Dear Ms. Kanetaka and Ms. Sawata,
there's been quite a long while since we waved farewell to be encountered such a terrible calamity, which shook not only the whole paradise of cherry blossoms, but my favorite language lessons lectured by my most respectful and beloved teachers, from whom I realize not only the beauty of communication in a delicate Yamato way, but what great influence from a teacher to a student can be. That may well change my value and aspect toward my whole life with a view of well beings of an individual, a community, and even the entire function of a network team. I gratefully appreciate you for teaching me this unforgettable mindset and attitude. That does help a lot, let alone the interesting language courses during these couple of months.

It might be afraid that the directors and time schedule of next quarter would change, yet I am to express strongly my willingness to be honored to have further contact with both of the great teachers. Therefore I sincerely wish to be able to have opportunities to meet you in the near future when I go back to Tokyo again to finish the rest courses. It would be great pleasure to me if I were to invite you for a supper, even a brief luncheon would be satisfactory to an admiring student like me. And I believe that won't take you too much time. That will be my decent honor if my humble request were to be granted.

Please take good care of yourselves to evade any further threatening damages from the desaster! And please forgive me to write you in English for my Japanese comprehension is still in progress to achieve my honest compliment to you. I hope we can get together soon!

Sincerely Yours

Victor Fan

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