除了我上次找到的重點之外,昨天細細回想葉教授的叮嚀:「放鬆上半身。」,終於能感覺到  「用腰打球」 的要領,現將此秘密分享如下 (中打太慢,所以用英打,請見諒!):

Imagine your torso as a stack of legos divided into three parts: one is your head whose fulcrum is the neck, namely, the spine, second is your sholders and arms, third is then your hip. When you finish the take-up, spinning your upper body clockwise (for right-handed players) to the utmost, always remember to uncoil it by initiating the hip move. Let the hip lead the rest of the down swing motion. Sounds like cliche, doesn't it? Like the 6th point of the 'greatest nine' procedures says: '右臀迴正啟動下杆', it seems nothing new nor creative beneficial to bettering the impact. But,

Have you really understood the mechanism?

I mean, do you ever know how your hip lead the upper body into a right groove of the down swing plain? Here is the secret, and it is just what I sensed decently for the first time the right sequence of the down swing path:

As you turn your hip, exert your stamina at the very moment only at your hip turn, behold, only at your hip turn! Do not exert any slight piece of strength on your shoulders and fore arms! This will cause your down swing path a bit forward, which may end up with a frustrating fat hit or shank, depending on the impact surface to the ball. Too violent shoulder turn will damp and distort your normal spine angle. Do you know why I am inclined to exhaust myself so soon and my swing still looks so gawky and rough, only to get a pathetic carry with a fking 3 iron? Too hard and active is my shoulder turn! Yes, that's the culprit I havn't been able to spot since I first dug my wedge into the greeny pasture-like fairway.

Since you move your hip and your shoulders stay passive, you will feel your shoulders 'pulled' or 'trolleyed away' by the turn. And that's the so-called 'passive shoulder turn' proper! Your shoulders are 'pulled' to turn, not turning by their own wills. If so, both your forearms now will 'fall down' naturally, down to the exact position where you take up your club at about a quarter of it, that is, a position a bit higher at the waist. Your hip and shoulders are tightly connected and keep turning, so your arms are 'pulled' to follow your shoulders. At about the waist hight, the speed and momentum of the club head will force your wrists, especially your cocked right wrist, to 'hinge' back to the position where you do the setting-up and address the ball, the very spot and single impact area for a nice sweet and crispy shot! As an old golf saying goes, 'Go back to the postion where you just addressed it.' Thus, your shoulders and arms are passive, so it is clear that your swing will look 'effortless' and 'nice'n easy' for you really don't seem to exert anywhere on your upper body. But do we not exert at all when swinging? Of course yes, only at the right moment and right part: right beginning of the down swing as your hip turns! All the rest remains passive but alert. Remember: hips pull shoulders; shoulders pull arms; arms brush your head to the left for an elegant finish stance.

As for the head, well, it's the last but never the least part of the three, without which the other two would by no means be approached. Stay still, is all in all what you should do for this part. Watch the ball, nail the ball, and try to look at the ball's behind (a little perverted, I know...) till you send your little whity to a nice long journey. I have a vision about the whole machenism:

Take a look at the move of trains. As they are not powered, the cars would always be still unless the locomotive starts first and pull, one by one. So would the down swing...

That's all, my friends. Keep practicing! Me too, of course. I would like to collect your golf balls as my Xmas presents, but if you do know and realize the secret, you would 'coda' me soon before the end of this year, in a valiant style!

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