A. Daily diet: 3 meals (supper before 19:00)
Each meal means:
1. blended vegitable juice with the following ingredients handful each time: a half apple, pineapple, cabbage, alfalfa sprout, green pea spire, celery, cucumber (or papaya) If you want it more tasty, you can add a little honey in it with some ice and water to make it cooler and thinner. Drink off within 15 mins after blended for not being over-dioxided.
2. 2 slices of toast or one steamed bun (multi-grained)
* You barely need any meat, if you should do, eat only once a week, fish, beef or mutton only.
* You don't have to drink any milk; drink soybean juice instead.
* You can eat an egg a week, no more.
* To anyone who can not hold on to the healthy diet long (esp. for Mr. Whatever): YOU CAN FEAST A BIG MEAL ONCE EVERY TWO WEEKS!
B. Exercise:
1. To move excess fat: 40 mins brisk walking with weighted wristlets or leggings
2. To strengthen muscular density and nice body shape : push-ups, stretching exercise, work-out and karate
3. To get the ultimate physical invincibility: sipping some Sprite leisurely on a little fishing boat at home
C. Something far more efficient and beneficial than A and B: BELIEVE IN GOD, YHVH!
1. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own uderstanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
2. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. (Proverbs 3:5~8)
Each meal means:
1. blended vegitable juice with the following ingredients handful each time: a half apple, pineapple, cabbage, alfalfa sprout, green pea spire, celery, cucumber (or papaya) If you want it more tasty, you can add a little honey in it with some ice and water to make it cooler and thinner. Drink off within 15 mins after blended for not being over-dioxided.
2. 2 slices of toast or one steamed bun (multi-grained)
* You barely need any meat, if you should do, eat only once a week, fish, beef or mutton only.
* You don't have to drink any milk; drink soybean juice instead.
* You can eat an egg a week, no more.
* To anyone who can not hold on to the healthy diet long (esp. for Mr. Whatever): YOU CAN FEAST A BIG MEAL ONCE EVERY TWO WEEKS!
B. Exercise:
1. To move excess fat: 40 mins brisk walking with weighted wristlets or leggings
2. To strengthen muscular density and nice body shape : push-ups, stretching exercise, work-out and karate
3. To get the ultimate physical invincibility: sipping some Sprite leisurely on a little fishing boat at home
C. Something far more efficient and beneficial than A and B: BELIEVE IN GOD, YHVH!
1. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own uderstanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
2. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. (Proverbs 3:5~8)
