200. 「形容詞子句」 的定義:修飾主句中之主詞或受詞 (此稱 「先行詞」,詳第35條以下),以關係代名詞 (詳第35條以下) 連接、為一俱有形容詞功能之子句稱之。其基本結構為:「先行詞 + 關代 (作主詞) + V. + ...」、「先行詞 + 關代 (作受詞) + S. + V. + (O.)...」、或 「先行詞 + 介詞 + 關代 + ...」 等;皆視先行詞為基礎,而可有下列樣態之變化:
a. 先行詞為主詞且人時:
An experienced mechanician who can adjust the control of the throttle is badly wanted by Victor. (松濤急需要一個有經驗的技師幫他調整油門。) 此時也可用 that 取代 who。
b. 先行詞為主詞且非人時:
A nice bike which belongs to a good driver is a winged tiger. (名車擅御,如虎添翼。) 此時也可用 that 取代 which。
c. 先行詞為受詞且人時:
Victor needs badly a mechanician who can adjust the control of the throttle for him. (松濤急需要一個有經驗的技師幫他調整油門。) 此時也可用 that 取代 who。
d. 先行詞為受詞且非人時:
Why did you buy a bike which has no license plate? (你幹嘛買一台沒牌的機車?) 此時也可用 that 取代 which。
e. 先行詞為主詞且人物混雜時:
The man and the dog that are playing over there are Ron and his pet, JJ. (在那玩耍的人和狗是志榮和他的寵物,JJ。) 此時的 that 不可取代。
f. 先行詞為受詞且人物混雜時:
Chris also knows the man and the dog that are playing over there. (世榮也認識在那玩耍的人和狗。) 此時的 that 不可取代。
g. 先行詞為主詞、前受最高級性質之形容詞修飾時:
Ron is the best friend that Victor ever met. (志榮是松濤所見過最讚的朋友。) 此時的 that 不可取代。
h. 先行詞為受詞、前受最高級性質之形容詞修飾時:
I once saw the ever fastest superbike that ran through this express way. (我曾見過史上最快的超跑奔馳在這條快速道路上。) 此時的 that 不可取代。
i. 先行詞為主詞、前受排序性質之形容詞修飾時:
Ron is the first motorbike technician in Taiwan that is also good at mycology. (志榮是台灣第一位同時也精通黴菌學的機車技師。) 此時的 that 不可取代。
j. 先行詞為受詞、前受排序性質之形容詞修飾時:
The girl will date the first person of them that goes to Osaka. (這位女孩會跟他們之中第一個去大阪的人約會。) 此時的 that 不可取代。
k. 先行詞為主詞、表達者主關認知其具唯一性質時 (非限定用法):
Ron is the only technician that I know well. (志榮是我唯一熟識的機車師傅。) 此時的 that 不可取代。
Ron, who was born in Taipei, lives Australia for the time being. 此時必不可用that,逗點後不可接 that。
l. 先行詞為受詞、表達者主關認知其具唯一性質時 (非限定用法):
Far and inconvenient though, you still have to call the only mechanician that lives here. (僅管遙遠且不方便,你還是得 call 當地唯一的技師過來。) 此時的 that 不可取代。
Will you go find Victor, who is playing pachingo in Osaka now? (你要不要去大阪找松濤;現在正在玩柏青哥的松濤?) 此時必不可用that,逗點後不可接 that。
m. 先行詞為主詞、介詞前置關代時:
San-chung is a place in which Ron has lived for over 20 years. (三重,一個志榮住了超過二十年的地方。) 此時必不可用that。
n. 先行詞為受詞、介詞前置關代時:
No one dares to shake hands with a man with whom there are full of greasy lubricant. Go wash your hands! (沒人敢和滿手是機油的人握手。快去洗手吧!) 此時必不可用that。
o. 先行詞與形容詞子句之主詞或受詞呈所有格關係時 (所有格關係代名詞,詳第35條以下):
No one dares to shake hands with a man whose hands are full of greasy lubricant. Go wash your hands! (沒人敢和滿手是機油的人握手。快去洗手吧!) 手是那個人的,故呈所有格關係。
p. 先行詞為主詞且人、身分不明、不定、或顯可忽略時 (複合關係代名詞,詳第35條以下):
Whoever can listen to this should listen carefully. = Any person who can listen to this should listen carefully. (凡有耳可聽見的,就當認真聽。)
q. 先行詞為主詞且非人、名稱不明、不定、或顯可忽略時 (複合關係代名詞,詳第35條以下):
Whatever you eat at the restaurant has some eggs in it. = Any course that you eat at the restaurant has some eggs in it. (這家餐廳所有的菜色皆含有蛋。)
What you have just said still remains uncertain. = The words that you have just said still remains uncertain. (剛才你所說的仍不甚明確。) what 僅表示受限定的一定區域,而 whatever 則表全稱,即 「所有」、「舉凡一切... 都...」 之意。
Whatever you have just said still remains uncertain. = Any word that you once said still remains uncertain. (你一切曾經所說過的話仍然都不甚明確。)
r. 先行詞為受詞且人、身分不明、不定、或顯可忽略時 (複合關係代名詞,詳第35條以下):
Jesus still loves whoever doesn’t accept Him. = Jesus still loves any one that doesn’t accept Him. (不接納耶穌的人,耶穌仍舊愛著他們。)
s. 先行詞為受詞且非人、名稱不明、不定、或顯可忽略時 (複合關係代名詞,詳第35條以下):
Just buy whatever you like. Today’s your birthday after all. = Just buy anything that you like. Today’s your birthday after all. (喜歡什麼就買什麼吧;畢竟今天是你的生日。)
t. 另有一種特殊的關代句型 (he who, people who, those who),用來表示對不特定人的全稱,文法上稱為 「不定人稱關係代名詞用法」:
Heaven helps those who help themselves. (天助自助者;上天只幫助會懂得自己幫助自己的人。)
He who is polite is always welcomed. (禮貌的人,到哪都受歡迎。) 此泛指 「一切」 禮貌的人。
People who ride a bike will need Ron. (凡騎車者,皆需志榮。)
- Nov 26 Sat 2011 00:00
美好回憶 - 山葉追風 135 (v)