What is honesty? To be honest, honesty is not what general people may think about. Actually, it can be regarded so or discussed from at least three aspects:
1. Honesty is a deed to tell the relatively truth, which is certain in the definite region of speaker's reasonable domain, either arbitrary, objective, or subjective.
2. Honesty is a reciprocal, agentively-driven interaction of cognition, in which the speaker and the listener both are aware the content of the following dialogue would be in a "true and candid" atmosphere. Namely, if you had already known the issue or the mood of either party which may bring about produdice, preconceived bias or any other emotional turmoils. Then your willingness of "honesty" may not always be exactly what you expect from your sincere heart in the early beginning.
3. Honesty is of true love. True love toward your friends, family and your neighbors, even your enemy. The true love from which you wish the whole group including you be in a harmoneous unity heading whole-heartedly to the ultimate truth, real beauty, and kindness, is what you must have been always pursuing for in your life. As the Bible says, "Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love as each part does its work." (Ephesians 4:15~16) Pay attention to how many times Paul had used the phrase "in love". If there were no love, honesty would be someone else' poison. If we talk to people without love, our words are like the sharpest poisonous swords with two blades; as soon as one touches it, they die.
Honesty would never be complete if there would be either of these three elements missing. I never, ever will tell others that I am truely "honest" though I hate to tell a lie; but I would try to be honest as I could, meeting all its three elements. So, my friends, if you should undeliberately miss one, maybe two of them, please, please don't tell anyone that you are "honest". You are very likely to be nothing but chaff of
ambition, distraction, uglification, and the most pathetique derision!
- Sep 10 Wed 2008 13:37
Honesty Is Not Ineptitude