now is finally the high time for a seven-grader in golf acadamy to peep a bit into the short game. a whim goes through that i can have over 14 clubs a time if i do know how to make good use my irons and wedges, by which i invent myself a comact system of club untilizing as followed according to its designated distance, so as to cope with the unpredictable turf, vault, or other terrain off the standardized yardage:

my ideal yardage-oriented club choice:

300+ 1w

250 3w

24x~220 ????

210 i3

200 i4

190 i5

180 i6

170 i7

160 i8

150 i9

140 p

13x~120 ????

115 52"

100 56"

90 60"

under 90 ????

as we can see here, there are three quite big gaps in my swing distance range in which i have no idea how to untilize my clubs at hand to a ralaviely more delicate level to calculate the ball flying span. and this is the very lesson i am to take part in the near future. i suggest i use 3w for the blue range, i7~p for the gleb, and the purple area, one of the most important part of  club choosing and playing in a golf game, will be geared in yard by yard with p, 56", and 60", with which i reach my needed yardage by conjuring with the grip, e.g., full length grip and choked-down grip. 

later i'll fill the blanks when i do some yardage tests at practice range.  


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