大寫的地方,用小寫改;小寫的地方,用大寫改。不改的是,原作者文法上的極小錯誤、修辭、風格、與邏輯: FAMILY BACKGROUND TO USE A SENTENCE TO DESCRIBE MYSELF, I WOULD SAY:THAT"I'M THE COMBINATION OF EASTERN ASIAian CULTURE." MYMATERNALGRANDPA on my mother's side IS FROM MAINLAND CHINA and GRANDMAFROMKOREA, GRANDPA on my father's side FROM TAIWAN AND GRANDMA JAPAN.DUE TO THIS UNIQUE FAMILY BACKGROUND I HAVE BEEN LEARNING FOUR DIFFERENT LANGUAGES AND ABSORBING MULTI-CULTURE point of views SINCE I WAS YOUNG. ALSO BECAUSE OF THIS MULTI-CULTURE BACKGROUND, I BEGAN TO THINK ABOUT WHY A SAME THING, A SAME WAR EVEN A SAME HISTORICAL FIGURE WOULD bring aboutHAVEA TOTALLY DIFFERENT PERCEPTION ON ACCOUNT OF DIFFERENT PERSONALITies OR CIVILIZATIONs. LIFE EXPERIENCE MY PARENTS OFTEN TOLD ME THAT "IF IT DOESN'T KILL YOU, IT MAKES YOU STRONGER." DURING MY LIFE BEFORE 10-YEAR-OLD I HAD BEEN MOVING FROM PLACES TO PLACES FOR ABOUT 7 TIMES AND TRANSFERing FROM 3 DIFFERENT ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. MOST CRITICAL CONDITIONs HAPPENED WHEN I WAS 3-YEAR-OLD. IT WAS a WINTER, MY DAD TURNed ON THE HEATER BEFORE HE WENT TO WORK WHILE MY MOM AND I WERE STILL SLEEPING, but mom has yet to sleep soundly.SLEPT RESTLESSLY,HEARING SOMEBODY YELLING "FIFTH FLOOR IS on fireBURNING!",SHE OPENED HER EYES. OUR HOUSE WAS IN A SEA OF FLAMES. had MY MOM not WAKEd UP, YOU would not have had to READ THIS PERSONAL STATEMENT THEN. WHAT THESE EXPERIENCE INFLUENCEd ME IS THAT I BECOME A MORE alertSOCIABLEPERSON, AND I CAN SOON ACCOMMODATE MYSELF TO NEW SURROUNDINGS. QUOTE 'It is not the strongest of species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.' --CHARLES DARWIN,1809 WHY PSYCHOLOGY ? During the summer vacation before entering grade 10, I went on a study tour to Hawaii. As I arrived Hawaii I was breathing in the air of equality, even at Arizona Memorial which in my stereotype stands for hatred and conflicts. Japanese and Americans all mourned for the tragedy in harmony, I was shocked and felt stunnED about it. What kind of mindset made this incredible phenomenon happened? At that moment, my curiosity of psychology aroused. Then I went on an international volunteer working to Cambodia during my summer vacation before entering grade 11. By the time I set off, my heart was filled with gratification and enthusiasm. When I came back, however, I was filled with suspiSion. What raised my doubt was certainly this international aid program. On the first day we arrived, although local children generously assisted us to get use to the environment, I could feel the slightly resist from them. After a period of timetogetTING along with each other, I gradually understood the beginning and end. Every year there are millions of people pouring into these underdeveloped countries. They promised that they will come back,but never step on the same land again; they promised that they will keep in touch, but ended up messages seen. We called ourselves as volunteers. We declared that we askED nothing in return, however, deep in our bones we believed that we are superior. I didn'tmademake any promise at last although Iknowknew that I definitely will meet them in the future for suchthereason orthatpromises WOULD have been too cheap. Since then, I am deeply fascinated by psychology. I want to find out what I can do to soothe their wounded soulS, I am curious about howcan weWE CAN be so selfish. I want to know what others are thinking about and I want to give myself a chance to give assistance to THEMothers. It is my dream to become a psychiatrist. WHY BRITAIN? @ AMERICAn PSYCHOLOGY INDUSTRY IS DEFINETLY WELL-DEVELOPED, THIS MIGHT BE RELATED TO THEIR OPEN SOCIETY AND THE STRAICHT WAY THEY COMMUNICATE. NOT TO MENTION THE CUMULATIVE STRESS THEY SUFFER IN SUCH A COMPETITIVE SOCIETY. HOWEVER, BECAUSE THIS INDUSTRY IS DEVELOPING TOO WELL IN AMERICA, STUDENTS ALL AROUND THE WORLD WANTS TO TAKE A SHARE. AFTER ABOUT TEN YEARS WHEN I AM FINALLY QUALIFIED AS A PSYCHIATRIST, THE MARKET WOULD BE SATURATED. @ IN MY FIRST ENGLISH NOVEL SERIES "HARRY POTTER", WHAT ATTRACTS ME THE MOST IS NOT ITS PLOT WHICH IS FULL OF TWIST AND TURNS NOR ITS DRAMATICAL ADVENTURE BUT SLYTHERIN'S NOBLES. WITH A FEW SIMPLE SENTENCES AND ACTIONS THEY CAN DELIVER UNDERLYING MEANING. EVERY SINGLE SYLLABLE HAS ITS SPECIAL DEFINITION, THIS IS ONE OF THE REASON WHY BRITAIN SEEMS SO FASCINATING TO ME. THOSE CULTURES AND MANNERS that ARE surroundingSOMRTHINGYOU WILL NEVER be understoodUNDERSTANDUNLESS YOU do liveREALLYLIFEIN IT.