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  • Jun 05 Tue 2012 01:17
  • 1984

《一九八四》(英語:Nineteen Eighty-Four),英國作家喬治·歐威爾創作的一部政治諷刺小說,小說創作於1948年,出版於1949年。書中講述了一個令人感到窒息和恐怖的,以追逐權力為最終目標的假想的未來極權主義社會,通過對這個社會中一個普通人溫斯頓·史密斯的生活描寫,投射出了現實生活中極權主義的本質。它與1932年英國赫胥黎著作的《美麗新世界》,以及俄國葉夫根尼·薩米爾欽的《我們》併稱反烏托邦的三部代表作,通常也被認為是政治小說文學的代表作。
《一九八四》已經被翻譯成至少62種語言,而它對英語本身亦產生了意義深遠的影響。書中的術語和小說作者已經成為討論隱私和國家安全問題時的常用語。例如,「歐威爾式的」形容一個令人想到小說中的極權主義社會的行為或組織,而「老大哥在看著你」(BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU,小說中不時見到的標語)則意指任何被認為是侵犯隱私的監視行為。《一九八四》曾在某些時期內被視為危險和具有煽動性的,並因此被許多國家(不單是有時被視為採取「極權主義」的國家)列為禁書。本書被美國時代雜誌評為1923年至今最好的100本英文小說之一,此外還在1984年改編成電影上映[1]。
《一九八四》於1949年6月8日由「塞克爾和沃伯格」公司出版。雖然歐威爾從1945年即開始創作《一九八四》,但小說的大部分是1948年他在蘇格蘭汝拉島(Jura)寫下的。這部小說有至少兩位文學上的前輩。歐威爾熟悉俄國作家扎米亞京1921年的小說《我們》,他曾閱讀此書的法文譯本並在1946年寫過評論。有報導指出歐威爾曾說他用此書作為他下一部小說的模型。批評家大多同意《我們》對《一九八四》產生過具有重要意義的影響。歐威爾亦為凱瑟琳·布德肯(Katharine Burdekin)1937年的《反烏托邦》(或稱「敵托邦」)和《Swastika Night》著迷,並從中借用了描寫未來世界的極權主義國家的主題,在這樣的國家裡除禁書中零散的碎片以外所有「真實的」歷史都已經被抹去。
歐威爾最初將小說命名為《歐洲的最後一個人》(The Last Man in Europe),但是出版商弗裡德里克·沃伯格(Frederic Warburg)出於營銷需求建議他換一個書名。歐威爾未反對這個建議,但他選擇1984這個特別的年份的原因並不為人所知。也許他將他寫作這本書的那一年(1948年)的後兩位數顛倒過來,成為了可以預見的未來的1984年。他也可能藉此暗指費邊社(一個社會黨組織,創立於1884年)成立一百週年。此外,他亦可能暗指傑克·倫敦的小說《鐵蹄》(其中一個政治勢力於1984年登上權力舞台)、徹斯特頓(G. K. Chesterton)的《諾丁山的拿破崙》(The Napoleon of Notting Hill,亦設定在1984年)或者他的妻子奧莎絲尼詩(Eileen O'Shaughnessy)的一首詩,詩名為「本世紀的終點,1984」。關於書名的最後一個猜測是歐威爾原本準備的書名是1980,但是由於疾病,小說的完成變得遙遙無期,因此他感到有必要將故事推入更遠的未來。

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Keep Calm and Carry On was a poster produced by the British government in 1939 during the beginning of the Second World War, intended to raise the morale of the British public in the event of invasion. Seeing only limited distribution, it was little known. The poster was rediscovered in 2000 and has been re-issued by a number of private companies, and used as the decorative theme for a range of other products. There were only two known surviving examples of the poster outside government archives until a collection of about 20 originals was brought in to the Antiques Roadshow in 2012 by the daughter of an ex-Royal Observer Corps member.
The poster was initially produced by the Ministry of Information, in 1939, at the beginning of the Second World War. It was intended to be distributed in order to strengthen morale in the event of a wartime disaster. Over 2,500,000 copies were printed, although the poster was distributed only in limited numbers. The designer of the poster is not known.
The poster was third in a series of three. The previous two posters from the series, "Freedom Is In Peril. Defend It With All Your Might" (400,000 printed) and "Your Courage, Your Cheerfulness, Your Resolution Will Bring Us Victory" (800,000 printed) and were issued and used across the country for motivational purposes, as the Ministry of Information assumed that the events of the first weeks of the war would demoralise the population. Planning for the posters started in April 1939; by June designs were prepared, and by August 1939, they were on their way to the printers, to be placed up within 24 hours of the outbreak of war. The posters were designed to have a uniform device, be a design associated with the Ministry of Information, and have a unique and recognisable lettering, with a message from the King to his people. An icon of a crown was chosen to head the poster, rather than a photograph. The slogans were created by civil servants, with a career civil servant, Waterfield, coming up with "Your Courage" as "a rallying war-cry that will bring out the best in everyone of us and put us in an offensive mood at once". These particular posters were designed as "a statement of the duty of the individual citizen", un-pictorial, to be accompanied by more colloquial designs. The "Your Courage" poster was much more famous during the war, as it was the first of the Ministry of Information's posters. The press, fearful of censorship, created a backlash, and thus a lot of material related to these posters has been kept by archives.

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Disambiguation (also called word sense disambiguation or text disambiguation) is the act of interpreting an author's intended use of a word that has multiple meanings or spellings.
Since disambiguation can even be a difficult task for humans, it is understandable that computers also have a bit of trouble. For programs such as medical transcription applications, which transcribe spoken language to written language, or assistive technologies that translate typed text into artificial speech, words that have different meanings and spellings can be a challenge. There are two popular methods to address disambiguation: the shallow method and the deep method.
The shallow method, which uses nearby words to determine what the intended meaning, is the more commonly used method. Although it is fairly accurate, this method cannot always be relied on, especially if there are multiple words in the same document that have different meanings. Still, this method is the easiest to implement.
The deep method goes further into the meanings of the words, pulling from lexicons of dictionaries and thesauruses to determine all the possibilities for a word's meaning. Although this is a more precise method to eliminate disambiguation, it is very difficult, primarily because  a database comprehensive enough to perform the task with a high degree of accuracy is difficult to create. When a smaller, less comprehensive database is used, the results are likely to be less  accurate.

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AARON: (希伯來) 啟發的意思,AARON 被描繪為不高但英俊的男人,誠實刻苦具有責任感,是個有效率個性沉靜的領導者。  
ABEL: (希伯來) "呼吸"的意思,為 ABELARD的簡寫,大部份的人認為 ABEL 是高大,強壯的運動員,能幹,獨立,又聰明。有些人則認為 ABEL 是瘦小,溫順的男孩。 
ABRAHAM: 原為希伯來文,意為"民族之父"。後來,它演變成"萬物之父"的意思。大多數人將 ABRAHAM 形容為高大壯碩留著鬍子的領袖,誠實,莊嚴,聰明,像亞伯拉翰林肯總統一樣。

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  • Apr 06 Fri 2012 00:00
  • Vergil

Adapted from Wikipedia

Publius Vergilius Maro (October 15, 70 BC – September 21, 19 BC), usually called Virgil or Vergil (English pronunciation: /ˈvɜrdʒəl/) in English, was an ancient Roman poet of the Augustan period. He is known for three major works of Latin literature, the Eclogues (or Bucolics), the Georgics, and the epic Aeneid. A number of minor poems, collected in the Appendix Vergiliana, are sometimes attributed to him.

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(Adapted from Wikipedia)
Samuel Johnson (18 September 1709 [O.S. 7 September] – 13 December 1784), often referred to as Dr Johnson, was an English author who made lasting contributions to English literature as a poet, essayist, moralist, literary critic, biographer, editor and lexicographer. Johnson was a devout Anglican and committed Tory, and has been described as "arguably the most distinguished man of letters in English history". He is also the subject of "the most famous single work of biographical art in the whole of literature": James Boswell's Life of Samuel Johnson.

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地名是其中一個,科技詞彙也很長。我們很難去界定它。 (注意:單字的長度指的是有幾個字母,而非發音或音節的長度。)
最長的英文單字在化學名詞中,最長的單字是肌聯蛋白的全名,由 Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginyltyrosyl 開始,以

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A Fire Truck
by Richard Wilbur

Right down the shocked street with a siren-blast

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一些你可能不知道或易混淆的進階英文法 40 項;它們通常看似簡單不起眼,故常被忽略,茲表列目錄如下,再以單元講座模式,分別不定期依序解說:

1. 動詞 -ed 以及 -ing 的接續見解
2. 現在進行式泛指狀態的用法

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不愛看書的我於是想了想,到底覺得有哪些記載是對於一個不愛看書的人而言,仍是不得不看的 「重要的」 讀物;像我這種咖,只會管葡萄甜不甜,從沒想過葡萄會不會憤怒。所以,的確有必要想出一個更好的辦法,以減少閱讀量為己任的前提下,仍可從書本中吸收到夠用的知識。順便分享給 「同好」,自助助人。

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202. 關係代名詞的省略
關係代名詞,除在a. 複合關代、b. 介係詞前置、c. 不定人稱關係代名詞用法、及d. 所有格關代等情況下不可省略外,有下列三種省略樣態:
a. 關係代名詞為主詞、且後接 be 動詞時,可將關代連同 be 動詞一起省去:
I like the helmet which is on the table. = I like the helmet (which is) on the table. (我喜歡桌上那頂安全帽。) 本例子句中的 which 為主詞。另有文法書稱此為 「形容詞子句副詞化」,說穿了只是省略用法而已。

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93 指考

Travel is the best teacher, and you can take that to the bank. I wonder if there’s anyone who is reluctant to take a trip somewhere other than the places he or she lives for long, going out for other enjoyment of living. I’m personally for learning without books, and this is exactly what our old ancestors have always been emphasizing: ‘ Reading piles of books speaks less loud than traveling miles of routes.’

I once traveled to Japan , a place of Mecca that every video gamer should take pilgrim to. As the plane landed on Narida Airport , I saw nothing but the tidiness of the environment and freshness of the unpolluted air, though Japan is a highly industrialized country. The very first lesson I’ve got is that people in Japan know how to respect others and their motherland, which the first thing first for a country to be rich and strong. (151 words)


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201. 「準關係代名詞」 (定義詳第35條以下) 的用法,常見僅有 than, but, as 等三字:
a. Ron prepared more hot dogs than were needed for the party. = Ron prepared more hot dogs than the hot dogs that were needed for the party. = Ron prepared more hot dogs than that were needed for the party. (志榮準備了超過派對所需的熱狗。)
I see nowadays less people who drive than ride. = I see nowadays less people who drive than the people who ride. (我見時下騎車的人比開車的多了。)
b. Ron needs nothing but makes his motor faster. = Ron needs nothing but anything that makes his motor faster. = Ron needs nothing but what makes his motor faster. (除了可以讓車子更快的東西,志榮別無所需。)

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200. 「形容詞子句」 的定義:修飾主句中之主詞或受詞 (此稱 「先行詞」,詳第35條以下),以關係代名詞 (詳第35條以下) 連接、為一俱有形容詞功能之子句稱之。其基本結構為:「先行詞 + 關代 (作主詞) + V. + ...」、「先行詞 + 關代 (作受詞) + S. + V. + (O.)...」、或 「先行詞 + 介詞 + 關代 + ...」 等;皆視先行詞為基礎,而可有下列樣態之變化:
a. 先行詞為主詞且人時:
An experienced mechanician who can adjust the control of the throttle is badly wanted by Victor. (松濤急需要一個有經驗的技師幫他調整油門。) 此時也可用 that 取代 who。
b. 先行詞為主詞且非人時:

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My Favorite Club - 雅雅學語 (英文演講稿,3 分鐘)

Hello everyone, my name is Georgia, exactly the same name as in the greatest hit of Ray Charles around 1960s. Of course I wish most of you would often be crooning the melody of 'Georgia On My Mind' for what this friendly and nice girl has impressed you later.
As an outgoing and active girl as I am, I'm well expected to sign in some 'energetic' and 'rhythmic' clubs for rock bands or folk dance and so on. Well, quite on the contrary, my favorite club is way too far from your expactation. I'd rather actually like to take to some 'static' chores of arts and crafts. Among them, I like BEADWORK most. Because of this dramatic difference between my inner ego and outer appearance, I wonder if I could one day star in 'Dr. Jakyll and Mr. Hyde' for I'm the real 'Lady Double-dealer.' 
I like to do the beading. And that's why I entered the beading club without hesitation at the very beginning of my school days. However, I often got beating from my parents when I did it instead of my writing. Some of you may be not quite familiar with the art of handcraft yet. Some may not understand the pleasure of attaching the colorful small beads to one another to make it a decent art piece. Well, beadwork is of great fun, you can not only enjoy the excitement and sense of achievement of dexterity by reeving the beadwork but also save lots of money from buying purses or wallets at department stores for you simply can make them yourself. I once made a 'beady' bag to my mom, and she took it as one with real jewelry on it. She liked her bag very much and was proud of me. 

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198.  「副詞子句」 的定義:用以表示主句之原因、結果、讓步、假設、目的、時間、地點、以及其他情狀修飾之子句稱之。
除 ‘so’ 所連接表結果之副詞子句外,所有副詞子句皆可與主句前後倒置,已如前例 (191) 所示,此略。各用法分類如下:
a. 表原因,如 because, as, for... 等所連接的子句:
I know much about motorcycles because Ron often teaches a lot. (關於摩托車,我懂得不少,全是因為志榮教我的關係。)

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推一篇強者的文章!出處忘了... 真抱歉啊... (反正都是從網路就對了)

(文章提到的東東,ptt 托福版都可找到)

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197. 「間接問句」 的定義:以疑問副詞帶領之名詞子句稱之。其結構可分為以下三類:
(1) 類倒裝句型:
a. when:
I don’t know when Ron can visit Victor in Osaka. (我不知志榮何時可以去大阪找松濤。) 先寫疑問詞,再寫直述句。

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195. 子句概論
「子句」 的定義:
a. 複合句 (由主句與子句組成) 中有別於 「主句」,連接於主句之前後而有修飾名詞、修飾全句之情狀 (時、地、原因、讓步、條件等)、作為主句中之主詞或受詞等附屬性質之句子稱之。又可粗分為 「名詞子句」、「間接問句」、「副詞子句」、「關係副詞子句」、「形容詞子句」 等五種。
b. 另說稱子句有二種:「對等子句」 與 「主要子句與從屬子句」 ,又舉凡複合句皆由子句組成,有 「對等子句 + 對等子句」 者、亦有 「主要子句 + 從屬子句」 者謂。本綱要採前說。

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