今天被高人指點 gelato 一字的來源,出自這個字:
gel·a·tin also gel·a·tine (jĕl′ə-tn) n.
a. A colorless or slightly yellow, transparent, brittle protein formed by boiling the specially prepared skin, bones, and connective tissue of animals and used in foods, drugs, and photographic film.
b. Any of various similar substances.
2. A jelly made with gelatin, used as a dessert or salad base.
3. A thin sheet made of colored gelatin used in theatrical lighting. Also called gel.
所以 gelato 非常有可能是透過 gelatine 而做成的。
另一個字 pique,若當英文看則為以下:
A state of vexation caused by a perceived slight or indignity; a feeling of wounded pride.
tr.v. piqued, piqu·ing, piques
1. To cause to feel resentment or indignation.
2. To provoke; arouse: The portrait piqued her curiosity.
3. To pride (oneself): He piqued himself on his stylish attire.
但我認為 gelato pique 的老闆,應該不是取以上的意思,而是用法文字根,有 ~of 之意;我大膽猜老闆肯定認為他設計的服飾 'must have somthing to do with italian icecream',甜蜜可愛而充滿異 (意) 國特色吧。
上次把一個字 guillotine 當作是相關字,我認為 gelato 可能是這個字的變形,或為拉丁、或是西法,結果證明我想太多了 ㄏㄏ。