Hey, man, I give you that; there would be nothing good and bad --- if there were not a criterion in mind to tell them. We judge things by the criterions we conceived, which may be acquired in our childhood, through subconsciousness, even late when adolescence, or still later when we are old. These standards of our values stand for our thinking and preference. Most times they stand relatively for our cognition to the whole world, that is, our beliefs toward the sensational receptions.
Kooky enough, why are people mostly so sure and self-confident to claim their faith to something to be true and thus they feel so cozy in their own grooves they created for themselves without examining their motivations and the logical inductiveness of the faith itself? They don't even check, or, let me put it this way, reconsider other aspects from others before they decisively "found out" the "truth". Is it the real truth or is it just the information that would less rub against their disobedient mane? The reasons may be as followed:
First, people don’t have much time to ponder such stuffs. They are quite occupied by the routines of chores they daily meet to feed themselves from being starved. To survive is the very first thing human behave instinctively. Many people have problems making the both ends meet. Obviously they will not in such mood to immerge themselves into the seemingly “breadless” issues.
Second, people are hasty, too hasty to stay for a while at a point of view, or at a pinch of thinking, which may sometimes the essential sparkle of life, the key to the universe. They dig in it and throw it up, without even chewing and tasting it, and they want to tell others that it’s nothing but a ripe Apple. They may never to bite it any more for they have “well known” what it should taste like. Sometimes it is indeed a manipulation of delicacy to have them turn around to take a glance at it, not to mention having a second bite.