1. 簽書會主持人開場
Welcome to ‘The best seller of the month’ event tonight. I’m thrilled to see so many people have at Noble’s Bookstore. Today is the fifth meeting of the series this year, which gives us a chance to meet a famous author in person every month. In a few minutes, David White who has put his latest collection of poems on the bestseller’s list will be here with us. He is well-known for his beautiful poems about Mother Nature. For our audience tonight, he will talk about his life and career. Afterwards, we’ll get an opportunity to hear him recite one of his favorite poems. That’s not all. There is one more thing to surprise and delight you. After the talk, will pick out 10 people from the audience at random and give them signed copies of his latest bestseller as a present. So, don’t throw away your ticket stubs. Now, please welcome Mr. White.
2. 百貨公司廣播
Attention shoppers. It’s 9:45 p.m. and our department store will be closing soon. Our store will reopen tomorrow morning at 10. If you have any products you would like to buy, please proceed to one of our checkout counters now. If you haven’t found any Christmas presents for your family members yet, why don’t you give them our gift certificate? We have both 10 and 20 dollar gift certificates available at our customer service desk on the second floor. And I’d like to remind you that our business hours will be extended to 11 p.m. form tomorrow. Finally, don’t forget to pick up our free balloons for your kids at the main gate when you walk out of the store. Thanks for shopping at Dave’s today.
3. 火車站廣播
Attention please! All passengers heading to Toronto are asked to go down to platform number 3 as the train has now started boarding. For your safety, get on the train carefully because there is a large gap between the train and the platform. Please be sure to have your tickets handy. Also, I’d like to remind you that there are still a few tickets left at the ticket booth located next to platform number 4. If you haven’t bought a ticket yet, please do so as soon as possible. Please note that you may be charged more if you have any extra pieces of baggage with you. Again, the train for Toronto is leaving in 5 minutes. Thank you!
4. 景點說明
Hi, everyone. My name is Emma Franklin and welcome to Columbia Canyon Park. Columbia Canyon is a gift from past generations with an awe-inspiring view and you will enjoy the amazing beauty of nature during our half day tour. You can feel the sunshine and wind on your face while wandering along the trail. Also, you will have the chance to sit and watch the changing play of light and shadows on the hillside. You are welcome to capture breathtaking views and images with your camera but you must remain on wooden walkways at all times. Please remember that your safety is our priority. Finally, I’d like to remind you that all kinds of food except portable water are prohibited in the park. If you have some in your backpack, please leave it here at the information booth.
5. 廠房廣播
Attention, all factory workers. This is a reminder that your maintenance department will be conducting a routine inspection on all production equipment from 9 p.m. to noon today. Although our normal business operations are affected, electrical services will be shut down for safety issue. As a result, all elevators except the ones in the main factory building won’t operate during the inspection. If you have any questions or concerns, please call our maintenance office at extension 331. Thank you for your cooperation.
6. 住房介紹
Are you searching for an ideal place to stay in the city of Chicago? Royal Crown Hotel is exactly what you are looking for. We offer a pleasant ambience and convenient facilities to make your stay a memorable one. We are located in the centre of downtown and have easy access to gourmet restaurants, exciting entertainment and the famous fashion district. Also we are just 2 blocks from the subway station and 30 miles away from the international airport. Each room is equipped with unlimited internet connection and you can work out at the state-of-the-art fitness center around the clock. In particular, we are proud of serving diverse cuisines from all over the world at our well-know onsite buffet restaurant. Our friendly staff is always trying to make sure that everything is taken care of during your stay. So, when you come to “Windy City” either on business or for pleasure, please don’t forget to stay with us. If you want to make a reservation, please call us at 541-1500 immediately.
7. 機長廣播
Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. Welcome aboard Pacific Airline’s flight 668 bound for LA. This flight will depart Boston at 3 p.m. and stop over at Chicago in about 2 hours. It will take approximately 4 hours to get to our final destination. As soon as we take off, our flight attendants will be offering you some refreshments. The complimentary drinks are listed on our in-flight magazine. You’ll be given a light evening meal later in the flight. Free headphones will be distributed for those who want to enjoy our in-flight movies. If you need a blanket or a pillow, please press the call button above your seat to get to the attention of a flight attendant. Please make sure to fasten your seatbelt until the seatbelt sign is off. After that, you may walk around the cabin. Thank you for flying with us today and we wish you a safe journey.
8. 電台氣象報告
Hi, this is a weekend weather message from Kevin Parker with ABC morning forecast. We had lots of rain yesterday but we are happy to report that it will be mostly sunny and warm today. The temperature will reach as high as 25 degrees Celsius with only a 10% chance of showers in the afternoon. It would be perfect weather for a picnic. Go outdoors and enjoy beautiful weather with your family while it lasts because it won’t last long. Rain is expected to return on Monday. The rains will bring Monday’s temperatures to morning lows of 10 to 12 degrees Celsius with mid-day highs ranging from 18 to 20 degrees Celsius. I’ll have more updates on the upcoming typhoon after the commercial messages for SONY Electronics.