201. 「準關係代名詞」 (定義詳第35條以下) 的用法,常見僅有 than, but, as 等三字:
a. Ron prepared more hot dogs than were needed for the party. = Ron prepared more hot dogs than the hot dogs that were needed for the party. = Ron prepared more hot dogs than that were needed for the party. (志榮準備了超過派對所需的熱狗。)
I see nowadays less people who drive than ride. = I see nowadays less people who drive than the people who ride. (我見時下騎車的人比開車的多了。)
b. Ron needs nothing but makes his motor faster. = Ron needs nothing but anything that makes his motor faster. = Ron needs nothing but what makes his motor faster. (除了可以讓車子更快的東西,志榮別無所需。)
請注意:It is nothing but a bike. (這不過是台機車罷了。) 此處的 but 純粹是連接詞,其後並無子句,也完全不具 「代名詞 」 的功能。
c. I have a motor (the same motor) as Ron rides on. = I have a motor (the same motor) as the motor which Ron rides on. = I have a motor (the same motor) as the motor on which Ron rides. = I have a motor (the same motor) as the one on which Ron rides. = I have a motor (the same motor) as the one where Ron rides. (我也有一台和志榮一模一樣的機車。)
[後記] 準關代其實只是省略敘述的方法之一而已,為使文意賅而簡,無他;但初學者常因此與各種關代混淆,惟仍須勤讀而能熟悉。請與第 200 條內容充分交互參照,務使融會貫通,不宜倉促囫圇。請以緩慢精讀為要,勿以其量少而輕之。


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