Teamwork-oriented Learning (TOL) Evaluation Checkpoints
1. 為了做好準備,我會花時間做課前預習
2. 為了做得(表現的)更好,我覺得我必須預做準備
3. 團隊導向學習讓我更負責任
4. 我對我的小組(成員)之學習有貢獻
5. 我對小組的貢獻並不重要
6. 我的組員期望我幫助他們學習
7. 我對小組的學習有責任
8. 我對我有能力協助小組的學習感到驕傲
9. 我需要對小組的學習有貢獻
A Responsibility
1. To get all the tasks right, I’ll carry out the pre-work routine.
2. To achieve better result, preparation is necessary.
3. TOL enables me to be more responsible.
4. I’m contributive to my teammates’ learning.
5. I’m not contributive to my teammates’ learning.
6. My teammates are willing to take my assistance as learning aids.
7. I’m responsible for my team’s learning progress.
8. I’m proud of my capability of assisting my team’s learning.
9. It is my duty to be beneficial to my team’s learning.

1. 在傳統的聽課過程中,我常發現自己
2. 在傳統的聽課過程中,我很容易分心
3. 在團隊導向學習的活動中,我很容易分心
4. 比起在團隊導向學習的活動,我在傳統聽課過程比較容易睡著
5. 在團隊導向學習進行過程中,我覺得無聊
6. 在團隊導向學習進行過程中,我會聊到不相干的事
7. 與團隊共同學習時,我容易記憶所學
8. 當教師在授課時,我可以更容易記憶教材內容
9. 團隊導向學習的活動有助於我想起過去所學
10. 經過教師講授課程後,我會比較容易準備考試
11. 當我跟小組成員一起經歷過團體考試,對所學資訊我會記憶比較久
12. 經過團隊導向學習之應用階段後,我可以更容易記憶所學教材
13. 傳統授課更有助於我的記憶(授課方式使我更容易記憶)
14. 與同組成員合作學習後,我發現我會不容易記住課室中所討論內容
15. 運用團隊導向學習法後,我會考的較好
16. 聽完授課後,我會不容易記住課室中教師講授內容  
B Preference to the traditional teaching method (TTM) or TOL:
1. By TTM, it’s easy for me to know myself better.
2. By TTM, I’m often distracted.
3. By TOL, I’m often distracted.
4. To TOL, I find traditional methods are more tedious.
5. To TTM, I find TOL is more tedious.
6. By TOL, I change the subject while discussing with my teammates.
7. TOL is helpful to memorization.
8. I can memorize the materials better by TTM.
9. TOL is helpful to my refreshing of what I’ve learned before.
10. By TTM, I feel easy to prepare for the test.
11. If I take the test with my teammates, I can memorize what I’ve learned longer.
12. Through TOL, I memorize the texts easier.
13. TTM enhances my memory better than TOL.
14. I can hardly grasp the points of discussion by co-learning with my teammates.
15. I get better grades by TOL.
16. I find it hard to memorize what the teacher has explained by TTM.

1. 我喜歡團隊導向學習活動
2. 在團隊情境中我會學習的更好
3. 我認為團隊導向學習活動是一種有效得學習方式
4. 我不喜歡小組一起工作
5. 團隊導向學習活動很有趣
6. 團隊導向學習活動很浪費時間
7. 我認為團隊導向學習有助於提升我的成績
8. 我對團隊導向學習活動有正向的態度
9. 我對團隊導向學習有很好的經驗
C Satisfaction Rating:
1. I like TOL.
2. I learn better by TOL.
3. TOL is an effective way of learning.
4. I’m reluctant to teamwork.
5. TOL is interesting.
6. TOL is time-wasting.
7. TOL improves my grads.
8. TOL arouses positive learning attitude.
9. I am quite happy with TOL.

D Please write down your opinions on TOL model:

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