a novelist's life
夏目漱石 (natsume sohseki)
1867年 東京で 生まれた。
in 1867, tokyo in, was born = (He) was born in Tokyo in 1867.
1890年 東京大学に 入った。大学を 出てから、松山や 熊本の 学校で 英語を 教えた。
in 1890, tokyo university into, entered, the university, graduated after, matsuyama and, kumamoto's, schools in, english, taught = In 1890, after he was graduated from the college, he taught English in Matsuyama and Kumamoto.
1896年 熊本で 結婚した。
in 1896, kumamoto in, got married = He got married in Kumamoto in 1896.
1900年 イギリスへ 留学した。
in 1900, england to, studied abroad = He went to England for further study in 1900.
1903年 帰ってから、東京大学で 英文学を 教えた。
in 1903, came back after, tokyo university in, english literature, taught = After he came back from England in 1903, he gave lectures in Tokyo University.
1905年 初めて 小説「吾輩は 猫である」を 書いた。そして 有名に なった。
in 1905, firstly, novel "we are but cats", wrote, therefore, famous, became = For the first time he probed his virgin novel "We are but cats.", and then he became reputed.
1907年 教師を やめて、小説家に なった。たくさんの 小説を 書いた。よく 病気に なった。子どもが 7人 いた。
in 1907, teacher, quit, novelist, became, many, novels, wrote, often, sick, became, children, 7 people, existed = In 1907, he quit his job as an English teacher and became a novelist. He wrote so many novels that he often got sick out of fatigue. He had 7 children.
1916年 亡くなった。(49歳)
in 1916, died = He died in 1916 at the age of 49.
1984年 「千円札の 人」に なった。
in 1984, thousand-dollar-bill character in, became = In 1984 he became one of the figures printed on thousand-dollar bills. (千元大鈔半身像)
- Jul 21 Sat 2012 00:00
阿鴻上菜 (21)
2. 小説家の一生