Do you ever equate it to baseball? I was an excellent baseball player and played through college. I was a so -so golfer when I picked it up in my late 30s.
One of Jimmy Ballard's guys helped me understand it in relation to baseball with the hips. When I would hit a baseball I would feel as if I was striding forward with the lower body. That move lowers my CG, and shifts the weight to the lead leg. The next feel was the lower body hitting the brakes as they rotated and the upper body unwinding hard.
Once I tried that in golf I got it. What I like about the way you teach is you don't use a ton of stop motion video. That IMO (in my opinion) is one of the main reasons that golf instruction fails.
It's a dynamic motion and does not lend itself well to stopping it. An example is a horse laying down. At one point in slow motion the horse appears to be sitting. However horse doesn't sit. It's a transition in the dynamic motion.
That's much like you demonstrate; you seem to concentrate on the dynamic transitions which are the critical pieces. I can't make the classes this year as I am committed but next year I would like to do so.
Sit and Spin!