If you watched the Arnold Palmer Invitational at Bay Hill then you know what I'm talking about. Talent is not enough to beat the monster.
Sean O'Hair played a brilliant round of golf and even summoned the strength and determination to tie it up at four under going to the 18th hole against Tiger.
Oh, when will they get to learn from this cruelty?!
When you play Tiger Woods, it's not about talent and skill anymore (both of which he has more of than anyone out there). So the question becomes: how do you at least beat him on his off days? I'll tell you how. You bring something else to the table. A certain energy, anticipation, and magic. Something that turns the tables and gets people thinking in your favor and puts the pressure on him.
Tiger already has that ability. That magic, that flare for the dramatic which causes everyone watching to hold their breath and think the same unspoken thought. It's the same shared energy and thinking that you get when someone is going to blow the lead in a tournament.
Tiger knows that it's not about talent. That it's about energy, trust, and nothingness. About being in the moment and letting the script be written.
What's your energy when you play? Does your buddy always make that long putt at the end of the round to take your money? Do you always find away to double bogie the last three holes even though you've been playing lights out for the earlier part of the round? That's the energy I'm referring to and we each create our own.
When Tiger is on his game he is unbeatable. But even when he is not, his presence alone and the doubt that manifests in his opponent is usually sufficient to seal the deal.
To beat Tiger, the pros need something more. An aura. A magic. The ability to play beyond their normal ability. I strongly believe Tiger is no human, nor humane. An ET? Maybe. An RPGS? Likely. He is not human anyway...
Transcribed from Taly Mind Set