194. 「倒裝句」 的狹義定義:用以強調,凡以 「(否定)副詞、so、only、頻率副詞、so、nor 等」 + 「be 動詞、助動詞」 + 「主詞」 之結構表現者稱之。概略分以下九種用法:
a. 否定副詞如 never, seldom, hardly, few, little, hardly, scarcely, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere, no sooner, not until, not at all, not for a moment, in no way, on no account, by no means, under no circumstances 等等:
Never have I seen Ron get mad. = I have never seen Ron get mad. (我從沒見過志榮發飆。)
Not until Ron finishes reading all the grammar rules will he then go to Australia. = Ron will not go to Australia until he finishes reading all the grammar rules. (文法規則要是沒看完,志榮是不會去澳洲的。)
Few problems of motorbikes are there that Ron can not fix. = There are almost no problems of motorbikes that Ron can not fix. (少有摩托車的問題是志榮不會的。)
b. Only:
Only motorbike will Ron be interested in. (志榮只對機車有興趣。)
Only in Taipei can you find so many motor tuning shops. (你只有在台北才找得到這麼多機車改裝店。)
c. so, neither/ nor:
I like Ron, so does Victor. (我喜歡志榮,松濤也喜歡他。)
I don’t like his smoking, neither (nor) does Victor. (我不喜歡志榮抽菸,松濤也不喜歡。)
Ron will not leave his girl, nor will she. (志榮不會離開他女友,他女友也不會離開他。)
d. 地方副詞後接不及物動詞或及物動詞的被動語態:(僅強調用,也可不用倒裝)
In a small village lives a smart mechanic. = A smart mechanic lives in a small village. (在一個小村莊裡,住著一個聰明的技師。) 此為不及物動詞。
Under the front tire found Ron his lost screw nut. = Ron found his lost screw nut under the front tire. (志榮在前輪底下找到了剛才搞丟的螺帽。) 此亦為不及物動詞。
At the lake shore was Ron’s bike washed. (志榮在湖邊洗他的摩托車。) 此為及物動詞的被動語態。
e. 一般頻率副詞:(僅強調用,也可不用倒裝)
So many times have Ron told me that he wished to visit Germany some day. = Ron told me that he wished to visit Germany some day so many times. (志榮告訴我好多次他想去德國走走。)
f. 分詞:(僅強調用,也可不用倒裝)
Standing beside Ron is the former Moto GP champ, Valentino Rossi. (站在志榮旁邊的是前Moto GP大賽冠軍---羅西。)
Impressed by the wonderful surprise felt Ron a bit dizzy. (突如其來的驚喜讓志榮恍惚了一下。)
g. 讓步句可倒裝:
Although Ron eats much, he is quite slim. = Much as Ron can eat, he is quite slim. (志榮雖吃得多,但仍很苗條。)
Though Ron is exhausted, he insisted on working till 22:00. = Exhausted as Ron was, he insisted on working till 22:00. (儘管很累,志榮仍堅持工作至晚上十點。)
h. 假設語態可倒裝:
If it is fine today, Ron will go for a joy ride. = Should it be fine today, Ron will go for a joy ride. (天氣要是晴朗,志榮想騎車兜個風。)
If Victor were a Japanese, Ron would learn Japanese right away. = Were Victor a Japanese, Ron would learn Japanese right away. (松濤如果是日本人,志榮一定馬上學日文。)
If I had known Ron some earlier, I would have wanted to be a mechanic like him. = Had I known Ron some earlier, I would have wanted to be a mechanic like him. (我要是早一點認識志榮的話,我一定也想像他一樣成為一名技師。)
i. 引述句可倒裝:
"Who’s fkn VJ?" shouted Ron. (「誰是他媽的綠黴素啊?」 志榮大叫著。)
"He is also one of your friends." replied Victor smiling. (「他也是你朋友之一喔。」 松濤笑答。)
- Oct 29 Sat 2011 00:00
Aprillia Shiver 750 (r)