1901. photo [ˋfoto] = photograph
1902. photograph [ˋfotə͵græf] (c) 照片;相片
1903. photographer [fəˋtɑgrəfɚ] (c) 攝影師
1904. photography [fəˋtɑgrəfɪ] (u) 攝影學
目前分類:英語 (362)
- Jun 26 Wed 2013 00:00
國中小學字彙手冊 (39)
- Jun 19 Wed 2013 00:00
國中小學字彙手冊 (38)
1851. parent [ˋpɛrənt] (c) 雙親之一
There are more and more single-parent families in Taiwan.
1852. park [pɑrk] (c) 公園
- Jun 14 Fri 2013 15:00
多益普級英語測驗(TOEIC Bridge)是美國教育測驗服務社(ETS, Educational Testing Service)所研發,是專為英語初學者所設計的測驗,目的是讓初學者藉由參加多益普級英語測驗,自我評量,進而獲得增進英語能力的指引與動機。
多益普級英語測驗能提供英語初學者學習與努力的方向之外,更能刺激持續學習的動力,並在未來英語能力提昇時,進一步參加多益英語測驗 (TOEIC)。而廣義的多益英語測驗公信力可在由全球六十多個國家,四千家以上的企業以其為員工聘用及內部升遷、外派、加薪的標準來證明。
- Jun 12 Wed 2013 00:00
國中小學字彙手冊 (37)
1801. operate [ˋɑpə͵ret] (vt) 操作;運作;動手術
The machine is working well.
1802. operation [͵ɑpəˋreʃən] (c) 操作;運作;手術
- Jun 05 Wed 2013 00:00
國中小學字彙手冊 (36)
1751. none [nʌn] (pn) (一個也) 沒有;沒有人;空無一物
Why did my brother get so much and I got none?
- May 29 Wed 2013 00:00
國中小學字彙手冊 (35)
1701. napkin [ˋnæpkɪn] (c) 餐巾;手巾;尿布;衛生棉
Mom put a napkin around the baby when eating.
1702. narrow [ˋnæro] (a) 窄的
- May 22 Wed 2013 18:20
一、多益(Test of English for International Communication,TOEIC)是針對英語非母語人士所設計的英語能力測驗。測驗成績反映受測者在國際職場環境中,與他人透過英語溝通的熟悉程度。測驗內容以日常使用的英語為主,是以職業環境為基準的英語能力測驗,有「商業托福」之稱。
- May 22 Wed 2013 00:00
國中小學字彙手冊 (34)
1651. mixture [ˋmɪkstʃɚ] (c) 混合;混合物
I don’t want to drink the mixture of carrots and celeries.
1652. ml [ ˋɛmˋɛl] = milliliter
- May 15 Wed 2013 00:00
國中小學字彙手冊 (33)
1601. memory [ˋmɛmərɪ] (c) 記憶;回憶
Do people get poor memories when they are old?
1602. mental [ˋmɛnt!] (a) 心理的;精神上的
- May 01 Wed 2013 00:00
國中小學字彙手冊 (32)
The manager used better ways of management to save the company.
1552. mankind [mænˋkaɪnd] (u) 全人類
- Apr 24 Wed 2013 00:00
國中小學字彙手冊 (31)
1501. little [ˋlɪt!] (a) (年紀、程度)小的
One little and two little Indians make three little Indians.
1502. litre [ˋlitɚ] SEE L
- Apr 17 Wed 2013 00:00
國中小學字彙手冊 (30)
The man without food leaned on the wall, not knowing what to do.
1452. leap [lip] (vi;vt;c) 一跳;一躍
- Apr 10 Wed 2013 00:00
國中小學字彙手冊 (29)
1401. kitchen [ˋkɪtʃɪn] (c) 廚房
Some people say that the kitchen is the office of housewives.
1402. kite [kaɪt] (c) 風箏
- Apr 03 Wed 2013 00:00
國中小學字彙手冊 (28)
1351. jeans [dʒinz] (pl) 牛仔褲
Tonny got a pair of jeans as his 14th birthday.
1352. jeep [dʒip] (c) 吉普車
- Mar 27 Wed 2013 00:00
國中小學字彙手冊 (27)
1301. influential [͵ɪnflʊˋɛnʃəl] (a) 有影響力的
My father is a very influential person in the field of politics.
1302. inform [ɪnˋfɔrm] (vt) 通知;告知
- Mar 13 Wed 2013 00:00
國中小學字彙手冊 (26)
- Mar 06 Wed 2013 00:00
國中小學字彙手冊 (25)
Quite different to the fairy tales, hippoes are one of the most violent animals in the world.
1202. hippopotamus [͵hɪpəˋpɑtəməs] = hippohire [haɪr]
- Feb 27 Wed 2013 00:00
國中小學字彙手冊 (24)
Speak louder! I can hardly hear you!
1152. harm [hɑrm] (vt) 使受傷害;使受傷
- Feb 13 Wed 2013 00:00
國中小學字彙手冊 (23)
1102. grandfather [ˋgrænd͵fɑðɚ] (c) 爺爺
1103. grandma [ˋgrændmɑ] SEE grandmother
1104. grandmother [ˋgrænd͵mʌðɚ] (c) 奶奶
- Feb 09 Sat 2013 00:00
阿鴻上菜 (50)
296. governmental interests analysis = 政府利益分析說
In conflict of laws, characterisation is the second stage in the procedure to resolve a lawsuit involving a foreign law element. This process is described in English law as classification and as qualification in French law. In those cases where a different result would be achieved depending on which of several possibly relevant laws is applied, this stage of the process reveals the relevant rule for the choice of law but it is not necessarily a simple process (see the incidental question). The first stage is for the court to determine whether it has jurisdiction, where appropriate confronting the problem of forum shopping.