現在的教育卻扼殺了創意,因為現在的教育制度的概念,我們對智力的看法取決於學術能力的高低。但目前我們面臨到文憑膨脹的時代,這顯示著整個教育結構正在我們腳下改變,我們必須徹底重新思考我們對智力的看法。肯尼.羅賓森提出智慧包括下列三件事: 第一、多樣性。第二、智力應該是充滿活力的。智力的第三件事:是與眾不同。因此我們要藉由看重人類創意的豐富性,提供全人教育,使他們能夠面對未來。我覺得每個小孩在出生時都有豐富的創造力,就像羅賓森的小故事一樣,小孩是如此天真且不怕犯錯的,因此他們可以盡情的發揮想像力,然而我們現在的教育卻抑制了他們創造力的成長,甚至有些孩子已失去冒險的能力,然而我們只想把每個人都培育成向教授那樣的菁英,卻忽略了還有像是藝術家般的可能性,真的非常可惜。我覺得教育是一件非常重要的事,而時代的變遷,越來越多人提出更好的教育方式,至於如何實現,也是我們要多想的。雖然現在台灣的教育環境還有很多地方需要改善,希望之後也能有所改變,發展全人教育,提升我們的教育品質。
contemporary education chokes down creativity as within the concept of modern education we take intelligence as the competency of academic performance. however, in the age of credential inflation, it shows the whole educational system changes sneakily under our feet, in which we should retrospect our views of intelligence. kenny rogers raises three dimensions to observe so-called 'intelligence': first, diversity, second, liveliness, and the third but not least, outstanding. therefore we will want to put more attention to the abundance of creativity, well-being (holistic) education, in order to provide our next generations with enough courage to face their future. besides, i personally think every child will be as brilliant as a connoisseur of creativity, who is naive and has no fear for making any mistake. our modern educational methodology hinders their growth of it, and even some of the children have lost their pluck to take chances and dare to venture. all in all, there seems lots of weak points in taiwan's education environment for the scholars to fix and improve.