ardent a. characterized by intensity of feeling
apprehension n. fear of future evil, trepidation
appease v. cause to grow calm or subside
apathy n. lack of concern, esp. about things that others find important
antipathy n. deep-seated dislike
animosity n. active ill will
anachronism n. something out of placce chronologically, not in its proper historical period
amorphous a. lacking shape or definition
ambinalence n. state of having conflicting emotional attitudes
allusion n. indirect or hinted reference
alacrity n. cheerful readiness to respond
adulation n. excessive admiration
adroit a. having skill or resourcefulness in coping with situations
acrimonious a. bitter in words or manner
acquiesce v. agree without protesting
accolade n. award, praise, expression of approval
abstruse a. difficult to understand
abstemious a. temperate, restrained, sparing in eating and dringing