刑事訴訟法 The Code of Criminal Procedure

通則 General Provisions

法院管轄 Jurisdiction Of Courts

法院職員之迴避 Disqualification of Court Officers

文書 Documents

送達 Service

當事人 Party

被告 Defendant

自訴人 Private Prosecutor

檢察官 Prosecutor

辯護人 Defense Attorney

告訴代理人 Agent

輔佐人 Assistant

證人 Witness

被害人 Victim

檢察事務官 Prosecutor Investigator

司法警察官 Judicial Police Officer

法官 Judge

鑑定人 Expert Witness

通譯 Interpreter

強制處分 Prosecutors' Order

傳喚 Summon

訊問 Examination of Accused

拘提 Arrest with a Warrant

逮捕 Arrest

通緝 Circular Order

羈押 Detention of Accused

交保 Bail

責付 Commit the Accused to the Custody of

限制住居 With a Limitation on Someone's Residence

身體檢查 Physical Examination

留置鑑定 Detention of an Accused for Expert Examination

搜索 Search

扣押 Seizure

鑑定 Expert Examination

勘驗 Inspection

證據保全 Perpetuation of Evidence

偵查終結 Investigation Concluded

不起訴 Not to prosecuted

緩起訴 Deferred Prosecution

起訴 Indictment

聲請簡易判決處刑 Apply for Summary Judgment

聲請再議 Apply for Reconsideration of the Ruling

職權送再議 Ex Officio Send the Ruling for Reconsideration

交付審判 Setting for Trial

審判程序 Judiciary Proceedings

準備程序 Preliminary Proceeding

通常程序 Regular Proceeding

簡易程序 Summary Procedure

自訴 Private Prosecution

公訴 Public Prosecution

上訴 Appeal

抗告 Interlocutory Apppeal

再審 Retrial

非常上訴 Extraordinary Apppeal

第一審 The First Instance

第二審 The Second Instance

第三審 The Third Instance

執行 Enforcement

附帶民事訴訟 Supplementary Civil Action

審判 Trial

自首 Surrender Oneself up to Justice

自白 Confession

易科罰金 Convert Imprisonment into Fine

受刑人 Sentenced Person



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