yin-yang symbol, It represents Taoism's way of understanding opposites, e.g. masculine/feminine, light/dark.
taijitsu shuo, supreme ridgepole, the foundational metaphysical principle, Diagram of the Supreme Polarity—represents the whole of Taoist Cosmology, and is similar in many ways to the Wu Ji Diagram.
five element chart, When the elements of a system are in balance, the cycles of generation and control function to both nourish and contain one another. When the elements are out of balance, they "overact" on and/or "insult" one another.
ba-gua, Supreme Yang, Lesser Yang, Supreme Yin, Lesser Yin then combine in various ways to form the Ba Gua
lo pan compass, The Lo Pan Compass is one of Feng Shui's most complex tools. Around a center which houses a compass are many rings, each containing a unique orientation system. The Lo Pan Compass is used by Feng Shui practitioners to orient and evaluate a site—a house or business or landform—for which a Feng Shui consultation has been requested.
he-tu and luo-shu diagrams, Legend has it that Fu Xi, the Heavenly Sovereign who is credited with the discovery of the Ba Gua, also found the He Tu diagram sometime in the Xia dynasty. While Fu Xi was credited with discovering the He Tu Diagram, it was Yu the Great who received the Luo Sho Diagram as a reward from Heaven.
nei jing tu, represents the transformations that happen within the bodies of inner alchemy practitioners.
guodian bamboo strips, One of the most exciting events of this century, for Taoist scholars and practitioners alike, has been the discovery of the Guodian Bamboo Strips. The number of Guodian bamboo strips is about 800, together bearing approximately 10,000 Chinese characters. Some of the strips comprise the oldest existing version of Laozi's Daode Jing. The remaining strips contain the writings of Confucian disciples.
chen-i, orthodox unity; the branch of taoism founded by the celestial master
ch'uan-chen, complete perfection; total reality; the monastic taoist movement
hun, heavenly soul; one the five shen; the soul that resides in the liver, and at death ascends to heaven and is venerated in the form of ancestral tablets
po, eartyly soul; one of the five shen; the soul that residess in the lungs, and at the time of death descends into the earth
lingbao, the school of numinous treasure
dongtian, grotto-heavens; the network of caves connecting china's scared mountains
dao-tsang, lit. 'taoist treasury'; the taoist canon compiled in 1445
ni-wan, mud-pill; the cinnabar field in the head
dantian, the cinnabar field; one of the three principal locations in the body used in the practice of inner alchemy
beidou, northern bushel, or the big dipper
Bugang (步罡) is a Daoist ritual dance or walk, based upon the limping Yubu "Steps of Yu" tradition, in which a Taoist priest paces through a supernatural pattern, such as stars in the Big Dipper or numbers in the Loshu magic square.
temple, pavillion, altar, rite
abhisekha = wangkur = 灌頂
aeon = kalpa = 劫
amitabha = amitayus = 阿彌陀佛
ananda = 阿難尊者
antidote = 解藥
anuttara-yoga =
arhat = arahat = arahant = 阿羅漢
arya = 聖者
asoka = ashoka = 阿育王
asura = 阿修羅
avalokiteshvara = 觀世音菩薩
avichi + avichi hell = 阿鼻地獄
bardo = 中陰
bhagavan = 毗湿奴
bhikshu = 比丘尼
bodhisattva = 菩薩
brahma + brahmin = 婆羅門
buddha = sangye = 佛陀
cessation = 止息
chakra = 密輪
cittamatrin = 唯識派
collective karma = 共業
dharma = 法
dhara + dharani = 持
8 auspicious objects + 8 deeds + 8 freedoms + 8 precepts + 8 worldly concerns = 八吉祥(寶傘、白海螺、寶瓶、勝利幢、法輪、金魚、吉祥網、蓮花)+八善業+八有暇(未生於地獄道、未生於餓鬼道、末生於畜生道、末生於長壽之道、末生於不利修持佛法之地、末生於無正法或持邪見之地、末生於無佛出世的世界、末生為心智不全之人等無暇或難以修持佛法的狀況。又稱為「離八難」。 )+八關(不殺生;不偷盜;不淫慾,此處指徹底禁慾,與五戒中的不邪淫不同;不妄語;不飲酒;不坐高大廣華麗之床,此床非睡眠之床,而是「胡床」,坐禪所用;不著華鬘(花鬘),不香油塗身、不觀聽歌舞。(有時拆為二戒:不香花鬘嚴飾其身為一戒,不歌舞觀聽為一戒。)不非時食,恪守過午不食,即只限於日出至中午進食,此外則不再進食。)+世間八法(一、稱:每逢有人「稱讚」我們的時候,總不免令我們感到開心。二、譏:每當有人「責備」、「譏笑」、「羞辱」我們的時候,我們會感到難堪。三、毀:當有人說我們的壞話時,一旦讓我們知道了,會令我們憤怒。四、譽:當我們得到「功名利祿」或「眾人的喝采與掌聲」時,我們會覺得很得意。五、利:當我們事事順利,我們心情就會愉悅。六、衰:當我們倒楣或諸事不順時,我們會感到頹喪。七、苦:當我們罹患重病、無常打擊、或有心事煩惱時,會認為人間充滿苦難。八、樂:當我們享受五欲,身心適意時,總認為人間充滿歡樂。)
fortunate aeon = 賢劫千佛
4 constituents + 4 truths + 4 immeasurables + 4 opponent powers + 4 preliminaries + 4 seals of dharma = 四大種(地、水、火、風)+四聖諦+四無量心(無量有四,慈、悲、喜、舍; 慈,願一切眾生具樂及樂因。 悲,願一切眾生離苦及苦因。喜,願一切眾生不離無苦之妙樂。 舍, 願一切眾生遠離怨、親、愛、憎,常住大平等舍。)+四加行+四法印(諸行無常.諸漏皆苦.諸法無我.涅槃寂靜)
gelong = bhikshu + gelongma = bhikshuni = 比丘
gompa = gonpa = temple or budhist academy = 寺院
hinayana = 小乘
indra = 因陀羅/帝釋天
kamadeva = 伽摩
karma = 業
kaya = 身
khadak = 哈達
mahayana = 大成
mala = rosary = 念珠
mandala = 曼陀羅
mudra = gesture = 大手印
namo = take refuge = 南無、皈依
nyaya = logic = 因明
paramita = 波羅蜜多(朝向圓滿)
power of the basis = 依止力(四大懺悔力之一)
prajna-paramita = 般若波羅蜜多
pratyeka-buddha = 辟支佛/獨覺
preta = 餓鬼
profound view = 妙見
prostration, full prostration = 大禮拜/五體投地禮
raksha = 羅刹
ratna = 珍寶
rejoice = 隨喜
relative bodhichitta = 世俗菩提心
retinue = 眷屬
sadhana = 儀軌/法本
saka dawa = vesak = 佛陀出生日
sakyamuni = 釋迦摩尼
samadhi = 定/三摩地
samatha = quiescence = 止/奢摩他
sambhoga-kaya = 報身
samsara = 輪迴
samaya = 三昧耶/三昧耶戒/本誓/誓句
sangye = buddha = 僧伽/僧團
sarira = relic = 舍利
sattva = 諦/有情
self-grasping = 自我執/我執
7 jewels of the aryas + 7 limbs + 7 precious substances + 7 signs of regal power + 7-point mind training = 七聖財(信.戒.慚.愧.聞.捨.慧)+七支佛事/七支供養(禮拜.供養.懺悔.隨喜.請轉法輪.請佛住世.迴向)+ 七寶(金.銀.琉璃.玻璃.硨磲.赤珠.瑪瑙) + 輪王七寶(輪.摩尼珠.后.大臣.象.馬.將軍) + 七重轉心/七重因果/修心七義(修菩提心法門之一)
shariputra = 舍利弗(釋迦牟尼佛弟子)
shunyata = voidness = 空/空性
siddhartha = 悉達多/一切義成(釋迦牟尼佛之俗家名)
sila, shila = 戒律
6 realms = 六道
5 skandhas + 5 degeneracious + 5 heinous crimes + 5 precepts + 5 sciences = 五蘊+五濁(劫濁.見濁.煩惱濁.眾生濁.命濁) + 五無間罪(殺父.殺母.殺阿羅漢.出佛身血.破和合僧) + 五戒(殺戒.盜戒.婬戒.妄語戒.酒戒) + 五明(內明.聲明.因明.醫方明.工巧明)
stanza = 偈/頌
stream enterer = 預流果(聲聞四果之一)
stupa = 塔
suffering of change, of conditional existence, of suffering = 壞苦、行苦、苦苦
sukharati = 極樂淨土(阿彌陀佛淨土)
sutra = 經
sutra-pitaka = 經藏
swastika = 卍
tathagata = 如來
tantra = 密續
theravada = 上座部
3 higher trainings, 3 poisons, 3 mysteries (3 doors) = 三學/三增上學(戒.定.慧)、三毒(貪.瞋.癡)、三密(佛的身.語.意)
tripitaka = 三藏(經.律.論)
triple-gem = tri-ratna = 三寶(佛.法.僧)
trithika = 外道
12 dependent links = 十二因緣/十二支緣起(無明.行.識.名色.六入.觸.受.愛.取.有.生.老死)
2 obscurations = 二障(煩惱障.所知障)
tulku = 轉世者/祖古/朱古
upavasa = 斷食
vaibhashika = 毗婆沙部/分別說部
vairocana = 毗盧遮那佛/大日如來
vaishravana = 毘沙門
vajra = 金剛;金剛杵;雷電;鑽石;堅固
vasubandhu = 世親/天親大師(傳承祖師之一)
veda = 吠陀
vinaya = 律/律藏/毗奈耶
vipasyana = 觀/毗缽奢那
visualization = 觀想
wisdom school = wisdom lineage = 中觀派
yama + yamantaka + yaksha = 閰魔
yana (maha, hina) = 乘
yidam = tutelary diety = 本尊
zen = dhyana = 禪
islam (muslim)
adab: good manners; etiquette. = 艾達卜(Adab)是指伊斯蘭教的禮儀
adhan: the call to congregational prayers. In some Muslim countries this call is issued from a minaret. = 宣禮
adl: justice. =正義的
A.H.: abbreviation for after hijrah. A.H. refers to the migration of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions from Mecca to Medina in the year 622. The Islamic lunar calendar starts from this historical event. =希吉拉
akhirah: life in the hereafter. = 後世
akhlaq: morals and manners =論述倫理道德的稱為「艾赫拉格」
Alaihi salam: may peace be upon him. 色蘭/伊斯蘭教徒的祝福語
Alhamdulillah: all praise is for God. 萬讚歸主
alim: a learned, knowledgeable person or scholar in Islam. (pl. ulama) =全知的
Allah: The God: Al means The and ilah means god. Together it means "The God" or Allah. In Arabic Bible Allah is used to refer to The God. According to Muslim belief, the true name of God, the Creator of the universe. Allah also has 100 attributes which describe His power, glory and characteristics. Some of His attributes are the Merciful, the Beneficent, the Wise, the All-Knowing, the Protector, the Mighty, the Loving, the First, the Last, the Eternal.
Allahu Akbar: God is the Greatest. These words are repeated by Muslims many times during the course of the day, making them the most frequently chanted words on earth. Muslims say Allahu akbar when issuing the call for prayer, praying, expressing a happy feeling, approving an uplifting statement, and otherwise praising God. 真主至大
amanah: trust = 誠信
amir: a leader or commander of a group of Muslims. 教長
Amir al-Mumineen or Amir ul-Mumineen: leader or commander of the believers. Historically this title has been reserved for the Muslim caliph.
Assalamu alaikum: peace be upon you; the Islamic greeting for Muslims. Other extended forms are assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah (may the peace and mercy of Allah be upon you) and assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh (may the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you). 祝你平安
ayah: a sign; verse of the Quran. In literal Arabic, ayah means miracle or sign. The Quran itself being a miracle, each of its verses (sentences) is called an ayah. The plural is ayat. = 行 (可蘭經經節)
barakah: blessing 祝福
C.E.: the Common Era. In Islamic texts C.E. is preferred over the term A.D. to refer to time before Hijrah, the start of the Muslim calendar.
dhimmi: A non-Muslim citizen of an Islamic state. Dhimmis are exempt from military service and zakah (an Islamic alms due) but instead pay a tax called jizyah. Their life and property is protected by the Islamic state. 齊米/順民
deen: religion or way of life. Islam is referred to as a deen, or way of life, because it covers every facet of human life. 生活方式
dua: supplication; calling upon God. 呼求
dunya: this life; this world. 現世
faqih: an expert on Islamic jurisprudence. (pl. fuqaha) 教法學家
fiqh: the body of Islamic jurisprudence or law. In Islam it also means understanding, comprehension and knowledge. A jurist is called a faqih because he or she is an expert in Islamic legal matters. A faqih passes verdicts within the rules of the Islamic Law or Shariah. 伊斯蘭教法學
fard: obligatory. 義務
fatwa: a legal opinion that is rendered by a person knowledgeable in Islamic jurisprudence. 教令
fitnah: civil strife, war, riots, any trial or tribulation. 內戰
hadith: the sayings, actions and approvals of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him); the authentically recorded and reported narrations from the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), which is modeled after the teachings of the Quran. (pl. ahadith) 聖訓
Hajj: one of the five pillars of Islam, hajj is the pilgrimage to Makkah that Muslims must make at least once during their lifetime. 朝功
halal: permitted in Islam. 清真/合法的/符合教規的食物
haqq: the truth. One of the attributes of Allah is Al-Haqq. 真理
hanif: People who, during pre-Islamic days, rejected idolatry in their society. These people were in search of the true religion of Prophet Ibraheem (Abraham). 哈尼夫/正統
haram: 1 unlawful or prohibited in Islam. 2 sanctuary or sacred territory. Mecca has been declared a haram since the time of Prophet Ibraheem (Abraham). All things within the limit of the haram are protected and considered inviolable. Medina was also declared haram by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). 非法食物
hijrah: migration to seek sanctuary of freedom from religious or other persecution. In Islamic history terms, hijrah refers to the migration of Prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina to escape persecution. This journey took place in the twelfth year of his mission (622 C.E.). The Islamic calendar starts from this historical event. Hijrah can also mean to leave a bad way of life for a good or more righteous way. 希吉拉 (意指公元622年先知穆罕默德从受迫害的麦加遷徙到麥地那)
ibadah: worship. 禮拜
ijtihad: To uncover Allah's rulings on any issue by using one's knowledge of the Quran, Sunnah, ijma (consensus of scholars) etc. Only the most knowledgeable about Islamic sources of legislation can engage in ijtihad. 伊智提哈德(阿拉伯語:اجتهاد;波斯語:مجتهد;iğtihād)是伊斯蘭教法的專有名詞,形容單獨詮釋法源(古蘭經和聖行)來作出法律裁決的進程[1]。有資格通過伊智提哈德來解讀教法的伊斯蘭學者(烏理瑪)則被稱為「穆智台希德」。與其相反的是塔格利德(taqlid),即阿拉伯語裡的「模仿」
imam: 1 the leader of the Muslim community (also called amir or khalifah); 2 leader of the congregational prayers. An imam is not infallible. He is responsible for his mistakes to all the members of the community and above all he is responsible to Almighty Allah.
iman: literally, belief; Islamically, faith and trust in Allah. 信條
Injil: The revelations that were sent down to Prophet Isa (Jesus); what is referred to by Christians as the Gospels. 《引支勒》(阿拉伯語:إنجيل,英語:Injil)是伊斯蘭教認為真主安拉在不同歷史時期,通過祂所選擇的不同伊斯蘭先知,帶給人間的四大天啟經典之一(其它三部是《古蘭經》、《討拉特》、《宰逋爾》),由爾撒(伊斯蘭教對耶穌的稱謂)帶來。 引支勒 (Injil)一詞源於希臘語詞 Εὐαγγέλιον (euangelion) 或阿拉姆語 awongaleeyoon, 即「福音」。 古蘭經中提到此書是「曾降世的天經」。 穆斯林認為基督教中的《四福音書》是已篡改的《引支勒》,也有穆斯林認為是《聖經新約》。一些穆斯林認為是使徒保羅領導篡改《引支勒》的。但也有穆斯林(以及從事「回宣」的基督教傳教士)執相反的態度。他們認為《四福音書》就是《古蘭經》所指的《引支勒》。
insha Allah: if God wills. Muslims say insha Allah whenever they speak about something in the future.
iqamah: call to stand for congregational prayer.
Isa: Jesus.
Islam: derived from the Arabic root words of silm and salam, Islam means, among others things, peace, greeting, salutation, obedience, loyalty, allegiance, and submission to the will of Allah. Muslims believe that Islam is the last and final religion for all mankind till the end of time, irrespective of color, race, nationality, ethnic background, language, or social position. The term Mohammedanism is sometimes mistakenly used for Islam. This is a misnomer and is offensive to Muslims.
jahannum: hell; fire.
jama'ah: gathering; congregation. 祈禱團
jannah: paradise; heaven. 天堂(字面義:花園)
jihad: derived from the Arabic root word of jahada, jihad means to strive one's utmost to achieve something good. The first and foremost jihad is against one's own carnal desires and sinful temptations. There is also jihad against a tyrant ruler or oppressor. The jihad of the latter kind is defensive in nature and can only be called by a legal Islamic authority. The term Holy War does not apply to jihad as it cannot be found anywhere in Islamic history. Therefore, Holy War should not be used to describe jihad. 聖戰
jilbab: a long, loose-fitting garment worn by Muslim women. 女人蓋頭方巾
jinn: spiritual beings that inhabit the world and are required to follow the orders of Allah. Just like humans, jinn can be good or bad and are accountable for their deeds. The word jinn, in Arabic, means 'hidden,' which indicates that they are invisible creatures. They were created by Allah from fire. 精靈
jizyah: a tax paid by non-Muslims living in a Muslim State. Since the non-Muslims are exempt from military service and taxes imposed on Muslims, they must pay this tax. The Islamic state guarantees its non-Muslim citizens security and protection in return for jizyah.
juz: one of 30 parts of the Quran. 吉茲亞(阿拉伯语:جزية)是一種曾經在伊斯蘭國家向非穆斯林人民實施的人頭稅
Kabah: a cube-shaped structure in the city of Mecca to which all Muslims turn during their prayers. The first house of worship built for mankind, it was originally built by Prophet Adam and later reconstructed by Prophets Ibraheem (Abraham) and Isma'il (Ishmael), peace be upon them all. 天房
kafir: a person who hides or covers up the truth and refuses to submit to Allah (God); a disbeliever in God. (pl. kuffar)
khalifah: successor or representative of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) or one of his successors. This person acts as the head of state for the entire Muslim community of the world. Another title for the khalifah is Amir Al-Mumineen, which means the leader of the believers. 哈里法(先知承繼人)
khatib: an orator or speaker; a person who gives sermons, especially at Friday noon prayers. 回教講師(海推布)
khutba: a speech or sermon; sometimes used to refer to the sermon given during the Friday noon congregational prayer. 呼圖白(演說)
kufr: 1 the act of concealing, denying or refusing to accept the truth about Allah; 2 showing ungratefulness to Allah for His bounties. 不信
malak: angel, one of God's creations. (pl. malaikah)
Masha Allah: whatever Allah wills. Muslims say masha Allah when they hear something good 願真主允許或保佑
masjid: called mosque in English, the Muslim place of prayers and worship. The life of the early Muslims used to revolve around the masjid. Meetings would be held there, discussions would take place there. 清真寺
minbar or mimbar: a pulpit from where a sermon or speech is delivered. 敏拜爾 (阿拉伯語:منبر,意思為台階) 是伊斯蘭教在清真寺中使用的一種宗教設施,多為木質且裝飾豪華。通常由宗教首領在敏拜爾上向信徒們講解古蘭經中的內容
muhajirin: emigrants; Prophet Muhammad's companions who migrated to escape persecution by the nonbelivers.
Muhammad: The name of the last and final messenger of God. The Quran says that the coming of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was foretold by each one of the foregoing prophets and the people were commanded to follow him when he appeared. His distinguishing feature was that he would confirm the truth of all prophets and revelations that preceded him. While other prophets were sent to a particular nation or tribe, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sent to all mankind.
muazzin: a person who issues the call for the five daily prayers.
mumin: someone who has a sincere belief and faith in Allah and is a righteous person. (pl. muminoon) 穆民
munafiq: hypocrite (pl. munafiqoon)
mus-haf: a written, printed copy of the Qur'an in the form of a published book.
mushrik: polythiest; a person who ascribes partners to Allah. (pl. mushrikoon)
Muslim: one who believes in Islam and submits to the rulings of Islam.
muttaqeen: God consciousness. People, whose actions are God conscious because they fear God most.
nabi: A Prophet of God but no Book has been revealed on him. Compare it with Rasool.
niyyah: intention
P.B.U.H.: abbreviation for peace be upon him, derived from the Arabic words alaihi salam. Muslims traditionally say this after the name of all prophets to show respect and love. (Because Muslims are supposed to say sallallahu alaihe wasallam after the name of Prophet Muhammad and because P.B.U.H. does not accurately convey that meaning, many instead prefer the abbreviation S.A.W.) 祝他平安
qadi: an Islamic judge. A person who gives a hukm, or a binding verdict in a disputed matter that is presented to the Islamic court.
qadr: God's plan; fate; predestination
qiblah: the direction Muslims face when praying. Muslims turn in prayers toward the Kabah, the cube-shaped house of worship that Prophets Ibraheem and his son Isma'il built in Mecca. 基卜拉(禱告朝向的方向)
Quran (Koran): the Muslim book of revelations is called the Quran. It was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from Allah through angel Jibril (Gabriel) over a period of 23 years. There is only one Quran in the whole world and it is in the Arabic language. The Quran has one text, one language, and one dialect. It has been memorized by millions of Muslims in different parts of the world.
qiyaas: a method for deducing or reaching a legal decision in Islam for which there is no clearcut evidence in the Quran, the Hadith, or the consensus of the companions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) or Muslim scholars. The qiyaas must however be based on some precedents in the above sources.
Raheem: compassionate.
Rahman: merciful.
Ramadan: the Islamic month of dawn-to-dusk fasting. It falls on the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. Fasting is obligatory for every healthy and able Muslim man and woman. It was during this month that the Qur'an began to be revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Muslims engage in extra prayers and charity during this month. 齋月
rasool: messenger; one who receives revelation from Allah and is commanded to deliver the message to his people. Allah sent many prophets and messengers to mankind. Amongst them, the names of twenty-five are mentioned in the Quran. Five among them are major messengers: Nuh (Noah), Ibraheem (Abraham), Musa (Moses), Isa (Jesus) , and Muhammad, peace be upon them all. Prophet Muhammad is the last messenger.
Rasool allah: messenger of Allah 安拉的使者
rukoo: derived from the root word raka'a, which means to bow down. During prayers (salah), Muslims make rukoo to show respect to Allah. Rukoo consists of bowing forward at the waist level and is different from prostration. 禮拜姿勢
S.A.W.S.: abbreviation for the words sallallahu alaihi wasallam, which means "May the blessing and peace of Allah be upon him." When the name of Prophet Muhammad is mentioned, Muslims show respect to him by reciting this statement of peace. (alternately, SAW, SAAS) 願安拉祝福及賜他平安
sabr: patience in difficulty
sadaqah: charity beyond that which is obligatory
sahabi: companion of Prohet Muhammad (peace be upon him) (pl. sahabah) 先知庇佑
salah (salat): an Arabic word meaning a spiritual relationship and communication between the creature and his Creator. It is commonly understood as ritualistic prayers. Salah is one of the five pillars of Islam and is mandated five times a day: Fajr (dawn), Zuhr (noon), Asr (afternoon), Maghrib (sunset), and Isha (late evening). On Friday noon there is a special congregational prayer called Salatul Jumah that includes a sermon by the imam. Salah is not to be confused with du'a or supplication. 禮拜
salam: peace
sallallahu alaihi wasallam: peace and blessings of Allah be on him
sawm: fasting 齋戒
seerah: the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), which includes his personality, his life story, his prophethood, his leadership, and his ways of handling different situations. The seerah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the highest example and source of inspiration for all Muslims in all phases of their daily life.
shahadah: to bear witness; declaration of faith 念功
Shaitaan: called Satan in Judaism and Christianity, Shaitaan is the source of evil in the world. He always tries to misguide and mislead people. The Quran states that Shaitaan is not an angel but a member of the jinn family. His other name is Iblis. The plural name is Shayatin, i.e., devils.
Shariah: the revealed and canonical laws of the religion of Islam. 伊斯蘭律法
sheikh: a title or a nickname for an elderly person or one who is knowledgeable in religion. This title is also given to a leader or a wise person.伊斯蘭學者
Shia: 什葉派
shirk: associating partners with Allah; disbelieving in the unity and oneness of Allah and believing that someone else shares authority with Allah or has the same attributes or characteristics as Allah. This is major shirk and it will not be forgiven. There can also be minor shirk, which is to do a good deed with the purpose of showing off rather than to please Allah. 聖子
siyam: fasting 齋戒
Subhan Allah: glorified is Allah; Allah is pure. Muslims say subhan Allah when they appreciate something. 榮耀真主
sufi: 蘇非行者
sujood or sujud: derived from the root word sajada, sujud is the prostration to Allah in the daily prayers. In the position of sujud Muslims praise Almighty Allah and glorify Him. During sujud, Muslims make sure that the forehead, nose, hands, knees, and toes, are all touching the floor. This is the most humble position in the prayer and making supplications is highly recommended. 祈禱姿勢之一
sunnah: In general, habit, practice, customary procedure, or action, norm, and usage sanctioned by tradition. In purely religious terms, it refers to Prophet Muhammad's (s.a.w.) sayings, actions and approvals as authentically recorded by his companions.
sunni: 遜尼派
surah: chapter of the Quran. The Quran is composed of 114 chapters. The plural of surah is suwar.
tafsir: 天堂
taharah: purification. 淨禮
taqwah: love, fear, and awareness of God.
tawbah: repentance. 懺悔
tawheed: confirming the oneness and unity of Allah; to believe that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah, that He does not share His power or authority with anyone, and that He is the Creator. This belief is the foundation of Islam. 認主學
Tawrat: the Torah; the revelations that were sent down to Prophet Musa (Moses). 妥拉
ummah: community or people; used in reference to the community of believers or Muslims. 伊斯蘭社群
wahi: revelation. 默示
wudu: the act of purifying (ablution) before daily ritual prayers or before reading the Quran. 小淨
Zabur: Psalms; the revelations that were sent down to Prophet Da'ud (David). 詩篇
Zakat: 課功