How To Know The Purpose Of My Life?
By Krystyan Chiou

Dear professors and my fellow classmates,
it is quite an honor today to have such an opportunity to give a speech on how I would dedicate my life as a career-oriented and purpose-specified planning to what I am to live for. A life-time goal for me to pursue and accomplish, a challenging task for an individual to serve the public, and a significant meaning for me to make any moment of truth to be worthwhile, which, in my opinion, shall also be essential and crucial to every one of you.

It is believed brutally to know that most of us had not yet to make themselves clear only to understand why they had been born to this world even after they have been living for not a few years. Some were even hesitated about this for their whole lives, not knowing what and why and how to live for. That is sad, doing what you don’t know why and how. As time goes by, people are thus blind and numb with this momentum, a stagnant stay-still of the true awakening and a long-forgotten obligation not able to carry out for it is way too dreadful to face boldly.

The best and the sole answer to this enigma is to know God, the only Creator of the universe and all the living creatures, including us, His beloved sons and daughters. He loves us, even sending His only son from His own, Jesus, to save us, who are born guilty and do guiltily, from the filthy sin and worldly evilness, and leads us to His Kingdom for an eternal life. Without Jesus, the love of our heavenly Father, we may never be able to enter His kingdom, which should be since long belonging to us. Nothing should be placed before this task, the number one mission for every one of us to come here on earth --- TURNING BACK TO OUR MERCIFUL FATHER.

And the rest are relatively the easier part as to know what and how I shall live for. What shall I do for a living, I mean only for survival? Go ask our Father. Here is His answer in Matthew 6: “Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? Or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? For after all these things do the Gentiles seek, for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

See? How simple and clear! On survival shall no one worry about for our Father cares for us already. Now, here’s the point, since living on, what shall I live for? There are three ways to find the answer: Pray constantly, find out what I am interested in, and find out what I am capable of. You may easily find out what you like and dislike, what you can and cannot. Then consult our Father whether I shall do from one of them, or should there be some other that I am still to look for. Repeat the whole procedure until you are spiritually peaceful in regard to what you are craving for. You will naturally know for sure if you should be doing this, which is your calling and might well be the most important task assigned by our Father to grant you a sharing of His mission onto the world.

To know what you are for and how to set about your work in accordance with your interest and talent without worrying what you will live on is not only a virtue of beauty, but an innate right we shall well take advantage of.

Thanks all for your listening! (635 Words)

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