
I was born in a fairly medium yet sweet family. Daddy is a hard-working programmer; mommy is an accountant. My sister and I are students. Parents teach us in quite a  democratic way, hoping us to be independent, active in learning, and thus stimulate useful life experience, where they offer us endless encouragement and advice nonstop. They want from us no more than two main things: one is to keep healthy, the other is to behave well, for if there were not healthy and sturdy mental and physical condition, no matter how we are talented, we could not even act it out a bit. In addition, no matter how high we could get the academic achievement, we would never be respected if we own little of virtue of merits.
在小學時代的我很活潑,在課業上表現中上,且熱心助人,除擔任過班長等幹部及小老師,協助班上事務。到國中後,正直韓流來台,不少同學開始喜歡韓國偶像,我也受他們的影響開始聽韓文歌、看韓劇跟韓國綜藝節目,我最喜歡的韓國偶像團體是少女時代,我不只是被他們的外表吸引,也欣賞他們認真的態度,最愛看的綜藝節目是 Running Man 他們每一週的任務都不同,即使沒有偶像來,他們的表現也會讓你看的很開心,而我也逐漸喜歡韓國文化。
I was active while in elementary school, medium-high performance in study, zealous to help others with class affairs as elected to be class leader and teach assistant for many subjects. On going to junior high, in the mean time of Korean pop fashion striking Taiwan, I found many classmates having a craze for Korean stars. I was deeply impressed by their devoted passion. Those stars' appearances, such as The Girls' Era, their attitude toward their careers, and Korean traditional culture appeal to me very much. For example, Running Man, one of my favorite Korean shows, will always make their audience happy and satisfied even if there were not any idol or big star on stage that week.
進高中後,我對韓國文化的喜愛依舊沒有減少,而我也把目標定在韓文系,未來有機會我也希望能當交換學生或出國留學,在求學的過程中,我有時遇到瓶頸,然而我記得韓國團體 MBLAQ 的隊長昇昊在節目上說過:「你對著我笑了,我對這夢想笑了」,這句話一直鼓勵著我,讓我在學習的道路上遇到失敗,也不會放棄,因次當我知道我們學校第二外語沒有韓文,我還特地去外面學,很幸運的是,老師是為嫁來台灣的韓國人,常分享韓國的事,讓我更近一步了解韓國,而我目前已經學了 8 個月,會基礎的韓文文法,也能做基本的溝通,今年第 28 屆韓國語文能力檢定,我也有參加,希望藉此了解自己的實力。
My passion for Korean culture still glows after getting into senior high, and I set my goal to entering Korean language department in college, eager to be an international exchange student. Of course I've met not a few problems along the way, yet I did remember the leader of a Korean band called MBLAQ, Sheng-hau, once said, "You smile to me, and to my dream I smirk."  This made me tough, and I would never come up with any idea of giving up. As there's no Korean lecture at my school, I went out for it. Luckily I met a wonderful teacher marrying to her Taiwanese husband. She shares a lot about what she experienced in Korea, so I could know more about Korea, learn more about Korean, and speak more fluently in Korean to be able to attend the 28th Korean proficiency test this year to prove what I have learned for the last 8 months.
Besides, my social relationship at school is quite fine for whenever I meet people, I always put on a smiling face, making people around me very glad. I am thus very popular with my friends. Teachers often praise me as a model student with both academic and communicative performances, giving me much encouragement, and we're getting along with one another very well.
Apart from studying, I like doing arts and crafts, and at school I am the leader of the beading club, in which my leadership and capability are cultivated.
I've been loving listening to Korean songs since my junior high and therefore learned speaking Korean. Pitifully I've never been there before. I do wish I could have the chance as my first time to visit the country I love best, and in the future I will have the chance to work with something related to Korean affairs to promote the mutual relationship between Taiwan and Korea. To Korea with love and zeal, even if I were a small translator, I will do my best to realize my Korean dream.

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