179. 主被動語態:
「主動語態」 的定義:凡發出行為動作之名詞作為主詞而描述該行為事件之句子稱之。其標準結構為 S + V + O...
「被動語態」 的定義:凡接受行為動作之名詞作為主詞而描述該行為事件之句子稱之。其標準結構為 S + be + Vpp (過去分詞) + by O...
180. 被動語態之時態皆以變化 be 動詞為準則;共有現在、過去、未來之簡單式、進行式、完成式、及完成進行式等十二種形態:
1. 現在
a. 簡單式
Riding motorbikes on freeways is banned in our country. (騎機車上高速公路在我國是被禁止的。)
b. 進行式
Your motorbike is being repaired at the moment. (您的機車正在(被)修理中。)
c. 完成式
Ron’s workshop has been visited by me for three times. (我已經去過志榮重機行三次了。[已經被我拜訪過三次了;此句構在中文中較少用,故不建議直譯。])
d. 完成進行式
This helmet is having been expected by me on the Yahoo Auction for over two months. (我肖想這頂在Y拍上的安全帽有兩個月之久了。[用於強調已經進行且正在進行之動作])
2. 過去
a. 簡單式
The customer was fined for speeding twice last month. (這個客人上個月因超速被開了兩次罰單。)
b. 進行式
When you called, my shirt was still being ironed then. (你打來的時候,我的襯衫還沒熨好。)
c. 完成式
When you arrived, my shirt had been ironed just then. (當你抵達時,我的襯衫才熨好沒多久。[比過去某時段更早發生的行為])
d. 完成進行式
Ron said that when he and his girl friend visited Japan last month, his workshop was having been organized. (志榮說他的工作室早在上個月她跟他女朋友去日本玩的時候就已經開始籌劃了。)
3. 未來
a. 簡單式
His friend tells him that the job will be settled if he can get his visa in time. (他朋友告訴他如果能及時取得簽證的話,工作的事兒應該沒問題。)
b. 進行式 (罕用)
The shop will be being sanitized from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM next Wednesday. (下周三早上十點到十二點,本店將進行消毒作業。)
c. 完成式
Don’t come back till five o’clock for your bike could have just been half repaired by noon. (五點再來就好,您的車中午時大概只能修好一半。)
d. 完成進行式 (罕用)
The limited version will be having been bought by other guests if you do not order now. (這款限量版現在不預訂恐怕稍晚會被別的客人買走。)
181. 主被動語態其他應注意事項
1. 授與動詞可有兩種被動形態:
Father gave me the watch. (爸爸給了我一支手錶。)
= The watch was given to me by Father.
= I was given the watch by Father.
2. 無介詞之不及物動詞無被動式:
It rains. (下雨了。)
The old man died. (那老人死了。)
She can dance well. (她舞得很美。)
3. By whom 須置於句首:
By whom is your motorbike fixed up? (你摩托車誰修的?)
4. 行為人不明或不必表明時,可省略:
The street has been cleaned (by some people). (有人打掃過街道了。)
5. 有時介詞不用 by。取代 by 的幾個例子如下:
The gift surprised me. = I was surprised at the gift. (這禮物讓我吃了一驚。)
We all know Ron’s dexterity. = Ron’s dexterity is known to us all. (志榮的巧手眾所皆知。)
Motor oil covers the workshop. = The workshop is covered with motor oil. (工作室地面滿是機油。)
6. 有些動詞,主被動意義及功能並無不同:
Ron will graduate from Queensland University. = Ron will be graduated from Queensland University. (志榮將畢業於昆士蘭大學。)


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