我常在想,若是英文考出像法學一樣的申論題 (例如律師司法官特考),那可真糗,因為只有對該題 '透徹領悟' 之後才能答對。想試試嗎?請看以下這一題,答對請你去 '饗巷時光' 吃到飽,廚師買單:


試申論 medic, medical, medication, medicinal, medicine 等五字之關係與異同。



(一) medic:
1. (Professions) informal a doctor, medical orderly, or medical student
2. (Medicine) informal a doctor, medical orderly, or medical student
3. (Plants) the usual US spelling of medick

(二) medical: 
1. (Medicine) of or relating to the science of medicine or to the treatment of patients by drugs, etc, as opposed to surgery
2. (Medicine) a less common word for medicinal
(Medicine) informal a medical examination
(from Medieval Latin medicālis)

(三) medication:
1. A drug or other substance used to treat disease or injury; a medicine.
2. The act or process of treating a patient with medicine: the response to medication.

(四) medicinal:
1. of, pertaining to, or having the properties of a medicine; curative; remedial.
2. disagreeably suggestive of medicine: a medicinal taste.
3. a medicinal preparation or product.

(五) medicine:
1. (Medicine) any drug or remedy for use in treating, preventing, or alleviating the symptoms of disease
2. (Medicine) the science of preventing, diagnosing, alleviating, or curing disease
3. (Medicine) any nonsurgical branch of medical science
4. (Medicine) the practice or profession of medicine: he's in medicine.
5. (Anthropology & Ethnology) something regarded by primitive people as having magical or remedial properties
6. take one's medicine to accept a deserved punishment
7. a taste of one's own medicine, a dose of one's own medicine an unpleasant experience in retaliation for and by similar methods to an unkind or aggressive act
8. to administer medicine to.
(via Old French from Latin medicīna (art of) healing, from medicus doctor, from medērī to heal)


1. 從字根來看:
以上五個字應都源於拉丁文 medicīna,後因為不同使用面向而有 medicus、medicālis、或 medērī  等變形。皆與廣義之 '醫療' 相關;該字最早乃古法文之字源,英文應居後而從其影響。

2. 從形容詞來看:
medical 包含 medicinal;根據字典義,medical 較偏指 '廣義凡屬醫學與醫療相關的',而 medicinal 較指醫療範圍中的 '藥物的',因此為 medical 所包含。此外,medicinal 也多了一個 '有藥味的' 通俗義,不在包含之列。

3. 從名詞來看:
(1) medic 為 '醫生'、或 '準醫生' 的簡稱或便稱,其意義接近 doctor;另有一義為 '醫用天然藥草或種子' 之泛稱
(2) medical 專指 '醫療檢查' 之義
(3) medication 有三義:一為 '人工製成之藥物'、二為 '投藥治療的行為'、三為 '施打禁藥毒品行為' 的委婉用語,其意義接近 drug
(4) medicinal 指的是 '藥物製備' 的行為
(5) medicine 至少有四義:'醫學'、廣義的 '醫' 與 '藥'、'內科醫學'、原始部落的 '巫醫'

4. 異同比較:
從名詞解觀之,各字意義甚明,惟其中重疊混含、容有區別實益須進一步比較者,應為 medication 的第一義與 medicine 的第二義。從字典解釋與實務上應用面向看,medication 應是指狹義的 '藥物',屬具體意義,可以就 '藥丸、藥水、藥粉、噴劑、皮下注射藥劑' 等方面理解;而 medicine 屬廣義之 '醫藥',為抽象總括之概念也,二者互為包攝關係,所以 medicine 在意義上應包含了 medication,用法場合確不甚相同。

5. 從動詞來看:
僅 medicine 一字具備,為 '對...以醫療照護',實務上罕用,亦無從比較,此略。





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