After viewing Chris' blog, it's not hard to see he is a "Damon" fan. Well, I am sort of similar to his taste, yet the spelling is somewhat with nuance --- I used to be a "Demon" fan, where I worship mammon, and this is exactly one of the best soveriegn remedies Demon has to utilize to seduce humans. Sadly enough, I was one of the victims of this nasty dough. However, I cannot deny the means by which I referred to making fortunes only because the object is not good. Here I share you guys with my experiences in the past, which can make you a "rich Jason Bourne" of everyone. Just follow the ten principles as below, and you may probably get all you would like on earth, except for the eternal life of the Amazing Grace...

1. You have to be very well-built, both physically and mentally. (You know, to achieve perfectly mental toughness by yourself is once in a blue moon...)
2. Your ambition has to be only single purpose-driven for one period. You can't solve an algebra question while playing jerks off with the other hand.
3. You have to know how to appreciate others' merits of virtues. Say, you have to know each one's denominator.
4. You have to accept your failure. Trying error is not shameful, and you sometimes just have to learn by it.
5. You have to be alert, careful to observe the surroundings, always watching and thinking.
6. You have to take a rest regularly, especially your nerves. Don't take it too far and too hard for too long. Relax for a while.
7. Value and cherish every trifle blessing from others, a small gift, a warm smile, or even an subconscious hello.
8. You have to be aggressive and positive toward your goal. What is being aggressive? You are at the office late in the evening while others are seeing a movie with their chicks and fumbling with bra straps. Positive? Well, in that situation just mentioned, you can still be very satisfied.
9. You have to "optimize" your income, not just to "maximize" it. Do what you will do, and do it happily.
10. You have to be with an awe to the universe, the vast heavenly body, always. This will remind you of how inferior you really are and urges you to be more humble, the next reignition to further self-improvement.

If you are asking me whether I'll do by these, you'd better ask me of my incentive first thing. Mammon? Forget it.

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