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【德文原文】Von der Neue Bürger Zeit, Donnerstag, 17, Juli, 1980
Fernöstlicher Hausarzt
Mehr und mehr Beachtung findet auch hierzulande die Akupunkturbehandlung, deren Anwendung im medizinischen Bereich in fernöstlichen Ländern zur Alltäglichkeit gehört. Die medizinische Leitung des Kurbetriebs untersteht den auch einem Fachmann auf diesem Gegiet, dem aus Taiwan stammenden, seit zwanzig Jahren in der Schweiz ansässigen. Dr. med. Francisco Hsu, der an der Universität Genf den Titel eines Doktors der Medizin und der Chirurgie erworben hat.
Dr. Hsu, so wird erklärt, setzt Akupunktur nur auf Grund genaurer Untersuchungen und Diagnosen in Fällen ein, wo die klassischen Behandlungsmethoden allein nicht zum Ziele führen. Unerlässlich ist dabei die Disziplin des Patienten im allfälligen Verzicht auf verschiedene Genussmittel. Als Zusatzbehandlung schliesslich wird in vielen Fällen die Ozonbehandlung angewandt, als deren Hauptindikationen die venösen und arteriellen Durchblutungsstörungen sowie Erkrankungen der Gelenke bezeichnet werden.

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阿鴻不好意思,最近高中生都在準備備審資料,其中的英文自傳,更是惱人。於是我便參加了 「順手寫自傳,救救白爛棠」 的活動,以助其高中。所以中間抽插一篇自傳翻譯參考,日文只好暫停一次了:


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  • Dec 07 Wed 2011 00:00
  • 操心


Nagging for a thousand times though, I'm still sorry and guilty to see Chris osciliate to make his swing far away in equilibrium, especially when ecountering some buggy games, even against Gabby or moldy Johnny, who is sometimes rusty for lack of brush-ups, or standing in front of a long par 5, seemingly taking out a big cannon to smoke the flag, or strangely sensing a fit of palsy to take up the club right after he just finished a perfect swing as to finish me at a long-distance gambling. Chris was so often frightened by a simple peel of painting falling from his heart, a nuclear power plant known as my coach and co-wirter of 'the grand 14', however, a waste pool at the dark side in light of being a real tough player, which can produce nothing but adrenal as he addresses his ball, making him no balls at all thereafter. Involved messed-up in this calamity-like mingle-mangle, how could I get my dream hi-ends if I just mask myself as an onlooker to schadenfreude Chris devoured by the huge tsunami of frustration? And it is the very compelling reason to write this SOP regardless of staring at piles of books and handouts left unread on my desk, illegally of course:

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1. Have you ever been punished by your parents or teachers for doing something wrong? How? How did you feel about it?
A: Of course yes, and quite often was I punished by them, almost alternatively. Once I didn't put away with my desk after doing homework at my study. I just left it as a mess and went out to play video games with my brother. 
As Dad came back, he came to our study first to see if we have done our assignments well. To his disappointment, he saw nothing but two empty chairs and a desk hit by a huge meteorite just before. I was badly flustered by this, afraid that I might get severe punishement. However, Dad said nothing. He smiled at me and told me it's hard to me to jot down so many key points at class and do so much homework after school. He said all could be understandable. 
Thinking of what Daddy had said, I weeped alone in bed with my brother's snore. I felt so guilty and so sorry for my dad's kind forgiveness. Did my father punish me or not? Well, that is a question. Just as golf playing, for a perfect swing, all you need is perfect joint stacking, rather than a lumbar or thoracic disks slipping. So for perfect education, all you need is inspiration, not abomination aroused by your inefficient punishment.

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Short conversation from 4 majong partners within 4~6 mins:

A (Max): Hi, I-lee. I heard you're going to date a girl in you community, really?
B (Lili): Hello, Max. Well, I'd like to, but in fact I...
C (Dudu): Just cut the crabs, I-lee. I don't think that'll be any output since you're so shy.

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  • Aug 24 Wed 2011 00:00
  • 高協


1. 高一上字彙評量卷編纂 捷進字彙 I 共 25 回,每回 20 題:U1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 1-7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14, 8-14, 15,16,17,18,19,20, 15-20, 1-10, 11-20

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「若是能行,總要盡力與眾人和睦。」 羅馬書 12:18
"If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men." Romans 12:18


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互動式舞台劇《 這蘋果,咬是不咬?》(改編自長篇小說《王的大玩偶》;肉欲停 原著)

第一幕   胖呆的獨白

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Part I:
The Department of Land Economy

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GEPT-Oriented Overview:
1st MidMay-January a1
2nd February-June b3, a4
3rd July-January a8, b11

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「 言簡意賅、一語中的、注意標點 」 是你今後作文須加強的地方。寫得不錯,改的不多,繼續努力吧!


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本篇委託人為國片巨著 「蒙假」 男主角,高帥英挺、瘋流涕躺,不知羨煞多少少女。自從自日本第一大幫派 「双口組」 淡出後,轉對 「起厝」 有興趣。個人堅信他蓋的房子,堅若磐石;畢竟他知道要用多少磅數的水泥,才能有效抵擋手榴彈與重機槍的襲擊。

 一、 近程目標:

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My high school is located in Nin-sha Road, Taipei City, a once quaint district with historical tradition since the city was established.

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(1) The Primero, the Unicus
I, Bacon Kao, born on Oct. 17, 1992 in New Taipei City, am the only child in my family, where my dear parents would consume and replace what they all got to make me like a quality sponge, which absorbs anything new and good to me. However, that may well turn into my arrogance, the arrogance of power in my family. Tankfully, such tantrums happened only in my childhood...

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1. 何謂補習?
a. 補救不足之學習

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After reading the gist of the whole comedy, I realized what so-called the classic should be, the precious legacy orchestrated by Shakespeare, one of the greatest tycoons of English literature, or, to be mentioned more precisely, the morning star of generic civilization of mankind.

Shakespeare's comedy 'The Taming of the Shrew' in his early written works in 1593, which was at the background of new rising bourgeoisies and was of full irony and in sarcasm style for stage play, was performed at the gayest period of Shakespeare's robust career.

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