9. 相撲
9. sumo
相撲を 見た ことが あります か。
sumo, saw, thing, have? = Did you ever see sumo play?
相撲は 日本の 古い スポ―ツです。
sumo, japanese, old, sport = Sumo is one of the oldest Japanese traditional sport events.
日本では、1300年ぐらい まえ から、相撲を していました。
jpn in, 1300 years, about, before, since, sumo, was doing = Since 1300 years ago in ancient Japan has this sport been played.
1年に 1囘 7月に 天皇の 前で 相撲をしました。
in one year, once, in july, emperor's front, sumo, played = Once in every July was sumo played in front of His Majesty.
800年ぐらい まえ に、相撲は 侍の スポ―ツに なりました。
800 years, about, before, in, sumo, samurai's sports, became = Till 800 years ago, sumo has become a popular sport event among Japanese warriors, aka samurai.
侍は 強く なりたかった です から、よく 相撲の 練習を しました。
samurai, stronger, become, because, often, sumo practice, did = As wanting to become stronger, samurais often played sumo with each other.
江戸時代に 相撲は プロ.スポ―ツに なりました。
edo times in, sumo, professional sport, became = In Edo Times, sumo has become a professional sport event.
毎年 2囘 たくさんの 人が 相撲を 見に 行きました。
every year, twice, many people, sumo, to see, went to = Twice every year, many people will go watching sumo games.
みんな ゆっくり 相撲を 見ました。
everyone, took their time, sumo, saw = People all took their time watching the sumo games quite leisurely.
ご飯を 食ベたり、お茶を 飲んだり しても よかったです。
meal, eating while, tea, drinking while, even if, all right = It is all right to watch the games while eating and drinking.
有名な 力士は 落語や 歌舞伎の 主人公に なりました。
famous, sumo players (rikishi), talk show hosts and, dancers and singers (keishya), masters (husbands), became = Famous sumo players can also be the masters, sometimes even their husbands, of the talk show actors (actresses), dancers, or singers.
今 相撲は 1年に 6囘 あります。
now, sumo, one year within, 6 times, there are = Sumo games are now played around 6 times in a year.
東京で 3囘、それから 大阪と 名古屋と 福岡です。
tokyo in, trice, then, osaka and, nagoya and, fukuoka = Three times in Tokyo, then once in Osaka, Nagoya, and Fukuoka respectively.
相撲は おもしろい スポ―ツです。
sumo, interesting, sports = Sumo is an interesting sport.
いろいろな 力士が います。
various, sumo athletes, there are = You can see many types of sumo players (rikishi).
体が 大きい人や 小さい人、ハワイの人や モンゴルの 人も います。
size, big, people and, small, people, hawaiian and, mongolian too, there are = You can see giant players, small players, and players that are from Hawaii and Mongolia.
時々 小さい 力士が 大きい 力士に 勝ちます。
sometimes, small rikishi, big guys, beat = Sometimes you can see small players win big giants.
今 外国の テレビで 相撲を 見る ことが できます。
now, oversea, tv broadcast, sumo, see, thing, can be done = Now you can also watch sumo play by TV broadcasting overseas.
- Sep 15 Sat 2012 00:01
阿鴻上菜 (29)