

the problems commonly associated with traditional policing 傳統巡邏常見問題

the research on traditional plicing has yielded the followiing problems: 研究指出,傳統巡邏仍衍生以下問題:

1. increasing the number of police does not lower the crime rate or increase the proportion of solved crimes 增加警力,並不能降低犯罪率或提升破案率

2. randomized motor patrol neither lowers crime nor increases the chances of catching suspects 隨機機動巡邏,並不能降低犯罪率或提升逮捕率

3. two-person patrol cars are not more effective than one[erson cars in lwering crime rates or catching criminals, and they are n safer for the officers 兩人巡邏車不見得比單人巡邏車較能降低犯罪率或提升逮捕率,也不見得較安全

4. saturation patrol does not reduce crime, instead, it displaces crime 高頻率巡邏,不能降低犯罪,僅驅趕犯罪到別處而已

5. the kind of crime that terrifies americans most (violent crimes, such as muggings, rape, robberies, and homicide) is rarely encountered by police on patrol 巡邏時較難直接遭遇多數美國人最恐懼的犯罪類型 (例如搶奪、性侵、強盜、謀殺等暴力犯罪、)

6. improving response crime on calls has no effect on the likelihood of arresting criminals or even in satisfying involved citizens 縮短待命員警的回應時間,對逮捕現行犯或滿足報案或受害民眾而言,仍無幫助

7. crimes are not solved through criminal investigations conducted by police - they are soled because susupects are immediatly apprehended or someone indentifies them 員警調查案件,對破案沒有幫助。案子之所以會破,多半是因為嫌犯當場逮捕或經由目擊者指認

(感言:這篇是在暗倡 "巡邏警察無用論" 嗎?)

二、the assumption is that few problems incorporate not only a potential or real crime but also a wider community or social issue. further, problems are associated with a specific location. 我們假設:絕少的問題解決方案可以一體的應用於普遍性的犯罪型態與較廣大的社會議題。再者,問題本身多半具有高度的地域性,普遍化有難度。

the problem-oriented policing is a four-stem model commonly referred to as sara. sara is a continouse self-analysis model utilized in the problem-solving methodology. it is composed of four distict parts: 各位觀眾,現在正式介紹 "SARA 問題導向式巡邏法",由以下四個步驟所構成:

1. scanning: identifying and defining "problems" in a specific neighborhood or beat 類:考量其地域特別性或巡邏路線別,定性問題

2. analysis: an examination of the problem in an effort to understand the scope, nature, and causes of the problem and formulate options for its resolution 析:進一步分析問題;層面、特質、成因,並制定可能解決方案

3. response: the development and implementation of solutions that are community-based and that may include other community agencies or governmental organizations 動:地區性單獨、會同鄰近地區、或會同其他政府組織行動

4. assessment: an evaluation of the impact and the effectiveness of the response 估:檢討案件影響範圍與行動效率


三、community policing 社區巡邏

community policing was a relatively new movement on policing during the 1990s, charactierized by building key partnership within the community andd society of social problems (e.g., poverty, illiteracy, racism, unemplyment), spanning over a neighborhood other than just crime. crime was not viewed as the sole deed rather an entire community resonsibility. for the most part, the movement programs that forstereed five elements: 1. a commitment to crime prevention, 2. police, 3. accountability of police action to the public, 4. customized and police service, and 5. community organization. 社區巡邏的概念於九零後方形成,特色是將警力與社區治安問題,諸如貧困、文盲、種族歧視、失業等,作一協助性的連結,不只是預防犯罪,也是社區協助。犯罪案件已不再被視為當地百姓應自防的責任,這也是整個社區應注意的範圍,應有以下五點的鞏固:第一,致力於犯罪預防,第二,巡邏員警的配置,第三、員警合於社會大眾期待的處分行為,第四、員警執勤的細部規範,第五、相關社區性組織的成立

community policing is preventive, proactive, and information driven. 總之,社區巡邏,是 "預防的、先制的、與因案制宜的"







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