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(中央社記者龍珮寧台北17日電)帶藥回國限量放寬,但「藥」非土產仍有危險,日本新露露及黃金 A 微粒感冒藥是管制藥、含鴉片成分有成癮風險;EVE 止痛錠可能會引起 SJ 症候群。財政部正式公布實施新的「入境旅客攜帶自用藥物限量表」,放寬非處方藥每種可攜帶12瓶,總共可以攜帶36瓶,但是國外藥、維他命非土產,民眾服用仍需小心。

食藥署藥品組科長王博譽舉危險藥品為例,他說,赴日旅遊方便又便宜,民眾常到一般藥粧店拿出清單採購藥品,但是往往忽略風險性。他說,「新露露感冒藥(新ルルーA錠)」及「黃金A微粒感冒藥(パブロンゴ-ルドA微粒)」內含「二氫可待因(dihydrocodeine)」成分,屬鴉片類止咳藥,在台列為管制藥,服用有致成癮可能性,勿過量或長期使用。他說,日本的藥品「EVE 止痛錠(イブA錠)」,含「異布洛芬(ibuprofen)」成分,副作用可能會引起再生不良性貧血、胃腸出血等症狀、有些人可能會產生 Stevens-Johnson 症候群,有嚴重皮膚不良反應風險。



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  • Mar 01 Sat 2014 12:01
  • 甲上


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要了解黃疸如何發生,首先須知道膽色素在人體中的代謝過程。膽色素是衰老紅血球上的血紅素分解所生的產物,膽色素藉由血流被送至肝臟,此時稱為未結合型膽色素(unconjugated bilirubin),進入肝臟的膽色素經由肝細胞的作用會變成結合型膽色素(conjugated bilirubin),而後被排入膽管,然後至膽囊儲存,最後經由總膽管再流入十二指腸中。大部分的膽色素在腸子裏會被細菌分解成尿膽素原(urobilinogen),這使得我們的糞便會出現黃褐色。



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抗氧化水 抗老保健康  2006/11/24 【聯合報/記者李名揚/台北報導】

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機能水,顧名思義乃賦與水某種特定效能之新興技術。目前為止對機能水並沒有嚴格而明確的定義。一般而言是指自然狀態下或經人工處理後比普通水具有較高能量的水稱為活水,以不同目的而施加人工處理所成的活性水稱為機能水。日本機能水專家藤田矩彥教授曾為機能水下了一個較為嚴謹之定義:(1)水本身或(2)水中所含有的微量混雜物,在某種條件下(電解、電場、添加物、高溫高壓),呈現本身卓越的潛在特性,使水達到某種特定的狀況(打斷氫鍵、改變酸鹼度,ORP),或達到某種值得注意的目的(防腐蝕,結垢.. 等)。此種新發現的水,均稱為機能水。舉例來說:水分子團(Cluster)與超臨界水屬於第(1)類,一些壽命有限的活性種子及金屬離子則歸屬於第(2)類。

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酪梨〈牛油果;avocado〉含有的不飽和脂肪酸經研究證實可能具有分解附著於血管的半硬化膽固醇的作用,並能促進血液流通順暢,部份實驗指出,酪梨不飽和脂肪酸對於非胰島素依賴型糖尿病 (NIDDM) 具有改善效果,酪梨的 beta-sitosterol 成分在許多研究中被認為可能具有降低癌症與高血脂症、高膽固醇血症發病機率的作用,而穀氨醯硫 (glutathione) 對於肝臟細胞能產生保護功效,可改善肝炎所引起的損傷功能,含大量維生素與礦物質,對於人體可作為很好的營養補充品。「酪梨」哲學:「要讓酪梨的顏色從深綠變成黑咖啡色,必須放置五至十天果實才是完全熟透變軟,才能放進冰箱保存;要不然,若將還是綠色的酪梨果放進冰箱,酪梨的果肉從此以後就不發酵,好像變成『啞巴』一樣,不再變熟、軟,不能讓人吃了。」
酪梨含有的植物性脂肪、蛋白質、胡蘿蔔素與維他命B群、C、E及纖維、礦物質等,其質量相當高。例如,脂肪為單元不飽和脂肪酸,能降低血液中膽固醇含量,預防心臟血管疾病的發生,這種脂肪並不是增加人體肥胖的飽和脂肪酸或反式脂肪 (trans-fat),相對這些不飽和脂肪酸與富含的維生素群兼具有抗氧化的功能,對於美膚養顏、防老化有相當的功效。另外,其蛋白質質量優於小麥,且極易分解,對腎臟功能不佳的人是大福音。糖分甚少,被認為是糖尿病患唯一可食的水果,其營養總評成績無水果出其右,是嬰兒與孕婦最佳的補給品。

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別人覺得你很 「白目」 嗎?三總精神科發現,就算是「太白目」,也是一種精神疾病,叫「嚴重情緒失調」,會伴隨躁鬱症和過動症等合併出現;研究發現,當腦中血流不足,細胞含氧量不夠,就容易暴怒,腦中前額葉管的是「理性」,透過藥物治療,可以讓思考更有邏輯,杏仁核是衝動區,搭配「心理治療」,緩和情緒,三總調查發現,「嚴重情緒失調」會合併過動症、反叛、憂鬱症、躁鬱症。
三總精神科調查 700 多名高一新生,發現高達 1 成學生,有嚴重情緒失調症狀,像是暴怒、翻桌、甩門、爭吵、打人,甚至愛頂嘴、太白目也算。三軍總醫院精神科主任葉啟斌指出:透過大腦影像學發現,這樣的朋友,他若有特別令多數人感到不解、特別『白目』,比如說,別人在生氣的時候,他渾然不知,那就有可能是這個病症了。怎樣察覺出來的?做行為測驗的時候,誘發他一種挫折,挫折之後,看他的大腦,比如說是不是某個地方,比如腦區,出現較不夠活化的情形。

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沾黏性關節囊炎(adhesive capsulitis),又名「肩周炎」、「凍結肩」、「冰凍肩」(Frozen Shoulder),即俗稱之五十肩,這是肩關節囊因為急性或慢性發炎,導致肩膀活動度不足。在臨床上,可大約分成三個時期,每個時期持續數個月之久:

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肺癌指的是肺部組織內細胞生長失去控制的疾病。這種細胞生長可能會造成轉移,就是侵入相鄰的組織和滲透到肺部意外。絕大多數肺癌是肺部惡性上皮細胞腫瘤 ,由上皮細胞病變而造成。肺癌是造成男性和女性癌症相關死亡的最主要原因。全球每年有 130 萬人死於肺癌。最常見的癥狀包括呼吸急促, 咳嗽 (咳血), 和體重減輕。
肺癌最常見的原因是長期吸煙。不吸煙者,占肺癌患者的15%,患病的主要原因包括基因、氡氣、石棉、空氣污染 (包括二手煙)。

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「一條根」是這幾年來新興的熱門觀光特產,它是金門原生藥用植物,據藥書記載,具有通筋疏血、去風除濕等功能。因產量不多,屬於珍貴藥材,因此又有「金門高麗蔘」的美名。金門地理、水質特殊,及土壤、氣候兩相配合,適合一條根生產,近幾年來,在政府的輔導下,農民有計畫的栽培,並由商家運用科學方法逐步發展成各種相關產品,如食補包、茶包、藥膏、藥布等養身保健產品。使得『金門一條根更勝韓國高麗蔘』的美譽傳揚多年。 一條根屬多年生豆科植物,且有一條主根因而得名。主根粗如人指,一根直下、長拔50公分、甚難拔取,故又名『千斤拔』、『千觔拔』。根據中草藥研究者李幸祥所著《台灣藥草事典》中提到,一條根為豆科藥用植物,其根、莖、葉、花皆可入藥,味甘美,性溫平,有祛風除濕、行血、止痛之功效。 金門自開放觀光後,野生種遭到大量採集,幾近絕跡;但在政府部門的輔導推廣下,積極施行人工栽培、種植,並鼓勵業界開發為保健食品。目前已推出的一條根產品有藥膏、藥布、藥膳以及沖泡式茶包等等,廣受消費者喜愛,實已成為與高粱酒、貢糖、菜刀齊名之金門新特產。
有所謂 「一條龍」 者,與一條根不同,通常須依附著樹木生長;而一條根則長在地底下,但要長到適合開採的大小,通常要十幾年,自金門開放觀光後,一條根日漸稀少,一條根的真品,根較細長、草根有彈性、輕咬帶有甘味、且根部有金門特有的紅土色,一般的最方便食用方法是與水同煮,日常飲用一條根為金門原生特有的植物藥材,主根可串地50公分長,中國藥書中記載一條根主要針對風濕、關節不適等現象有舒適清爽的效果。金門一條根是產於金門珠山村〈前制稱金山鄉山兜仔〉屬多年生豆科植物,且有一條主根因而得名,亦是島上居民生命泉源天賜之草、保健靈草。

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Waiting anxiously from ten thirty this morning till four in the afternoon, bored at the hospital by Jerry's side without stones during the whole freezing and lonesome night, I clipped this out in order not to be stoned on my turn:

The Whys and How-to-Treats of Kidney Stones 
Adapted and rearranged from New York Times

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古籍《靈樞》:「經脈流行不止,與天同度,與地同紀。 」


時間 時辰  經絡 / 臟腑

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This afternoon, at around 13:50, I heard scream from the bedroom. Maxine tumbled on the bed with the most pathetique agony I've ever seen. Benson and I rushed her to Cardinal Tien Hospital. First emergency aid, then soon transferred to the out-patient dept. of obstetrics and gynecology, Maxine was diagnosed by Dr. Huang Wen-yu as 'peritonitis due to rupture of ovarian dermoid cyst or salpingitis', which is a life-threatening fatal disease. So the doctor summoned for a brief diagnoses meeting and decided to conduct an endoscopic cyst removal operation in no time. After two hours anxious waiting and sad tears of Benson, his mom's life was saved. Dr. Huang did, or, He did. Well, for most of us, we would have much less emotional stirring as Benson did when coming up with such case. However, we're supposed to know what on earth the so-called 'peritonitis' is like. Here's some excerpts from Wiki and www.pertonitis-disease.com :

Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum, the serous membrane which lines part of the abdominal cavity and viscera. Peritonitis may be localized or generalized, and may result from infection (often due to rupture of a hollow organ as may occur in abdominal trauma or appendicitis) or from a non-infectious process.

Typically, this disorder follows the rupture of an organ in the abdomen, allowing bacteria within the organ to spread into the abdominal cavity. Often caused by a burst appendix or gallbladder, it can also result from a perforation in the wall of the stomach or intestine. The main manifestations of peritonitis are acute abdominal pain, abdominal tenderness, and abdominal guarding, which are exacerbated by moving the peritoneum, e.g. coughing (forced cough may be used as a test), flexing one's hips, or eliciting the Blumberg sign (a.k.a. rebound tenderness, meaning that pressing a hand on the abdomen elicits less pain than releasing the hand abruptly, which will aggravate the pain, as the peritoneum snaps back into place). The presence of these signs in a patient is sometimes referred to as peritonism. The localization of these manifestations depends on whether peritonitis is localized (e.g. appendicitis or diverticulitis before perforation), or generalized to the whole abdomen. In either case pain typically starts as a generalized abdominal pain (with involvement of poorly localizing innervation of the visceral peritoneal layer), and may become localized later (with the involvement of the somatically innervated parietal peritoneal layer). Peritonitis is an example of an acute abdomen. Some other collateral manifestations are like diffuse abdominal rigidity ("washboard abdomen") often presented, especially in generalized peritonitis, fever, sinus tachycardia, nausea, and vomiting.

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It's natural to feel down sometimes, but if that low mood lingers day after day, it could signal depression. Major depression is an episode of sadness or apathy that lasts at least two consecutive weeks and is severe enough to interrupt daily activities. Depression is not a sign of weakness or a negative personality. It is a major public health problem and a treatable medical condition. PET scan also reveals much more "hot spots" of increased activity in a non-depressed brain than a depressed one.

The primary symptoms of depression are a sad mood and/or loss of interest in life. Activities that were once pleasurable lose their appeal. Patients may also be haunted by a sense of guilt or worthlessness, lack of hope, and recurring thoughts of death or suicide. While depression is known to wreak havoc on the emotions, it also takes a toll on the body. About 65% of patients report their depression is accompanied by pain. This may include headaches, back pain, tender muscles, and sore joints. Fatigue, dizziness and sleeping too much or too little are also common.

Changes in appetite or weight are another hallmark of depression. Some patients develop unusual cravings, while others lose their appetite altogether. Many depressed people experience persistent nausea, diarrhea, or constipation. Without treatment, the physical and  emotional turmoil brought on by depression can derail careers, hobbies, and relationships. Depressed people often find it difficult to concentrate and make decisions. They turn away from previously enjoyable activities, including sex. In severe cases, depression can become life-threatening. People who are depressed are more likely to attempt suicide. Warning signs include talking about death or suicide, threatening to hurt people, or engaging in aggressive or risky behavior. Anyone who appears suicidal should be taken very seriously. Do not hesitate to call one of the suicide hotlines. 

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  • Mar 27 Sat 2010 19:00
  • 燒心

Heartburn, also known as acid reflux, is a painful and burning sensation in the esophagus, just behind the breastbone, usually associated with regurgitation of gastric acid (gastric reflux). The pain often rises in the chest and may radiate to the neck, throat, or angle of the jaw. Heartburn is a major symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease, otherwise known as GERD. It occurs when muscles of the lower esophagus do not function properly. This causes food and acids from the stomach to leak back or reflux into the esophagus. Heartburn can be aggravated by foods, certain medications, and other factors. acid reflux is also identified as one of the causes of chronic cough, and may even mimic asthma. Despite its name, heartburn actually has nothing to do with the heart, although some heart problems may give rise to a similar burning sensation; it is called heartburn because of a burning sensation near where the heart is located.

The pain associated with acid reflux is due to the presence of acid in the esophagus. Acid is produced in the stomach as an aid to digestion and is not intended to be present in the esophagus. Unlike the stomach's lining, which can tolerate very high concentrations of acid, the presence of acid in the esophagus eats away at the lining of the esophagus and causes pain. Acid reflux does not occur because there is too much acid created by the stomach, but because the muscular barrier or valve between the esophagus and the stomach opens prematurely allowing acid, bile and other stomach contents into the esophagus. The name of this muscular barrier is the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES). Other sphincters in the body include the anal and bladder sphincters, in addition to the mouth and the eye. Each of them closes in circumference around a radius. When the LES doesn't stay closed or when it opens at the wrong time, reflux can occur.

Here are some suggestions to improve your heartburn symptoms:

1. Don't go to bed with a full stomach. Eat meals at least two to three hours before lying down. This will give food time to digest and empty from your stomach, and acid levels a chance to decrease before putting your body in a position where heartburn is more likely to occur.

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幾天前,圓桌武士們狂嗆我說,新聞指出,最近美國有研究『證實』,使用手機愈頻繁,愈可降低罹患帕金森氏症的風險。好棒喔!果真如此的話,這份研究同時也『證實』了兩件事:1. 我一用手機就頭痛,這是錯覺。2. 以下進行多年的研究,都是『誤會』。


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