My dear and beloved Chris,
it is really stunting to know till today that you are also Chris! Where is the chainsaw guy then? You know, I am so proud of my name for now I can say loudly, dare claim bravely, and have realized clearly that I am of the Lord and the purpose of my rest life is Jesus-driven. Maybe you have not known Him, our Lord, much enough, but I am so happy and so honored to share the same name with you. Frankly to say, it is you that deserve the name far better than I do. You have a tender heart and a soft mind that can absorb almost anything against you, even if some rub you the wrong way boldly. I have seen you through a junior to a strong, well-educated, gentle young man, knowing the most etiquettes. You are actually my best student that reached way beyond average and always within the most decent and satisfying performances. Since long ago would I like to reveal you all this, buried in my mind, and then give you a big hug, But I lurched, only to waste much time before on those meaningless pursues for vanities. I am sorry, Chris, for not encouraging you in time, that you yourself is one of my greatest harvests in the field of 20-year English teaching. But still it is not too late, I think, except for some warm and sincere advice on aspiring after  the only truth, regardless of my naive promise some years ago to teach you four tricky  "tricks" to get the world in a snap, well, so honestly than ever:

"People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."

Please trust me as you did before, young master, though I was never a real teacher as I was supposed to be. This time, everything seems to have been in the right groove already...

Best Wishes With All My Heart


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