Beethovan's Centenary (adapted)
by George Bernard Shaw
Now what Beethovan did, and what made some of his greatest contemporaries give him up as a madman with lucid intervals of clowning and bad taste, was that he used music altogether as a means of expressing moods, and completely threw over pattern designing as an end in itself. It is true that he used old patterns all his life with dogged conservatism, but he imposed on them such an overwhelming charge of human energy and passion, including that highest passion which acompanies thought, and reduces the passion of physical appetites to mere animalism, that he not only played Old Harry with their symmetry but often made it impossible to notice that there was any pattern at all beneath the storm of emotion.
小猜謎,猜對今天我請吃飯:文中的 Old Harry 指的是甚麼意思?
蕭伯納(George Bernard Shaw,1856年7月26日-1950年11月2日),直譯為喬治·伯納德·蕭,英國/愛爾蘭劇作家和倫敦政治經濟學院的聯合創始人。早年靠寫作音樂和文學評論謀生,後來因為寫作戲劇而出名。蕭伯納一生寫過超過60部戲劇,擅長以黑色幽默的形式來揭露社會問題。1925年「因為作品具有理想主義和人道主義」而獲諾貝爾文學獎,Alan Lerner曾改編其喜劇作品《賣花女》(Pygmalion)成音樂劇《窈窕淑女》(My Fair Lady),該音樂劇又改編為好萊塢同名賣座電影而家喻戶曉。