阿鴻不好意思,最近高中生都在準備備審資料,其中的英文自傳,更是惱人。於是我便參加了 「順手寫自傳,救救白爛棠」 的活動,以助其高中。所以中間抽插一篇自傳翻譯參考,日文只好暫停一次了:

我是 順棠,出生於繁榮的台北市,家中有五位成員,父親從事服務業工作,做事努力勤奮,為人熱心服務。母親從事家管,做事條理分明,在家庭的忙碌下,始終無怨無悔的付出。我在家中排行老么,父母親學歷不高,可是對我的教育卻非常注重,不只讓我接觸功文數學,更精心挑選課後輔導班,也培養我正確的學習態度。
1. Background And Aptitude
My name is Candy, born in the boisterous Taipei City. There are 5 members in my family: my father works for service industry, a diligent and hard-working old funiture master. My mom does all the household. She puts everything in order between us brothers and sisters, devoting herself to the whole family, taking charge of daily chores year after year.
As the Benjamin at home, cycling is my favorite passtime and best pal, accompanying me though tiring studying drillings, enabling a robust muscular fitness, and calming me down. I once joined 'tour de Taipei', a big cycing sport event held in Taipei in one summer. Sweating and exhausted, so many time would I want to quit the game when climbing over hills along Chung-he, Hsin-tien, Shen-ken, Ping-shii, Hsan-lin Primary School at Hsuan-shii, Gong-liao, Fu-long, Au-dii, Long-dong, and eventually National Taiwan Ocean University, a place where I was deeply fascinated by her beautiful landscapes and campus. I told myself --- It's exactly the college I wish for! 
2. Resumi And Performance
Graduated from Jii-jen Elementary School, I was taught to be industrious and persevering. In junior high, my parents chose Hai-shan Middle School for me. In such a highly intensive and studying-oriented school, I could only get on my nerves and try to be more competitive. There I attended scout club as a schreibling, joining some camping activities and non-profit community service, where I learnt a lot about how people should behave as a member of a society. I still remembered once in a very big camping gathering held every 7 years, I strongly perceived my transformation from a naive lad to a responsible juvenile, for I noticed the importance of independence and teamwork.
Qualified for municipal high schools though, I decided to enter Jii-jen High School instead for a better studying environment and academic ambience. There I could raise many questions as I liked to enhance my self-studying and attitude for future research. Teachers and schoolmates are also amiable and patient, always ready to solve any question with me. I once volunteered to join a national composition contest of geographical issues. I got not place then, but I knew how to solve problems and adjust meself to the right direction through practicing, probing, or testing.
(一) 高一時參加日文社並擔任文書。高二時參加高爾夫社並擔任社長。
(二) 高中時擔任總務股長、內掃股長、歷史小老師、公民小老師與地理小老師。
(三) 高一時參加全國性的地理小論文比賽。
(四) 高二下時參加環保志工的服務。
3. Clubs, TA, And Contests 
a. Assistant clerk in Japanese Club, Club leader of Golf Club
b. Class leader for general affairs and sanitation
c. History and CJE (Civic and Juristic Ethics) TA
d. EP volunteer service
4. A Humble Wish
My father and I once went back to our hometown in southern Taiwan. There were several constructions for river training. I saw engineers as supervisors telling local people how to build up piles or lines of dikes or embankments, in spite of blazing sunlight. Out of curiosity, I asked one engineer why they had to do this with such hurry. He told me that a secured living was first thing first in terms of hard working under nasty weather. He said to me what would tiring and exhaustion be for if he could bring living safety to the people there away from threatenings of typhoons and floods hereafter. Deeply impressed by such noble service-oriented purpose owned by the engineer, thus I humbly hope I could one day be an excellent engineeer of harbour and river engineering as he is, and that is the very incentive for me to enter NTOU.

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