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Zoe, my girlfriend, told me when she is a mom in the future, she will carry out the following tips for being a perfect parent. I am quite fine with what she cares for. However, I do care more who the dad will be...

7 Rules For Parenting

1. What You Do Matter: It is necessary and indispensable to tell your children what you really care about. It is something related to the setup of a personal future goal and career, which helps them learn about the values of life in aspect of yours. With an attempt to educate children what their parents do and how their parents would achieve it will be a good start.

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As a senior high student for nearly one and a half year, I still can't quite catch the nuance between a good student and a perfect nerd. Thanks to Chris, I finally realized that I am neither of the both. I'm an ass hole proper, not knowing how to be obedient nor rebellious. Sigh! Chris then later consoled me that he was also no more than a peanut, somewhere wandering up and down in a fuzzy Castle in Spain. Yet, he still shared some of his gimmicks about how to study more effectively and time-economically:

1. Chinese: One or two articles in The Comepilation of Classic Chinese (古文觀止) every day. Read into every article and be sure of every single character and expression. After reading it carefully, memorize the whole article or the except of the brilliant phrases of it.

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Answers to the Review Questions of "A Christmas Carol" from Compass Publishing:
Chapter 1
1. To Scrooge, his nephew was poor, having nothing to make a living. He couldn't figure out how could a man be happy if he had no money. Money was everything and the only thing in this world.
2. People thought Scrooge was a mean person, so mean that the guiding dog of a blind man would lead its master out of his way.

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A. Thailand's Water Festival (泰國潑水節)
If you want to go to Thailand in April, you had better take your raincoat with you. Although the rainy season will not come until a few months later, you will still be wet then. Why? Because April is the time when Thailand celebrates Songkran, the Thai New Year, which is also called the "Water Festival". During this period, people celebrate it by throwing water at friends, strangers, and almost everyone.

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Thomas is a classmate of mine.He is a good student, yet he knows nothing about personal and public hygiene. His room was always in a mess. He never cleaned up his stuff in his room and never put away with his books and toys after using them. I just wondered how he could tiptoe in the room. His parents were very worried about his misbehavior. They were afraid that he would sooner or later face the consequences for paying little attention to respecting the environment .

One day while he was on the way to a movie with me, he bought packs of crackers and other snacks with him, bluffing and guzzling all the way round. I was much in a torpor then to notice he carelessly threw away the litter around the pavement, allowing the peels and used plastic bags aloft and gone with the wind. He was simply so easy that way and didn't perceive a police officer came along.

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Hi, there. This is a column for examples of brief essays within 250 to 400 words, which is issued every Saturday from August, 8, the date to honor Mr. Johnny Neihu, a veteran journalist and a true raconteur. It aims to help senior high dudes to improve their writing ablities as well as creativities. The characters, events, and the names in each story are mostly fictitious. Should any coincidence happening will be conceived totally deliberately as a prank.

Yesterday in English class, as boring as usual on an August dog day, the teacher urged us to keep a weekly composition about what we did or what we thought during the past week, when something might be interesting to be written down, in order to improve our exacerbating poor English comprehension.

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Hey, man, I give you that; there would be nothing good and bad --- if there were not a criterion in mind to tell them. We judge things by the criterions we conceived, which may be acquired in our childhood, through subconsciousness, even late when adolescence, or still later when we are old. These standards of our values stand for our thinking and preference. Most times they stand relatively for our cognition to the whole world, that is, our beliefs toward the sensational receptions.  

Kooky enough, why are people mostly so sure and self-confident to claim their faith to something to be true and thus they feel so cozy in their own grooves they created for themselves without examining their motivations and the logical inductiveness of the faith itself? They don't even check, or, let me put it this way, reconsider other aspects from others before they decisively "found out" the "truth". Is it the real truth or is it just the information that would less rub against their disobedient mane? The reasons may be as followed:  

First, people don’t have much time to ponder such stuffs. They are quite occupied by the routines of chores they daily meet to feed themselves from being starved. To survive is the very first thing human behave instinctively. Many people have problems making the both ends meet. Obviously they will not in such mood to immerge themselves into the seemingly “breadless” issues.  

Second, people are hasty, too hasty to stay for a while at a point of view, or at a pinch of thinking, which may sometimes the essential sparkle of life, the key to the universe. They dig in it and throw it up, without even chewing and tasting it, and they want to tell others that it’s nothing but a ripe Apple. They may never to bite it any more for they have “well known” what it should taste like. Sometimes it is indeed a manipulation of delicacy to have them turn around to take a glance at it, not to mention having a second bite.  

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Host 1, Host 2, Judge 3, Contestants 4 and 5, Viewer 6 and 7
1: Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm Reshel.
2: This is Chris!
1: What a special day today, for the final championship once in a year!

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Sample of brief oral self-introduction

Dear Professors, Landies, and Gentlemen,

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1. Studying Episode
Recognition And Repentance
I once was addicted to playing online games while at junior high school and a perfunctory student putting off assignments each time, falling far behind scheduled learning.  The situation yet was never improved till the Basic Proficiency Test was coming. I awoke from my past idling days suddenly, only to find out how innocent I had been before. In order not to let my parents down, I decided to face the music and take a plunge into making up the lagging.

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Summary of Anne of Green Gables

Overall: Marilla and Matthew want to adopt an orphan boy to help out on the farm. By mistake, they are sent spunky red-haired Anne instead. At first, it seems that wherever Anne goes, trouble follows. She hits a boy over the head with her slate at school. Then she falls off the neighbor's roof during a game of truth or dare! But as she grows up, all of Avonlea comes to love Anne of Green Gables.

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From now on, sensationally, is a brand new English creative column coming to us: "A Challenge to The Cherubims". It is a special area authorized by Dr. Chris Lin, PhD. in English literature and reproductive organic satires, where we can learn English through interest and liveliness under Dr. Lin's descriptive expressions of diversities. There will be including many funny articles under many catagories: pure lit, social values, natural science, deductive, business,...and so on. And I'm so honored to have the privilege to publish his very first one in the series.

The following is the fantastic debut which appeared in the editorial section of a newsmagazine.

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What is honesty? To be honest, honesty is not what general people may think about. Actually, it can be regarded so or discussed from at least three aspects:

1. Honesty is a deed to tell the relatively truth, which is certain in the definite region of speaker's reasonable domain, either arbitrary, objective, or subjective.

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When first seeing Kevin, I believed this kid must be full of energy, so energetic that I thought he was such an optimistic young boy that never knew what sorrow would be like since he stems from a well-educated family, along with his parents with traditional, decent backgrounds.

Later on, it was totally not in this case. Kevin seemed a little wordy, too attentive and even sensitive to what other classmates thought. He developed somehow offensive character, cursing back to peers all the time when others discussed about him, not to mention their trying to rebuke him for what wrong-doings he had made. I was a little worried about it, thinking the class order would be disturbed by dormant, unseen, coming arguments among my little friends.

Kevin is never a naughty pupil that is hard to be disciplined. He is only a little “overreacting”, caring too much about how people look at him. I never blamed him for clamor he brought forth in class. On the other hand, he is willing to learn almost everything as long as the teacher tells him in a relatively inspiring, not obligatory way of instructing. And, to my surprise, Kevin learns fast, especially in fields of languages and cultures. As far as I, his English teacher, am concerned, Kevin learns to speak foreign language very fast; he almost can memorize a small paragraph as soon as I read it out to him. This is not natural born, however. I found him to have such ability to catch the sounds, syllables, or even a certain groups of words to put them together, after I let him in my class for about half a year. I urged him nothing special to do, neither in class nor at home, nor did I give him specific assignments which must be in a tutorial manner with his parents. In respect of learning foreign languages, I gave him no pressure, no deadlines, just encouragement and comfort when needed. And he learns the skill by himself. He does it well.

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"Paul", remember this name, especially when you encounter some unsolving problems on your PC. You and I should be thankful to him for his timely help with a rare problem on my blog space design: I just couldn't change my space outfit, nor could I post anything new, including this one.

I called him, while he was having a romantic breakfast with a freshman at National Taipei University..(no, not romantic, this is for Gab only), telling him my problem, hanging up the phone, waiting about 5 minutes, and the problem was done. So cool! Here is the solution, and I share with you guys in honor of our good brother, Paul:

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Nice! Great essayist. You just never lose your "whatever" style. I like it. Honestly to speak, I quite agree with your view points about life, and I know well about your inner conflicts and agonies between seemlingly cruel reality and your pure, innocent heart. But there is still something you don't figure out, or, let me put it this way, something neither you nor I could accept, especially when I was at your age.

If life is a fucking game, then who do you think you would be? A chess master who commands the whole battle? No, you will certainly lose in the end.
Then where is the king? You will never see the target when you ever had a litte eagerness to want to take control over it.

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My dear and beloved Chris,
it is really stunting to know till today that you are also Chris! Where is the chainsaw guy then? You know, I am so proud of my name for now I can say loudly, dare claim bravely, and have realized clearly that I am of the Lord and the purpose of my rest life is Jesus-driven. Maybe you have not known Him, our Lord, much enough, but I am so happy and so honored to share the same name with you. Frankly to say, it is you that deserve the name far better than I do. You have a tender heart and a soft mind that can absorb almost anything against you, even if some rub you the wrong way boldly. I have seen you through a junior to a strong, well-educated, gentle young man, knowing the most etiquettes. You are actually my best student that reached way beyond average and always within the most decent and satisfying performances. Since long ago would I like to reveal you all this, buried in my mind, and then give you a big hug, But I lurched, only to waste much time before on those meaningless pursues for vanities. I am sorry, Chris, for not encouraging you in time, that you yourself is one of my greatest harvests in the field of 20-year English teaching. But still it is not too late, I think, except for some warm and sincere advice on aspiring after  the only truth, regardless of my naive promise some years ago to teach you four tricky  "tricks" to get the world in a snap, well, so honestly than ever:

"People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."

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He did nothing, after a sad long sigh, but prayed to God, prayed and prayed..., telling his deepest agonies and sorrows to God. I was so afaid that he just couldn't receive His voice of comfort for it was so tangled and complicated in his mind. His heart was weeping, sobbing for the misunderstanding, desolations and coldness got from others, especially from those who he loved with his pure soul, his innocent friendliness. I was so afraid, that he would lose his faith to God and turn to his being, his free will and simply let his ego drive him to nowhere with his fists of fury. Feeling betrayed, rejected and lonely, this young man encountered a sensational blow of power punch one can never easily take. Oh, is it fair to him?, I murmered to God, hoping Him not to put so many tests to my poor student, who has been wounded without passing his true love to any, not even one, he ever fell in love with.
After a moment, he opened his eyes, smashing off his cigarette bud (He is the only one I've ever seen till now who smokes while praying...), and told me, "It is painful indeed,well, I'll take it if it is from Him." He then pointed to the sky where God was listening there, with a somewhat reluctant smile. At this moment, I knew that he has passed one, if it was not the big final, great test of life.
I was sure it was certainly from God for after the test he might acquire piece and faith in his mind. I smiled at him too, with a deep sigh of releaf and thought to myself: "How little my faith to God it is! I just can't believe that Howard could get through it --- in God's way, not his."
He walked slowly to Super and his girl, well, now she belonged to Super, wishing them good lucky, turning around to me, raising both his hands upward to God, and said lightly with a slight smile, "Another heart-broken story, isn't it? That's all right, if, if only it is from Him..."

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Recently I've gone through so many miracles, so many that I just couldn't help but believe in His Almighty. One of my naughty students, Howard, not much willing to open any one of his text book, always making troubles on studies, has shown me how wonderful God is and how amazing and incredible He conducts His work upon us. As Howard had his saddest slump in his life ever, losing his Miss Right for his pal during a party, well, let me put something ahead,his "dream girl" is somewhat... you know, ODD. She seldom pays attention to the feelings someone else could bear, and she just didn't care about them. On that day, I arranged a little gettogether among some of my students, including Howard and her, of course, in order to make both of them more acquainted. But to my big surprise, the girl gave her hand to his friend, Super, who is also a young, slender and gentle kid with the same passion for love. This broke Howard's fragile lonely heart, simply totally..., into pieces, fractional. I was so afraid then that he would do something terrible to hurt Super or even himself. And I had no ideas how to comfort him or do something to make him a bit more relexed.
What happened then? Did Howard lose his mind doing anything crazy? Read Part II and you will know... 

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