腰腹圍大於 90 公分:男性腰圍正常值為小於 90 公分,腰圍肥胖易導致高血糖、高血脂、高血壓等代謝症候群相關症狀及疾病,請少吃高熱量食物(如蛋糕、麵包、披薩、油炸類食品),並配合緩和且持續的運動(如快走、慢跑、騎單車...等,每週應至少三次運動,每次至少持續30分鐘)。
Waistline over 90cm: Normal male waistline should be less than 90cm. Over waistline is contributing to high blood sugar, hypertension, metabolic disorder, and other related diseases. Rich-fat contained food such as confectionary, fries, pizza should be restrained with mild and consistent exercise such as brisk walking, biking, at least 30 minutes each time, three times a week.
第一度血壓偏高:請少吃加工、醃製類食物 (如罐頭食品、香腸、火腿、肉鬆等等),保持情緒穩定,每日定時量血壓及至心臟科門診追蹤治療。
Hypertension 1st degree: Preserved, over-processed food such as canned foods, hot dogs, hams, and pork flakes are not allowed. Keep steady emotion, take blood pressure regularly, and consult cardiac outpatient.
體脂肪率及 BMI 值偏高、但血中膽固醇偏低:請均衡攝取六大類食物、調整生活作息及配合緩和且持續的運動 (如快走、慢跑、騎單車...等,每週應至少三次運動,每次至少持續30分鐘)。
Hyper body-fat rate and BMI, hypo triglyceride: balanced dietary intake from six main categories, appropriate adjustment of living activities, along with mild consistent exercise at least three times per week such as brisk walk, jogging, and biking are to be advised.
理想體重:53.5 ~ 65.4 公斤,目前體重 69.7 公斤為過重,請控制體重。
Standard weight 53.5 ~ 65.4 kg: Current weight (69.7) is abnormal. Weight control is advised.
Parched skin: Pacify the irritation with lotion. Avoid hot shower bath. Consult dermo-outpatient if itch aggravates.
Mild astigmatism: Consult the ophthalmologist if further visual impairment appears.
High-fq. hearing impairment for both ears at 1st and mid-level: Avoid exposure in noisy surroundings. Regular hearing examination at ENT outpatient is required.
Slight blood protein quantity abnormality: Consult internal outpatient trace after 3 to 6 months.
肌酸磷化脢 (CPK) 輕度升高:表示身體某一部位肌肉有輕度損傷,包括:激烈運動後、肌肉注射後或肌肉受傷造成升高,此項異常不一定具有疾病的意義,請3個月後至本中心門診追蹤檢查。
Slightly over-rated CPK: Indicates the minor injury of muscles somewhere in the body, which may result from intensive physical movement, improper intramuscular injection. CPK abnormality doesn’t necessarily indicate signs of certain disease. Consult our preventive medical centre (PMC) for further trace after 3 to 6 months.
Hepatitis A antibody positive: Antibody has been developed and will be immune to hepatitis A.
Open Hepatitis B carrying factors negative, antibody against open Hepatitis B positive: Indication of lower resistance against Hepatitis B. Better consult gastro-outpatient trace monitoring.
皮質醇 (Cortisol);去氫雄激素-抗氧化壓力因子 (DHEA-S):請參考附件說明;如有任何疑問可洽本診所預防醫學中心。
Cortisol and DHEA-S: See attached documents or directly consult PMC.
Moderate fatty liver: Excessive fat storage in liver due to over-nourishment, overtake of high-calorie and high-sugar foods, or binge drinking. Restrained diets and mild and constant exercise three times per week for at least 30 minutes each time, are highly recommended, along with regular liver ultrasonic examinations.
Slight prostate hypertrophy with calcification spot: Annually regular ultrasonic trace monitoring at PMC is strongly advised.
Slight disorder of limited ex- and inhaling pneumo-function: Deep breath exercise, chest fly, and regular pneumo-function examination are advised.
Esophagitis, flat erosive gastritis: Abidance within regular lifestyle, balanced and restrained diet with least intake of lemon, pineapples, citrus, sweets, chocolate, coffee, tea, sodas, tobacco, alcohol, spicy, greasy, or sticky-rice-made foods, along with unnecessary tension and stress. Follow the prescription regularly, and consult the gastroenterologist outpatient for further tracing.
抗老化指數 (IGF-1) 不足:依據預防醫學健康角度,理想值為> 400。隨著年齡的增長,抗老化因子 IGF-1 值易漸漸減少,而影響骨質密度或造成腰腹體脂肪堆積、皮膚暗沉、缺乏彈性,容易產生皺紋、細紋、毛孔變得粗大,頭髮變白、體力變差等現象。您的檢測值低於理想值;如有任何疑問可洽本診所預防醫學中心。
IGF-1 (Insulin like growth factor type 1) deficiency: Ideal index would be over 400 in terms of preventive medicine. IGF-1 secretion decreases with age, which would influence the bone density, obesity on waist and hip areas, melanin deposit, rippled skin, visible pores, white hair, and poor eye-sight. Please consult PMC.