Hi, there. My name is Wendy Chou. I'm a 16-year-old senior high school girl at Shu-lin High School, living in Ban-chiao. As a student, I lead a simple but busy life. I go to school every weekday. After school, I attend a drilling group organized by our room teacher in order to get better performance at the coming JCEE two years later. Some classmates and I study together till late evening. From Mondays to Fridays, the only thing I do is study, study, and study. Days are almost the same. In this group, I learn many good ways of studying, including making a good study plan, regular reviews and previews, how to take notes efficiently, along with the importance of a balanced and nutritious diet. After acquiring all these 'secret weapons' for successful learning, I am quite confident of all the major subjects, especially English, and hoping to enter my ideal college so as my family and teachers expect.

I've had a habit of reading English extracurricular readings since childhood. Most of my pals speak excellent English. It's just beyond description to how important English is to me. English almost takes all of my free time as I listen to English songs, read English romans, watch sitcoms, and movies. CNN is also another good choice to enhance my listening comprehension, where you can get a brief command over worldwide current breaking news and events. Thanks to all these edifying and interesting learning materials, learning English becomes much easier. My English is thus improved. English has turned itself into a craze for me as a staple in my daily life. On the weekends, in addition to preparing the tests for Monday and reading English, I spare most of the time staying with my friends, tutoring my siblings with their assignments, helping Mom do the dishes and laudries from time to time, singing karaoke with my classmates, and play video games at my study. Quite often I just lie on bed, watching the ceilings and doing nothing. I enjoy such ways of relaxation. It never makes me enervated.  I am quite satisfied with my life this way. I am very lucky to have all this, and I also would like to help others enjoy such happiness as I do by devoting myself to improving the communities after finishing my studies. May this happy days of all people go on and on forever.

Extrovert, generous, full of curiosity, and sometimes even audacious are the most common terms for my friends when they talk about my personality. I get acquainted with strange people quickly because of my frank and friendly manners of grooming. I am also very curious about anything new and would like to visit where I've not been to. As a potential member of the 'Oversea Learning Camp', I am very lucky to apply English, which I've been practicing all the time, to communicate with people overseas via the camp activities to tell them:
1. how loving and beautiful Taiwan is, along with Shu-lin High School, my favorite campus.
2. that I'd like to broaden my horizontal to befriend many kind people from around the world.
3. the disparity and diversity of mutual acculturation between Taiwan and the US.

In short, America is a multi-cultural melting pot, where I am sure to experience an unprecedented learning there!



蔣幹:「操你嗎?我幹。」曹操 (收訊不好) :「我操,你誰啊?」

Wendy is such a lovely girl, and you shouldn't miss knowing her!


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