactions as well as some most common learning problems of an average student to attending evening courses after school:
1. 上課態度的問題:A. 太常遲到、請假 B. 疲勞、不專心 C. 情緒過激、吵鬧
2. 考試學習的問題:1. 在家讀書時間明顯不足 2. 未寫作業 3. 作題時間管理不佳
3. 生活社交的問題:甲. 沉溺小說、漫畫、網玩 乙. 結交異性朋友 丙. 結交壞份子
- Oct 15 Sat 2011 16:47
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