Few people could forget th feeling of their first kiss. The excited, willing urge of embracing the true love and mutual interacting is of great joyce in the world ever. No one can fight against the addictive exhilaration as their first kiss. What if, I wonder, we can keep having such impressions when we learn something? As English learning is concerned, what if as we read English materials, we experiece totally excited and refreshed from English as if we first kiss our true love? If so, will you like to read some English every day since? You tell me about it!

To acquire such sensation, I conclude generally 5 parctical approaches to English mastery, by which we can embrace English and other foreign languages as easily as we hug our pretty girls, and also with which we may have a glance at the sophisticated function and complicated network of our brains to form a language we try to express ourselves with:

5 Ways To Excellent English:

1. Listen First: Learn English conversation first, because it is the key to the entire language. In other words, you must focus first on the spoken language and real conversation.  Master English conversation before you worry too much about reading and writing. Think about it this way: casual conversation is the FIRST kind of English that small children learn. Children first learn to chat with their family and friends. They become totally fluent at real conversation before they learn to speak formally and before they focus on reading or learn writing. Follow this same natural approach. First, completely master everyday casual speech.  After you can speak fluently in real conversations, then and only then focus intensively on reading. Read, read, and read some more.. but read easy novels… NOT only textbooks! After you have completely mastered easy English novels, and can easily finish a Stephen King novel in a week or two,..  then you can learn formal speech.  Formal speech is the kind of speech you might use for a business presentation– the kind of English you hear on CNN or the BBC. And finally, and last of all, focus on writing. The truth is, you will acquire strong writing skills simply by reading a lot of novels. At this point, after mastering reading and formal speech, you will already be able to write well. So all you need to do is learn formal or artistic writing (depending on your goals). Take a writing class for NATIVE SPEAKERS and learn the fine points of writing powerfully and skillfully. There is nothing wrong with CNN or the BBC, but that style of English is not the style that is used at homes, in offices, and on the street every day. Announcers, for example, are very careful to speak in complete sentences, to avoid most slangs, to speak very clearly, and to avoid using filler words. So, if your goal is to speak real English to real people, it’s time for you to learn real English conversation.

2. Learn phrases, not individual words: Letters form words. Words form phrases. Phrases form sentences. Sentences form paragraphs. And paragraph form essays. The most difficult part is the second stage, for there are always 'chemical' reactions occurring when words forming phrases, that is, the meaning referring to the segment is usually different or even converse to their composing modules, which are known as 'idioms' in English. Idioms are tough and sometimes 'undigestable' if you try to understand them word by word. So it's more recommended to learn the phrases instead of single words. Besides, it is more efficient this way.
3. Never Only Study Grammar Rules: Native speakers, in fact, use a very fast, flexible, fluid form of spoken English. Americans, for example, rarely use complete sentences. They change topics often, interrupting the speakers and being interrupted. They pause; they create new words and new contractions, and they ignore many so-called grammar “rules”. But grammar has its value though. It enables us to secure a decent written statement and descryption which is also very important and as a part of mastering English, only that it should not be regarded as the first learning priority.

4. Learn Deeply: Imagine your head as an ocean. You will want English into the ocean 'deeply'. So, what's deep learning? It's speaking without thinking, automatically. Do you 'know' English? Do you really know it so that you can speak it without pausing, thinking? How to reach that? Repeat it! Learn the same words and phrases repeatedly. Usually for a normal native speaker to learn certain words 'deeply', he or she might be repeating the inputs at least THIRSTY times to use it automatically. So what about a non-native speaker? 100 times? Maybe. The next approach will help you 'deepen' your English faster and easilier.

5. Practice speaking with simple sentences: A special technique can help people learn foreign languages without grammar rules. You may build up a small situation for daily dialogues, in which a teacher 'asks' a story, not 'telling' it. Teacher asks very easy and fast questions, not difficult ones. This enables students to think and respond the questions in English, not their native languages. All quickly and instantly responded. For example, a teacher may narrate such as, 'There is a boy.' Then he quickly asks a question like, 'Is there a boy?' Students will answer quickly and simply like, 'Yes.' That's it. Asking and answering are just simply and freely conducted, no more thinking, no more translating, and no more stress

Follow these 5 rules, and you will soon master English. Most importantly, you can enjoy your 'first kiss' with her every day!

Oh, by the way, happy lunar new year!


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