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1. what's your favorite place to go in tainan? why?

thanks for asking, first of all my favortite place in tainan would be xi-gang, where there have been the most popular insence-hanging activity every three years, which is very impressive to me.

by the time, everyone would put down his or her job at hand and take part in it, where many families have their reunion then.

the precious experience in xi-gang enables me to know the hospitality of local people and cultrual treasure when interacting with them in this activity.

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3. Grant of a Non-Exclusive License

Subject to Licensee's continued compliance with this Agreement and the Evaluation Rules and

Regulations, iTQi hereby grants Licensee a non-transferable, non-assignable and non-exclusive limited

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週一 22:00~00:00

週二 23:00~00:00

週三 同週一

週四 同週一

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A 葡萄籽油 375/4 93.75

B 洗手露 260/4 65

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instructions for standard brewing:


preparations: sniffing cups, tea leaves x grams, timer, boiling water (need gas or electrowave stove for 100 C consistent boiling state)

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the problems commonly associated with traditional policing 傳統巡邏常見問題

the research on traditional plicing has yielded the followiing problems: 研究指出,傳統巡邏仍衍生以下問題:

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最近,有個朋友跟我提到 "誠實" 的話題。他給我看了段廣告,似乎意指天底下人個個虛偽不老實,眼看似乎已經找不到誠實的人了。搞不好他也是提醒我,要我重新反思一下我自己的言行,是否真有符合誠實。其實關於這個話題,之前已利用本部落格寫了一篇文章回答過他 (Honesty Is Not Ineptitude),但顯然他沒看懂。也好,九年後的我再對同一話題,重新省思一番回答,看看結論會不會不一樣。




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應 XXX 同學之請求,本人非常樂意向  貴所推薦其參與領域研究工作,定會對日後 AAA 研究領域有相當之貢獻,實為一值得  貴所錄取的學生。

XXX 同學現任 BBB 職務,於本院中,再再表現出甚大學習能力,可迅速領會複雜之理論,並擅長將理論運用於實際。其與工作同仁之密切合作中,本人對其認真探討科學之精神及其對於問題之洞察力獲得深刻之印象。不但在工作績效上、甚或在獨立研究能力上,均有卓越表現。於多次研習課程中,亦發現在課前皆能週全準備,好問而求甚解,從不讓問題未得解答而作罷。討論當中,發言踴躍,辯才無礙,故所提問題常具激發性與啟發性。 對相關領域專業知識而言,有相當程度完善的背景。 自覺的研究,試圖運用一切可能途徑去擴展他的知識領域。 前兩年中,他對自己研究的目標未能確定,因此遲至今日,在稍有自己的想法後,才覺適合投入學術實務綜合應用的領域。

XXX 同學為人誠懇、堅定,經常遵守高度倫理標準。於職場倫理上,表現高度責任感,只要能力所及,亦會經常幫助其他同事。據本人觀察,XXX 同學為人熱忱積極、友善且樂觀。以此性格,勢將能與同學良好相處。判斷日後於  貴所學習與共同研究生活中,皆會成為一好學生。據本人所知,XXX 同學對於進修 CCC 學位相當熱衷,且自 DDD 年開始時,即為此而準備,且其身心頗屬強健,可以承接較繁重的研究任務。

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the first block blue:

@ provided tv, monitor, soundbar, such soft- and firmwares alike qc testing and inspections to 20+ overseas clients on a range of tasks, including field and home testing

@ managed 15+ consultants' and contractors' performance in problem shooting and whql aspects, including tv stream and swrd

@ monitored the procurement processs, including tendering, recommendation, and contract award, variation costs, claims, and final accounts

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  • Dec 11 Sun 2016 14:32
  • 華褓


每日 0600~0630 英文家教

週一 1830~2130 上數學課

週二、三 1930~0000 數學、化學、社會科

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講義 p. 139~p.141 之重點如下:

1. 甚麼是 "根"?
若 a 使 f(a)=0,則稱 a 為多項式方程式 f(x)=0 的一個 "根" 或一個 "解"。
根可以為整數、有理數、實數、或複數 (狹義指含有虛數的數)。

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  • Oct 07 Fri 2016 12:43
  • 價翔


一、過分貴的廠商就不用列出了,要列出的是 "以後我們真的有可能會去下訂" 的廠商,而不是充表格空間。



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本文應用多孔介質 (porous medium) 二維有限頻域分析 (Finite Element Frequency Domain Analysis,FEFDA)計算聆聽室的頻率響應 (Frequency Respones)。文中分析驗證吸音泡棉 (Acoustic Foams)的吸音係數(Sound Absorption Coefficient)與施羅德擴散器 (Schroeder Diffuser)的極響應(Polar Responses) 及擴散係數 (Diffusion Coefficient),並探討結合吸音泡棉與施羅德擴散器於聆聽室 (Listening Room) 空間聲場頻率響應的影響。 研究中首先應用有限元素頻域分析與雙麥克風法 (Two-Microphone Method) 計算吸音泡棉的吸音係數,並與一維理論解進行比較,完成準確性驗證。接著應用有限元素頻域分析繪製500 Hz施羅德擴散器的極響應圖(Polar plot)並驗證其擴散效果。從極響應圖中可觀察出七槽施羅德擴散器的擴散效果最佳,單槽有顯著的集中反射現象,擴散效果差。最後本文應用均佈脈衝聲壓與邊界條件模擬聆聽室的頻率響應,探討結合吸音泡棉與施羅德擴散器對聆聽室頻率響應的影響。結果顯示聆聽室附加三個施羅德擴散器較附加一個擴散器的擴散效果為佳。結合吸音泡棉與施羅德擴散器後,聆聽點各倍頻帶 (Octave Band)的位移振幅皆顯著下降,顯見吸音泡棉的吸音效果。惟擴散器與吸音泡棉的結合使用,須考量適切的聆聽頻率響應需求予以適當的設計。

The finite element frequency domain analysis (FEFDA) of the porous medium is used to calculate the frequency responses of a listening room in this study. Related information, such as sound absorption coefficient of acoustic foams, and polar responses and diffusion coefficient of Schroeder diffuser, are estimated and verified to figure out the effect in the frequency response of the sound field when installing the acoustic foams and Schroeder diffuser in the listening room. FEFDA and two-microphone method are applied to calculate the sound absorption coefficient that is further compared with one-dimension theory to assess the accuracy. A polar plot of 500 Hz Schroeder diffuser is prepared according to the FEFDA, and indicates a 7-slot diffuser performs better diffusion and a single-slot diffuser has bad performance due to obviously concentrated reflection. Finally, this study simulates the frequency response of the listening room based on the average distribution pulse acoustic pressure and boundary conditions to discuss the influence from the combination of the acoustic foams and Schroeder diffuser. The result shows that the better diffusion performance is incurred when applying three Schroeder diffusers with an extra diffuser. The acoustic foams has significant efficacy in adsorbing sounds proven by obviously decreasing of the displacement amplitude at each octave band. However, an appropriate frequency response should be taken into consideration while constructing the acoustic foams and Schroeder diffuser.

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表1-1 (續)

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高一上 (2016/9~2017/1) 每日讀書作息安排如下:

壹、上課日 (如周一至周五,23:30 就寢) 預計讀書約三小時,所應做的事有:
課外國文古文朗誦、句讀、理解、默寫 40~50 字

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to dear whom may be concerned,
i'm the homeroom director of ms. yaya sun, department of chinese literature, national hsin-chu normal university. ms. sun is now taking each lecture i'm now giving in this college, does all above average and behaves pretty well during the semesters. i'm so glad to hear that ms. sun would apply for the vacacies of the program for exchange students to korea for korean study arranged by ministry of education for the young applicant since young has great interest in korean language science and, personally speaking, will be one of the best candidates for the program for the following reasons:
in addition that ms. sun has great interest in korean culture since her childhood, she has been a big fan of korean pop music, knowing very much about the current korean popular culture events to the utmost update. she also attended night language school for further korean reading and conversation, and luckily enough for her endless efforts toward korean learning, she passed the korean proficiency test of grade one in the second year of senior high. there was only a little pause for joing the college entrance exam.
after been a freshman, ms. sun immediately picked up what she has learned and studied korean harder than ever, joining advanced language courses after classes, commuting weekly from taipei to hsin-chu non-stopping. as a chinese proverb goes, 'learning alone is scarcely learning a lot.' ms. sun applied herself for college korean club to find another lovers of korean cultures, being elected as the club leader then. after passing the proficiency test grade two, she is so willing to share the joy of korean learning with more and more new comers and peers, telling her precious experiences of korean learing.

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