Retrodandy (簡稱RD),結合 Retro 和 Dandy 兩個單字,指的是極好的復古,象徵我們堅持細緻做工和嚴選布料。Dandy 還有另一個意思指的是注重穿著的花花公子,以玩樂、刺青、老車、伴隨美女的生活為題材,帶領大家認識魅力獨特、令人著迷的美式復古文化。
馬蹄鐵在Old School刺青裡代表幸運,發想來自於一段諺語:「沒有釘子,就沒有好的馬蹄鐵;沒有好的馬蹄鐵,就沒有好的馬;沒有好馬,就不能送信;信收不到,戰爭就會因此失敗」並與標語Ah,Details.相互呼應,象徵品牌精神:每一個細節不論大小都非常重要。
As it appears clearly enough to spot a high concentration of mixture amid antique and perfectism, Retrodandy represents being in a 'dandish style' as carnation of 'retro' perspective, which symbolizes our fine craftsmanship and delicate texture. Another look to delve into the terminology of 'dandy' worth notice is a classic endorsement of a spending spree way during the Yankean Golden Age where stylish avant-garde celebrities hanging around with hot chicks by steering the vintages with both their browny forearms full of tattoos fulfil our fancy recuerdos. Such whisky smiles, undoubtedly, arouse our longing for retro-ancient charisma from deep in our hearts.
Traced back to old school tattoo language, horseshoes are associated with good fortune to which an old folktale derives:'No nails, no good horseshoes, then there's no good horse; without good horses, post never posts, which is the very culprit for a bloody war.' The image echoes itself with a slogan:'Ah, Details', which emphasizes the spirit of our taylormade immaculacy: