
目前分類:英語 (362)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

105 A

nascent, seminal/ semen/ sperm, marginalia/ footnote, apease, petrol/ patrol/ patron/ parole/ parade/ probation/ impunity, twit/ tweet/ coo/ chirp/ hoot/ moo, banish/ outcast/ exile/ evict, alkane/ methane/ ethane/ propane/ butane/ pentane, repose/ oppose/ dispose, inquiry/ query/ interrogation, tuition waiver, aegis, coercion, do (the) trick, fitful, eerie, gird, curb/ hamper/  obstruct/ hinder/ inhibit/ balk/ thwart/ impede/ foil, rift, mound, knob, prowl, thicket, pledge/ renege

105 B

notion/ ration/ rationale/ reason/ sensibility, congrous/ contiguous/ conspicuous, eradicate, pertinent/ persistent/ consistant/ preeminent/ eminent/ imminent, grapple with, run counter to, discrepancy, helminth, confound, assimilate, conformity/ complaisance/ complacency, efficacy/ efficacious, ephemeral, expedient, phile/ philia/ phobe/ phobia/ pedophilia/ bibliophile/ Anglophile/ acrophobia/ claustrophobia/ xenophobe/ hydrophilic/ hydrophobic, be composed of/ consist of/ comprise/ constitute, antecedent/ predecessor/ precedence, provisional/ tentative, pedestal, the likes of, a select few, sage, cuneiform/ orcle/ glyph/ hieroglyph/ pictogram/ emoji /smiley, fluke, serotonin, santoor/ sarod/ raga, chakra, endorphine

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106 A

nutcase/ nutmeg, garner, hazy/ vague/ vogue/ blurred/ foggy, abominable/ obnoxious/ loathsome/ odious/ despicable/ repulsive/ repugnant/ abhorrent/ reprehensible/ atrocious/ execrable/ foul/ vile/ appalling/ abysmal/ nauseating/ horrid, sanguine, scathe, arduous, astute, ordeal/ toil/ fag/ moil/ bulllock/ drudge(ry)/ travail, cordial/ genial/ affable/ facetious/ jocose/ jocund/ loony/ bantering/ blithe/ chaffing/ convivial/ buoyant/ jovial/ bluff/ morose, fringe benefit, counteract, cognizant, ensemble/ assemble/ resemble, precipitation/ sediment/ residue/ condensation, inflict, postulate, advent, zany, ensue, perpendicular/ orthogonnal/ diagonal/ intersectional/ parallel/ skew/ askew/ slanting/ oblique/ devious, antithesis/ antithetical, surveillance, spectatorship, labyrinth, finch/ flinch/ wince/ grimace/ blench/ recoil/ cringe/ squirm

106 B

abridge/ curtail/ truncate/ prune/ pare down, epitomize, censure/ censor, praise/ appraise, quaint/ acquaint, husk/ hull/ chaff/ rind/ bran/ shuck/ legume/ pod, binary/ unilateral/ bilateral/ colateral, preepmt/ forestall, Knickerbocker, devolve, inkblot test/ inkling, injunction/ fiat/ enjoinment/ exhortation/ mandate/ mandatory/ ordinance, inundate/ outdate/ predate, keystone/ cornerstone/ milestone, schematic/ schematics, distress/ stress, droid, interrogate/ persecute/ prosecute/ catechize/ inquire/ query, ricochet/ reverberate/ recoil/ bounce, parapet, pall/ poll/ pole/ pore/ bore/ appal, thatch, mingle/ mangle/ tangle/ rummage, rumble/ tumble/ stumble on, susceptible, scullery, concentric/ eccentric, innards/ viscera, torpid/ lackadaisical/ languid/ languish/ indolent/  dopey/ comatose, out of the blue, condole/ console/ commiserate

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107 A

alleviate, consecrate/ confiscate, gutter, vivisection, plight/ covenant/ testatment/ oath/ vow/ swear, appropriate/ approbate/ apprehend/ comprehend, rhapsodize/ proliferate, in/ numerate, taskforce, tarnich/ tabloid/ kiosk/ bistro/ boothe, belligerent/ dissident/ dissent/ activist/ foundamentalist/ outcast/ guerrilla/ gorilla, hopscotch, wretch, tramp/ trek, splash/ sputter/ split/ spray/ spit, gyrate/ rotate/ supinate/ pronate/ spin/ orbit/ circle, skip/ skim/ scan/ browse/ graze, stratum/ layer/ coating, anthorpocene, reign/ realm, nicety, terrestrial, riverine, tectonic, buzzword, disseminate, diminish/ abate, crumble, transfix, overlay, augment, cybernetic, flick/ tap/ lash/ slash, immerse/ emmerge, mitigate, ubiquitous/ universal, crypt, anamoly/ anamolous/ abnormal, polyp, symbiosis, netizen/ hater, consortium, benchmark, warfare/ welfare/ wholesome

107 B

implosion, illusion/ delusion/ vision/ imagination/ vagary/ allusion, lapse, languor, larceny, resuscitation/ resurrection, flog, apparel/ apparatus, theism/ atheism/ pantheism/ monotheism/ polytheism/ deism/ agnosticism/ skepticism, relapse, lampoon/ satire, litigant, concave/ convex, kemp/ kempt, burly, allergen, dissipate, bigotry, micrograph, oncogene/ pathogen, comprise, extricate, conceptualization, to the benefit of/ for the benefit of, coroner/ autopsy, entomology, informer/ informitive/ informed, intact/ delible, precocious, tenacious, viable, nonchalant, minute (會議記錄;細微的)/ tenuous/ trivial/ wee/ tendinous, to foil one's attempt, beget, shoehorn, tabernacle, antipode, jiggle/ jingle/ giggle/ jangle, gay abandon, prime time, crib/ cradle/ rocking chair/ hammock/ bunk bed/ cot/ murphy bed/ futon, double nickel, ravel, clomp, flabby/ floppy/ sloppy, dement/ demented/ dementia, wishful thinking, voluptuous, good humored/ just humour me, palazzi, spire/ dom, magniloquent, mottle, mojitos, en plein-air, men of affairs, expatriate, to one's credit

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今天試寫台大研究所英文試題,發現沒有傳說中那麼的超級困難,程度約介於托福與 GRE淺顯用字之間,以自己目前漸漸鬆垮的程度來說,想拿一百,仍非易事。故應抱著謙虛的態度將歷年考古題作一系列重點補充整理:


subtle and seismic, cloister/ cloistered/ cloistral/ eremite/ retiracy/ renunciation/ reclusive/ elusive/ hermit, persimmon/ parsimonia = frugality = abstension = abstinence = austerity = chariness = retrenchment = scrimping = temperance = thriftiness/ skimp on/ stint on/ scrimp on, undertone/ overtone/ voiceover/ catcall, repudiate, forfiture/ forfeit, on the fly, shake off the misfire of, in a return to form, neither here nor there = immaterial, faction/ fraction/ friction/ fracture, remit/ remiss/ remission, excrescence/ excretion/ poop/ stool, man caves, concoct/ conjecture/ conjure/ contrive/ connive, amulet/ mascot/ emblem, patent/ patently, animus/ animosity/ hostility, in droves


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A strip is a long thin piece, or a slice of something. Think of a landing strip or runway at an airport or a strip of paper. Strip as a verb can mean to take off your clothes or it can mean to remove or take off something, such as strip a bed of the bed sheets. 

A stripe can be in reference to a strip, yet in a wider way, or a patch, a pattern: "It had a stripe" "My shirt has a stripe on it." "I painted a stripe down the road," In other words, stripe means a long narrow band. Clothing for example can be striped with alternating colours. The flag of France has three different coloured stripes, blue, white and red.


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The model minority label  21  structural inequality in the U.S. In the context of the ongoing civil rights  22  in the 1960's, when other minority groups were demanding equality and social justice, the success of some minority groups sent a romantic message: the American Dream is possible, despite a history of  23  and discrimination, as long as one had the right kind of character and culture. The American Dream didn't demand a systematic overhaul or  24  of resources; it simply demanded the right culture. It also  25  poverty that existed in other minority communities. Other peoples of color, such as African-American, were blamed for lacking such strong sultural characteristics: being 'lazy', 'violent', sometimes even 'primitive'. (108 台大法研英文 A 卷)

21 a legitimized  b restricted     c upgraded       d suggested
22 a faction         b activation    c realignment   d movement
23 a extension     b oppression c stimulation     d constriction

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智能篩檢測驗總分 (CASI):
85 分 

智能篩檢測驗 (Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument (CASI))檢查意義: 
臨床上,抱怨主觀記憶力減退的情形是非常普遍的,但主觀記憶力減退和實際認知能力退化關係並不一致,也不一定是失智症,有可能只是正常遺忘,因此智能篩檢測驗 Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument (CASI),是一個廣泛使用於失智症相關研究與臨床診斷的評估工具,失智症主要症狀包括記憶力減退及其他認知功能障礙如失語症、失認症、失用症等執行規劃缺損,認知功能退化,仍然是目前臨床上診斷失智症的主要依據。

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n. pl. fish or fish·es
1. Any of numerous cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates characteristically having fins, gills, and a streamlined body and including the bony fishes, such as catfishes and tunas, and the cartilaginous fishes, such as sharks and rays.

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Is there service of sleeper berths on such a drafty dirigible? Apparently, out of the question.


1. draft•y (ˈdræf ti, ˈdrɑf-) 

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  • Mar 26 Tue 2019 17:00
  • 哇考



托福網路考試始於2005年末,全名為「Internet-Based Test」,簡稱「iBT」。TOEFL iBT已逐步地取代了機考(CBT)紙筆試(TOEFL PBT)。網考首先應用於美國、加拿大、法國、德國和義大利,並在2006年裡在全世界普及。

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1. '除了我以外,你不可有別的神' 這句話的 '除了...以外',可對等適用以下哪 (些) 英文辭彙?

a. apart from
b. aside from

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每日一詞:reckoning | 美國名校生的「清算時刻」

大學招生舞弊醜聞持續在美國名校發酵,許多大學正在考慮,捲入這起事件的學生們是應該繼續學業,還是接受懲罰?時報報導稱,這些學生如今正面臨一場「清算」(face a reckoning)。
Reckoning一詞有計算、清算和算總賬之意,在新聞報導中常取清算、審判之意。如時報關於中國「我也是」報導的英文標題:「A MeToo Reckoning in China's Workplace Amid Wave of Accusations」(指控浪潮中,中國職場「我也是」運動的清算)。

A moment of reckoning(清算時刻)是一種常見用法。去年,美國最高法院大法官候選人、耶魯校友卡瓦諾面臨性侵指控之際,一些耶魯學生對自己所在的這間名校的文化與傳統進行了反思。一些人表示,這是「我們所有人的清算時刻」。(a moment of reckoning for all of us.)

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Roman numerals
one of the numerals in the ancient Roman system of notation, still used for certain limited purposes, as in some pagination, dates on buildings, etc. The common basic symbols are I (=1), V (=5), X (=10), L (=50), C (=100), D (=500), and M (=1000). The Roman numerals for one to nine are: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX. A bar over a letter multiplies it by 1000; thus, X̅ equals 10,000. Integers are written according to these two rules: If a letter is immediately followed by one of equal or lesser value, the two values are added; thus, XX equals 20, XV equals 15, VI equals 6. If a letter is immediately followed by one of greater value, the first is subtracted from the second; thus, IV equals 4, XL equals 40, CM equals 900. Examples: XLVII(=47), CXVI(=116), MCXX(=1120), MCMXIV(=1914). Roman numerals may be written in lowercase letters, though they appear more commonly in capitals.


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  • Mar 01 Fri 2019 20:00
  • CET

大學英語考試 (維基)
CET 是中國大陸大學 非英語專業學生的英語考試。關於英語專業學生的考試,請見下文略述 [英語專業四級考試 (TEM-4) 和 英語專業八級考試 (TEM-8)]。

全國大學英語考試(英語:College English Test),俗稱「大學英語四六級」(CET-4 和 CET-6),是指任何大學生均可參加的一種英語考試,由中華人民共和國教育部高等教育司組織的全國統一的單科性、標準化教學考試。


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我常在想,若是英文考出像法學一樣的申論題 (例如律師司法官特考),那可真糗,因為只有對該題 '透徹領悟' 之後才能答對。想試試嗎?請看以下這一題,答對請你去 '饗巷時光' 吃到飽,廚師買單:


試申論 medic, medical, medication, medicinal, medicine 等五字之關係與異同。


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  • Feb 20 Wed 2019 22:20
  • gelato

今天被高人指點 gelato 一字的來源,出自這個字:

gel·a·tin also gel·a·tine  (jĕl′ə-tn) n.
a. A colorless or slightly yellow, transparent, brittle protein formed by boiling the specially prepared skin, bones, and connective tissue of animals and used in foods, drugs, and  photographic film.

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1. go great lengths to; go to great lengths; go to any lengths:to try very hard to achieve something:

ex. Some people go to great lengths to make their homes attractive.
ex. He'll go to any lengths to get what he wants.

2. hold in store (for someone/something):planned or likely to happen

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這是一篇體質很不錯的 '文化英文' 文章,值得日後相關寫作的參考。

2016-10-10 由 小奇老師 發表于 每日頭條

本文略加以增補,原文請見 https://kknews.cc/zh-tw/education/5kmog3.html

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Rory McIlroy's jab of Brian Harman is vintage short guy on short guy crime
By Christopher Powers Jan/4/2019

Golf fans are hoping for a Rory McIlroy resurgence in 2019, because when he's on, there are few players as electric to watch as the four-time major winner. Judging by his early-season press-conference form, they could get their wish, as it appears the Northern Irishman is out for blood.

While meeting with the media at the Sentry Tournament of Champions, a tournament McIlroy qualified for by way of his win at Bay Hill last season, he was asked about arguably the biggest hot-button issue in golf right now: the new Rules. First, he tweaked a voluntary rules meeting for the players, saying "that rules meeting was voluntary, and I voluntarily didn't go," before bursting into laughter.

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jager pro capture success matrix

step 1: condition the pigs to trust the bait; site as a daily food source

step 2: contidition the pigs to trust the corral enclosure as a daily food source

step 3: implement the optimum trigger device to capture the entire sounder

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