多益普級英語測驗(TOEIC Bridge)是美國教育測驗服務社(ETS, Educational Testing Service)所研發,是專為英語初學者所設計的測驗,目的是讓初學者藉由參加多益普級英語測驗,自我評量,進而獲得增進英語能力的指引與動機。
多益普級英語測驗能提供英語初學者學習與努力的方向之外,更能刺激持續學習的動力,並在未來英語能力提昇時,進一步參加多益英語測驗 (TOEIC)。而廣義的多益英語測驗公信力可在由全球六十多個國家,四千家以上的企業以其為員工聘用及內部升遷、外派、加薪的標準來證明。
為強化台灣中學生未來面臨全球化挑戰所需具備之國際競爭力及取得參加推甄所需國際英語證照,ETS (Educational Testing Service) 台灣區代表已與國內各高中職校舉辦「多益與多益普級測驗中學聯合考」。由此可見多益普及測驗在國內的需求漸高;而其認證能力,亦漸受國內各公私立學校之入學及在學成績參考。
1. 有效評量英語最初學者的實用語言能力。而且有考有分數、有考有證照,不像全民英檢,有考不一定過、只要沒過就沒證照,而且國際不承認。
2. 確認初學者多面向的英語能力。
3. 激勵並幫助英語初學者改進他們某一面向的英語能力。
4. 協助老師、老闆、與學習者本身設定英語學習目標。
5. 協助老師評量英語訓練課程與教材的品質。
6. 鼓勵使用溝通性的英語,而非專業英文術語或艱澀少用之純文學性詞彙。
7. 測驗費便宜,才新台幣1060元。(多益1500元、全民英檢中級1850元、中高級2150元、托福iBT 174美元)
多益普級英語測驗主要目的是評量英語初學者的英語流暢程度,考試題目是針對全球語言環境與各種不同的日常生活情境而設計的。沒有固定範圍,任何題材都有可能會出現。例如:打電話、道路指引、佈告欄、電子郵件…等。題型分為聽力與閱讀各50題, 與TOEIC相比題目較為簡單,同時聽力單元的唸題速度也較慢。
1. 理解力
2. 聽力
3. 閱讀
4. 字彙
5. 文法
依照五大要素計分方法,可將考生能力分成三個等級,作為改進英語能力的指標;藉著參加TOEIC Bridge,老師可以對學生實施分班教學,因材施教,英語初學者能夠從評量中了解學習成果及努力的方向,刺激持續學習的動力,同時也能客觀地幫助評估訓練課程與教材良窳,或是檢視訓練課程對初學者的成效。
1. 聽力單元:在25分鐘內回答50題;考生會聽到各種以英語 錄製的陳述、問題、簡短對話與短篇演說,然後根據題目來回答問題。
2. 閱讀單元:在35分鐘內回答50題;考生閱讀各種不同的題材,依照自己的速度來回答與閱讀內容有關的題目。
1. 仔細閱讀考試應注意事項、答案卡範例、背景資料問卷範例,並練習手冊中所提供的試題範例,增進測驗的熟悉度。
2. 測驗中可就關鍵字作答。
3. 注意閱讀測驗考試時間。在閱讀測驗(35分鐘)項目中,因題目較多,請調整一下作答速度,如果不知道答案,先在題號旁做個記號,繼續下一個問題。時間允許的話,再回過頭來檢視早先不會的問題。爭取時間是第一關鍵。
4. 熟悉考試題形並學習如何在答案卡上劃記答案。你可以把注意力放在問題本身,而非題型。
5. 知己知彼,我們應該知道全世界的英語初學者考TOEIC Bridge的成績如何。以下是世界各國家地區分數統計 (1999年),我們的確該加油了:
國家/地區 聽力 閱讀 總成績
平均 標準差 平均 標準差 平均 標準差
墨西哥 57.48 17.66 53.93 17.69 111.41 33.75
印尼 57.12 11.66 59.08 9.71 116.20 19.74
香港 59.33 11.67 59.05 12.98 118.38 12.36
中華人民共和國 60.30 12.08 60.74 13.00 121.05 22.18
日本 57.56 9.22 68.53 9.94 126.09 7.23
韓國 64.47 11.84 61.75 12.59 126.23 23.08
泰國 61.16 15.57 65.08 13.84 126.24 28.45
巴西 63.19 13.89 63.30 13.56 126.43 26.38
委內瑞拉 65.20 12.60 67.39 11.67 132.59 22.56
印度 70.31 11.78 63.06 13.94 133.38 23.16
加拿大 73.32 11.72 71.06 11.84 144.38 22.64
法國 70.91 14.46 75.57 11.99 146.54 25.55
馬來西亞 84.11 7.81 84.67 7.86 168.78 14.63
台灣 (倒數第五) 70.00 9.54 52.55 23.79 122.55 26.55
(一) 聽力測驗
1. 在聽力測驗中,分為三部分;第一部分為看圖辨義,選出圖中的動作或狀態最佳描述,共15題,四選一。首先你會聽到以下內容:
This is the listening section of the test. There are three parts to this section.
Part I
Directions: You will see a picture in your test book and you will hear four short statements.
Look at the picture in your test book and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then mark your answer on your answer sheet.



Look at the sample test below and listen to the four statements.
(A) The boys are laughing.
(B) The boys are reading.
(C) The boys are fighting.
(D) The boys are painting.
One of the above stated best describes what you see in the picture. Therefore, you should choose answer (B).

2. 第二部分是簡單對應,為的是測試是否能應付日常生活基礎會話,共20題,三選一。你會聽到:
Part II
Directions: Now, you will hear a question or statement followed by three responses. Choose the best response to each question or statement.
Now, listen to a sample question.
Now let us begin Part Ⅱ with question number 16.
You will hear: Good morning, John. How are you?
You will also hear:
(A) I am fine, thank you.
(B) I am in the living room.
(C) My name is John.
The best response to the question " How are you?" is choice (A), "I am fine, thank you." Therefore you should choose answer (A).



3. 第三部分是綜合旁聽測驗,在於測試是否能將一段對話或敘述整體理解並能迅速確實歸納。共15題,四選一。你會聽到:
Part III
Directions: Now, you will hear several short talks or conversations.
In your test book, you will read a question followed by four answers. Choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.
Now let us begin Part Ⅲ with question number 36.

36. Where is the man going?
(A) To a clothing store.
(B) To a barbershop.
(C) To the bank.
(D) To the dry cleaner's.
37. Who is this announcement for?
(A) Pilots.
(B) Taxi drivers.
(C) Passengers.
(D) Travel agents.

(二) 閱讀測驗
1. 閱讀測驗分兩部分,分別為第四、及第五部分;第四部份考的是克漏字填空。共30題,四選一。一開始你會看到說明範例:
Part IV 
Directions: This part of the test has incomplete sentences. There are four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D), under each sentence. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then mark your answer on your answer sheet.
Please turn off your computer at the _______ of the day.
(A) ends
(B) ending
(C) end
(D) ended
The sentence should read, "Please turn off your computer at the end of the day." Therefore, you should choose answer (C).


1. Would you like to _______ with me?
(A) coming
(B) came
(C) have come
(D) come
2. Marie asked her brother to show her ________.
(A) drive a car
(B) driving a car
(C) how to drive a car
(D) to drive a car

2. 第五部分,也是最後一部分,便是國高中考生慣常見到的圖文敘述式考題。也就是從一個圖表、一封信、或是一段說明中,依題意回答問題。共二十題,四選一。依舊,一開始先是說明:
Part V
Directions: The questions in this part of the test are based on reading materials such as notices, letters, forms, and advertisement. Choose the one best answer, (A), (B), (C), or (D), to each question. Then mark your answer on your answer sheet.
Read the following example.

Will reopen Monday,June 5

What will happen on June 5?
(A) The workers will take a day off.
(B) The cafeteria will open.
(C) The prices will go down.
(D) The school will close.
The notice says that the cafeteria is closed and will open again on June, 5. Therefore, you should choose answer (B).


Question 1-2 refer to the following announcement

Talent Show
The best show you've ever seen!!!
When:May 4, 7p.m to 9 p.m.
Where:School Theater
Why:All money from the show
will be used to support the
student association.

1. What is the announcement about?
(A) Eating lunch
(B) Watching the show
(C) Going to student association
(D) Buying books
2. When does the show end?
(A) At 7:00 P. M.
(B) At 8:00 P. M.
(C) At 9:00 P. M.
(D) At 10:00 P. M.

為了達到 「時時刻刻都在練習英文」 的目標,本次課程簡介的收尾,決定用英文寫,順便給各位當作回家作業玩,希望日後能有機會為各位同學服務,再會囉:
Working as teacher over the past 25 years, I've worked with many students. Some students had bad habits and some had good habits. Most students have so-so habits.
What kind of English learning habits do you have? Are they working for you? Could some of your learning habits be working against you?
Excellence in English speaking won't come from textbooks. It won't come from grammar lessons. It won't come from vocabulary lists. In fact it can't. It's just not possible!
Language learning is different from other kinds of learning. We can't learn English deeply with the same habits and methods we use for math, science, or history. Research has shown again and again that happy and relaxed students acquire languages faster than anxious and bored students. Are you happy and relaxed with your English study?
There are English lessons that keep students happy and help students make maximum progress.
But how?
1) A Combination of Humor and Fun. Imagine looking forward to studying English. Lessons that are even wild, scary, weird, sexy, and outrageouscould be parts of teaching material! No more forcing it day after day. No more fear or worry. Most important, no more boredom!
2) A student's Maximum Progress and Passion. When you have fun and feel the progress with your English speaking and listening, you become passionate about your learning.
To to ake me as an example, this it the function I should follow as a routine, and I think so should you:
Just remember the function as follows, and you can be as successful within shortest time and energy:
(passion + fun) * (foreign languages such as English, and many other hobbies...) * (every day) = Excellence.


(Scripts of the listening test:)
1. Look at picture marked No.1 in your test sheet. What is the woman doing?
(A) She is filling the sink.
(B) She is washing some cups.
(C) She is clearing the table.
(D) She is pouring a drink.
Q: Where is the train station?
(A) Because of the traffic.
(B) Tomorrow morning.
(C) On Union Street.
Q: What do you like for lunch, Jenny?
(A) In the dining room.
(B) Let's order Chinese food.
(C) Yes, I would, please.
A: I'm goint to the dry cleaner's.
B: Could you pick up my jacket?
A: Sure, I'll be back soon.
Captain: May I have your attention, please. Flight 100 to Toronto is now ready to board. Passengers should report to gate 31 immediately.

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