
目前分類:英語 (362)

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Deloitte comes from the Greek denomination of "De" and "Loitte". "De" translates directly to "miserable", with "Loitte" translating to "pathetic human being."

by 'urban dictionary', lol:
1) A workplace that appears desirable from outside the doors, but the reality of torture sets in once the HONEYMOON phase wears off (approximately 1-2 months). 

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回答一下同學的問題 (節錄自 wordreferences 網站):

@ "by far" is used in comparisons to indicate a huge difference.

He is by far more athletic than his brother. (He is much more athletic.)
This is by far the best cheesecake I have ever tasted. (It is so much better than all the others.)

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What's the difference between vegan and vegetarian?
Written by Alina Petre, MS, RD (CA) on August 5, 2016, Healthline

Vegetarian diets have reportedly been around since as early as 700 B.C. Several types exist and individuals may practice them for a variety of reasons, including health, ethics, environmentalism and religion. Vegan diets are a little more recent, but are getting a good amount of press. This article takes a look at the similarities and differences between these two diets. It also discusses how they affect your health and the environment.

What Is a Vegetarian Diet?

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CHRONICLE, New York Times
JAN. 29, 1996

ILANA VERED, the concert pianist, had an emotional reunion the other day -- with her piano. She had not seen it for a year and a half and had all but given it up for lost.

The saga began when she lent the Steinway concert grand, worth about $60,000, which she has owned since 1975, to Summerfest, a concert series she founded at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J.

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  • Dec 16 Sun 2018 20:00
  • earner

earner [ˈɜːnə]
n. (Commerce, informal Brit. and Austrl.) an activity or thing that produces income, esp illicitly: a nice little earner.

中文可以翻為 '搖錢樹'、'台柱 (商業利益上的)',這是種較不正式的詼諧用法。

ex. Shirley Temple, an actress, singer, and dancer, with the bouncing golden curls and lovely smiles, proved to be an overnight success and  a top earner  for the film company.

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Difference Between Lime & Lemon
by John Staughton - October 03, 2018 @ https://www.organicfacts.net

While some people think of a lemon and a lime as interchangeable, there are a number of differences between these two fruits, as well as unique health benefits to both!

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A. A Helping Hand (協助他人):
Maybe you've heard phrases or seen the words printed on a bumper sticker. The saying is a plea for people to do kind things for no particular reasons, with no particular plans. It goes like this: 'Practice random acts of kindness and senseless beauty.' I don't know where it originated or who said it first. But I have seen people putting the idea into practice. (65;這只是約略的字數,後同)

Kindness can be catching, just as cruelty can be. When we do something unexpected and nice for another person, who knows where that act of kindness might end? (30)

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  • Oct 07 Sun 2018 13:00
  • eleni

Nicholas Gage (請注意,不是那個 '惡靈戰警' 喔...)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nicholas Gage (born Nikolaos Gatzoyiannis; Greek: Νίκόλαος Γκατζογιάννης; July 23, 1939) is a Greek-born American author and investigative journalist.

Early life

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glee, in its original sense, to be, 'a song of three or more parts, upon a gay or merry subject, in which all the voices begins and end together, singing the same words. and when subjects of fugue or imitation occur, and the composition is more artifucial than simple counterpoint, it less resembles a glee than a madrigal, which it might whith more propriety be called, if the words are serious; for a serious glee seems a soleciam, and a direct contradiction in terms; the word glee, in saxon, german, and english dictionaries, ancient and modern, implying mirth, merriment, and in old authors, music itself. this definition of the glee, in its oldest form, seems correct, and establishes the distinction between the cheerful glee and the catch. both wore songs in three or more parts, upon gay subjects; but, in the on, the voices began and ended together, while, in the other, they took up their parts in succession.

~ adapted from waldie's select circulating library, vol. 11, pp. 277

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就我所知,'習俗' 有幾個字:

custom, practice, convention, institution

Q. 請問它們之間的差別何在?可以寫在專欄中嗎? :)

A. 專家是這麼說的:

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注意:不是 eg. 或 e.g 喔!記得要打兩點!
“e.g.”是拉丁文 “exempli gratia” 的縮寫,意思是「例如、舉例來說」,就是英文的 for example 或 for instance。

We like all kinds of sports, e.g., tennis and soccer.

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1. substance abuse

2. to lobby

3. a foundry

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1. 什麼是 'patient zero'?(俗)

2. 什麼是 'qtna'?(簡)

3. 什麼是 'dog in the bathtub'?(鄙)

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<a stranger>

it is a stranger i know well

to whom i instill the essense of my soul

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  • Jun 23 Sat 2018 16:00
  • 報仇

許多同學常搞不懂的幾個關於 '報仇' 的字彙與用法:

The man avenged the murder, so he is an avenger.
= The man took revenge on the murder.
= The man took vengeance for the murder. 

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英翻中,答對一題 8 分,加到一百分為止,不答不給分:

1. circadian rhythm

2. detox

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1. You are in a room that has three switches and a closed door. The switches control three light bulbs on the other side of the door. Once you open the door, you may never touch the switches again. How can you definitively tell which switch is connected to each of the light bulbs?

2. A man is looking at a photograph of someone. His friend asks who it is. The man replies, “Brothers and sisters, I have none. But that man’s father is my father’s son.” Who was in the photograph?

3. What is special about these words: job, polish, herb?

4. Forrest left home running. He ran a ways and then turned left, ran the same distance and turned left again, ran the same distance and turned left again. When he got home, there were two masked men. Who were they?

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This Is the Only U.S. State Capital Without a Single McDonald's BY MEGHAN JONES

If you travel to any big city in the United States (or most other countries), it may seem like there's a McDonald's on every street corner. At the very least, there’ll be one set of golden arches beckoning fast food lovers. And, if not in every big city in the world, at least in every U.S. state capital, right?

For the most part, yes. In 49 out of America's 50 state capitals, there is a McDonald’s within the city limits. The odd city out? Montpelier, Vermont.

To be fair, though, it's not as glaring an omission as it might seem. We often think of state capitals as large, bustling cities, but in over half of U.S. states, the capital is actually not the biggest city, Business Insider reports. What's more, Montpelier is the smallest state capital in terms of population, with only about 7,500 people. In addition to being on the small side, Montpelier tends to favor local businesses over large chains, so McDonald's shouldn't take it personally. It doesn't have a Burger King either.

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To whom that may concern, 
As a history teacher in Steven's senior high school, I am quite impressive that Steven Huang is a dedicated member of his class and grade and has donated countless hours of his time to letter and science studies. He, as a zealous assistant, has not only worked with the peers but has also helped to implement plans and programs assigned from school or summer research camps organized by some other research units such as Academia Sinica so as to, according to his journals I once corrected for him, enrich the lives of those around him.

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查 urban dictionary 知 dox 一字有三個條目,讀了那麼久的英文,我只知其一:

1. Dox is an abbreviated term for the word ‘document’ or ‘documents’. Its a common word in the warez-scene, meaning patches, updates cracks etc.
ex. Laura just transferred a copy of all of her computer dox onto her external storage device.

2. Personal information about people on the Internet, often including real name, known aliases, address, phone number, SSN, credit card number, etc. doxxing is when someone's personal information is leaked onto the internet by a hacker. usually includes address, phone number, and place of work.

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