1. Does a smart cellphone hinder or better your studying?
A: In my opinion, to have a smart phone is almost a must to office workers or businesspeople nowadays, yet it may not fit for a student’s case. As students, especially senior highs, we should focus more on what we learn every day in class or after class, to make sure if we understand what the teachers taught thoroughly, and try to do our assignments from teachers of each subject each time. In addition, we have to spare the rest of our leisure for improve our physical conditions, making ourselves healthier and tougher for the coming entrance exam, in which it is so hard to get high scores for ideal colleges.
In other words, we ought to face the harsh challenge in front of us with all our might to not only accomplish our missions granted as a high student’s goal but fulfill our parents sincere hopes. We would rather lose contact with our classmates or, say, not so easy to contact them, than use a smart phone to get online chatting with our buddies and fail our studying and exams in the near future. So, is it really smart to use a smart phone at this very moment?

2. Introduce the features of our school to the new comers.

A: There are numerous advantages to enter our school as a freshman, and a few examples are as follows:

a. We have one of the most beautiful views among high schools in Taipei. Located in the Lin-kou Plateau, our high school oversees the landscape of Taipei and Taoyuan Cities, which are surrounded by dense forests and wetlands in linking with the Pacific Ocean. You can experience a splendid panorama of Taipei. When night falls, such view would be simply unforgettable!

b. You can meet the nicest people here in the campus, no matter the Principal, teachers, staff, or the students and neighbors. The teachers are all with passions and zeal, making efforts to sculpt their ‘disciples’ into philosophical Laocoontes or gorgeous Vinuses. Therefore, our entire education environment is filled with the sense of literature and aesthetics.

c. Last but not least, as the name of our school, there are many friendly overseas students paying visits of exchange studies from all over the world. We can easily get in touch with foreign cultures and thoughts with them as well as sharpen our communications in foreign language other than English, such as Japanese, Vietnamese, Indonesian, and so on.

3. Share us one of your most unforgettable experiences in your life.
A: As I first came into the school, the only subject that I have great fear for is English! I hate English so much that I once even tried to abandon college for English is a compulsory major of all kinds. But Mr. Chiou taught me with greatest patience and urged me to practice English from the very basic level and never gave me up. On and on, my English has been greatly improved. In last mid-term exam, I got even 70 points on my English and was the top ten in our class. I once get my nerve and confidence back for my coming college exam. I owe special thanks to my English teacher here in our school, Mr. Chiou. He makes me know what real learning should be. I am so proud of myself as a student, a brave student, to overcome the hardship I ever faced, and, of course, I would certainly like my school, one day, to be proud of me!

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