美國法律整編 (第二版) 侵權行為法
Restatement of The Law, Second, Torts
輔仁大學 黃裕凱老師編 

Division 1. Intentional Harms To Persons, Land, And Chattels
Chapter 1 Meaning Of Terms Used Throughout The Restatement Of Torts
§ 1. Interest
The word “interest” is used throughout the Restatement of this Subject to denote the object of any human desire.

第壹編 故意對他人之身體、土地及動產之傷害
第一章 侵權行為法整編中所使用之名詞之意義
第1條 利益

§ 2. Act
The word “act” is used throughout the Restatement of this Subject to denote an external manifestation of the actor's will and does not include any of its results, even the most direct, immediate, and intended.

第2條 行為

§ 3. Actor
The word “actor” is used throughout the Restatement of this Subject to designate either the person whose conduct is in question as subjecting him to liability toward another, or as precluding him from recovering against another whose tortious conduct is a legal cause of the actor's injury.

第3條 行為人

§ 4. Duty
The word “duty” is used throughout the Restatement of this Subject to denote the fact that the actor is required to conduct himself in a particular manner at the risk that if he does not do so he becomes subject to liability to another to whom the duty is owed for any injury sustained by such other, of which that actor's conduct is a legal cause.

第4條 責任

§ 5. Subject To Liability
The words “subject to liability” are used throughout the Restatement
of this Subject to denote the fact that the actor's conduct is such as to
make him liable for another's injury, if
(a) the actor's conduct is a legal cause thereof, and
(b) the actor has no defense applicable to the particular claim.

第5條 負責任

§ 6. Tortuous Conduct

The word “tortuous” is used throughout the Restatement of this Subject to denote the fact that conduct whether of act or omission is of such a character as to subject the actor to liability under the principles of the law of Torts.

第6條 侵權行為

§ 7. Injury And Harm
(1)The word “injury” is used throughout the Restatement of this Subject to denote the invasion of any legally protected interest of another.
(2)The word “harm” is used throughout the Restatement of this Subject to denote the existence of loss or detriment in fact of any kind to a person resulting from any cause.
(3)The words “physical harm” are used throughout the Restatement of this Subject to denote the physical impairment of the human body, or of land or chattels.

第7條 侵害與傷害

§ 8. Unavoidable Accident
The words “unavoidable accident” are used throughout the Restatement of this Subject to denote the fact that the harm which is so described is not caused by any tortious act of the one whose conduct is in question.

第8條 不可避免之原因

§ 8A. Intent
The word “intent” is used throughout the Restatement of this Subject to denote that the actor desires to cause consequences of his act, or that he believes that the consequences are substantially certain to result from it.

第8A條 故意

§ 9. Legal Cause
The words “legal cause” are used throughout the Restatement of this Subject to denote the fact that the causal sequence by which the actor's tortuous conduct has resulted in an invasion of some legally protected interest of another is such that the law holds the actor responsible for such harm unless there is some defense to liability.

第9條 法律原因

§ 10. Privilege
(1)The word “privilege” is used throughout the Restatement of this Subject to denote the fact that conduct which, under ordinary circumstances, would subject the actor to liability, under particular circumstances does not subject him to such liability.
(2)A privilege may be based upon
(a) the consent of the other affected by the actor's conduct, or
(b) the fact that its exercise is necessary for the protection of some interest of the actor or of the public which is of such importance as to justify the harm caused or threatened by its exercise, or
(c) the fact that the actor is performing a function for the proper performance of which freedom of action is essential.

第10條 特殊權利
(a) 受行為人之行為影響之人之同意;或
(b) 為保護行為人或大眾之利益有作某行為之必要,而致他人受到傷害或傷害之威脅者,有合理化之理由(有正當理由);或
(c) 行為人之行為係本於行為自由之原則所應有之功能而施行者。

§ 10A. Consent
The word “consent” is used throughout the Restatement of this Subject to denote willingness in fact that an act or an invasion of an interest shall take place.

第10A條 同意

§ 11. Reasonably Believes
The words “reasonably believes” are used throughout the Restatement of this Subject to denote the fact that the actor believes that a given fact or combination of facts exists, and that the circumstances which he knows, or should know, are such as to cause a reasonable man so to believe.

第11條 合理地相信

§ 12. Reason To Know; Should Know
(1)The words “reason to know” are used throughout the Restatement of this Subject to denote the fact that the actor has information from which a person of reasonable intelligence or of the superior intelligence of the actor would infer that the fact in question exists, or that such person would govern his conduct upon the assumption that such fact exists.
(2)The words “should know” are used throughout the Restatement of this Subject to denote the fact that a person of reasonable prudence and intelligence or of the superior intelligence of the actor would ascertain the fact in question in the performance of his duty to another, or would govern his conduct upon the assumption that such fact exists.

第12條 有理由得知;應知

§ 12A. Damages
The word “damages” is used throughout the Restatement of this Subject to denote a sum of money awarded to a person injured by the tort of another.

第12A條 賠償

Chapter 2. Intentional Invasions Of Interests In Personality
Topic 1. The Interest In Freedom From Harmful Bodily
§ 13. Battery: Harmful Contact
An actor is subject to liability to another for battery if
(a) he acts intending to cause a harmful or offensive contact with the person of the other or a third person, or an imminent apprehension of such a contact, and
(b) a harmful contact with the person of the other directly or indirectly results.

第二章 對於人之利益之故意侵犯
第一節 免於受傷害性身體觸擊自由之利益
第13條 毆擊 傷害性之觸擊
(a) 行為人故意(意圖)使發生該他人或第三人之身體受傷害性或冒犯性之觸擊,或使發生該他人或第三人就身體受傷害性或冒犯性之觸擊有即將來臨之憂慮;且
(b) 致他人之身體受傷害性之觸擊,直接或間接地發生。

§ 14. Necessity Of Act By Defendant
To make the actor liable for a battery, the harmful bodily contact must be caused by an act done by the person whose liability is in question.

第14條 被告之行為之必要性

§ 15. What Constitutes Bodily Harm
Bodily harm is any physical impairment of the condition of another's body, or physical pain or illness.

第15條 構成身體傷害之要件

§ 16. Character Of Intent Necessary
(1)If an act is done with the intention of inflicting upon another an offensive but not a harmful bodily contact, or of putting another in apprehension of either a harmful or offensive bodily contact, and such act causes a bodily contact to the other, the actor is liable to the other for a battery although the act was not done with the intention of bringing about the resulting bodily harm.
(2)If an act is done with the intention of affecting a third person in the manner stated in Subsection (1), but causes a harmful bodily contact to another, the actor is liable to such other as fully as though he intended so to affect him.

第16條 所具備之故意之特性

§ 17. Bodily Harm Caused Otherwise Than By Harmful Contact
[The Section is omitted. The matter is now covered by § 46.]

第17條 因觸擊性以外之原因而致身體遭受傷害
【本條刪除,有關事項規定於第46 條】

Topic 2. The Interest In Freedom From Offensive Bodily Contact
第二節 免於受冒犯性身體觸擊自由之利益

§ 18. Battery: Offensive Contact

(1)An actor is subject to liability to another for battery if

(a) he acts intending to cause a harmful or offensive contact with the person of the other or a third person, or an imminent apprehension of such a contact, and

(b) an offensive contact with the person of the other directly or indirectly results.

(2) An act which is not done with the intention stated in Subsection

(1, a) does not make the actor liable to the other for a mere offensive contact with the other's person although the act involves an unreasonable risk of inflicting it and, therefore, would be negligent or reckless if the risk threatened bodily harm.

第18條 毆擊-冒犯性之觸擊


(a) 行為人故意(意圖)使發生該他人或第三人之身體受傷害性,或使發生該他人或第三人就身體受傷害性或


(b) 致他人之身體受冒犯性之觸擊,直接或間接地發生。


§ 19. What Constitutes Offensive Contact

A bodily contact is offensive if it offends a reasonable sense of personal dignity.

第19條 冒犯性觸擊之構成要件


§ 20. Character Of Intent Necessary

(1)If an act is done with the intention of inflicting upon another a harmful bodily contact or of putting the other in apprehension of either a harmful or offensive bodily contact, and if it causes an offensive bodily contact to the other, the actor is subject to liability to the other although the act was not done with the intention of bringing about the resulting offensive contact.

(2)If an act is done with the intention of affecting a third person in the manner stated in Subsection (1) but causes an offensive bodily contact to another, the actor is subject to liability to such other as fully as though he intended so to affect him.

第20條 所須具備之故意之特性




Topic 3. The Interest In Freedom From Apprehension Of A Harmful Or Offensive Contact

§ 21. Assault

(1)An actor is subject to liability to another for assault if

(a) he acts intending to cause a harmful or offensive contact with the person of the other or a third person, or an imminent apprehension of such a contact, and

(b) the other is thereby put in such imminent apprehension. 

(2)An action which is not done with the intention stated in Subsection

(1, a) does not make the actor liable to the other for an apprehension caused thereby although the act involves an unreasonable risk of causing it and, therefore, would be negligent or reckless if the risk threatened bodily harm.

第三節 免於憂慮受傷害性或冒犯性觸擊之自由之利益

第21條 恫嚇


(a) 行為人故意(意圖)使發生該他人或第三人之身體受傷害性或冒犯性之觸擊,或使發生該他人或第三人就


(b) 該他人因之而受到即將受傷害性或冒犯性之觸擊之憂慮。


§ 22. Attempt Unknown To Other

An attempt to inflict a harmful or offensive contact or to cause an apprehension of such contact does not make the actor liable for an assault if the other does not become aware of the attempt before it is terminated.

第22條 未為他人所知之意圖


§ 23. Termination Of Attempt After Other's Knowledge

If the actor has so acted as to put another in apprehension of an immediate and harmful or offensive contact, he is subject to liability for an assault although he thereafter terminates his attempt or it is frustrated.

第23條 於他人知悉後,意圖之中止行為人之行為已使他人憂慮將受當前之傷害性或冒犯性之觸擊時,縱然其後行為人中


§ 24. What Constitutes Apprehension

In order that the other may be put in the apprehension necessary to make the actor liable for an assault, the other must believe that the act may result in imminent contact unless prevented from so resulting by the other's self-defensive action or by his flight or by the intervention of some outside force.

第24條 構成憂慮之要件


§ 25. Source Of Danger

To make the actor liable for an assault the actor need not have put the other in apprehension that the actor will himself inflict a bodily contact upon him.

第25條 危險從何處發生


§ 26. Person Threatened By Actor's Conduct

To make the actor liable for an assault the other must be put in apprehension of a contact with his own person.

第26條 受到行為人之行為威脅之人行為人應負恫嚇之責者,必須使他人憂慮其身體將受觸擊。

§ 27. Unreasonable Character Of Apprehension

If an act is intended to put another in apprehension of an immediate bodily contact and succeeds in so doing, the actor is subject to liability for an assault although his act would not have put a person of ordinary courage in such apprehension.

第27條 憂慮具備不合理之特性時意圖使他人憂慮將受立即之身體觸擊而行為,該他人因之而憂慮時,縱然其行為就具有一般勇氣之人原不致憂慮,仍應負恫嚇之責。

§ 28. Apprehension Of Unintended Bodily Contact

If the actor intends merely to put the other in apprehension of a bodily contact, he is subject to liability for an assault to the other if the other, although realizing that the actor does not intend to inflict such a contact upon him, is put in apprehension of the contact.

第28條 非行為人之故意使其身體受觸擊而產生之憂慮該他人雖確知行為人無意使其身體遭受觸擊,但憂慮其身體可能遭受觸擊時,行為人應負恫嚇之責。

§ 29. Apprehension Of Imminent And Future Contact

(1)To make the actor liable for an assault he must put the other in apprehension of an imminent contact.

(2)An act intended by the actor as a step toward the infliction of a future contact, which is so recognized by the other, does not make the actor liable for an assault under the rule stated in § 21.

第29條 即將觸擊之憂慮與未來觸擊之憂慮



§ 30. Conditional Threat

If the actor intentionally puts another in apprehension of an imminent and harmful or offensive contact, he is subject to liability for an assault although he gives to the other the option to escape the contact by obedience to a command given by the actor, unless the command is one which the actor is privileged to enforce by the infliction of the threatened contact or by a threat to inflict it.

第30條 附條件之威脅


§ 31. Threat By Words

Words do not make the actor liable for assault unless together with other acts or circumstances they put the other in reasonable apprehension of an imminent harmful or offensive contact with his person.

第31條 語言上之威脅


§ 32. Character Of Intent Necessary
(1)To make the actor liable for an assault, the actor must have intended to inflict a harmful or offensive contact upon the other or to have put the other in apprehension of such contact.
(2)If an act is done with the intention of affecting a third person in the manner stated in Subsection (1), but puts another in apprehension of a harmful or offensive contact, the actor is subject to liability to such other as fully as though he intended so to affect him.

第32條 所須具備之故意之特性



§ 33. Ability To Carry Out Threat

To make the actor liable for an assault, it is not necessary that he have or that he believe that he has the ability to inflict the harmful or bodily contact which his act apparently threatens.

第33條 實施其威脅之能力


§ 34. Personal Hostility

To make the actor liable for an assault under the rule stated in § 21, it is not necessary that the actor be inspired by personal hostility or desire to offend.

第34條 行為之個人仇視


Topic 4. The Interest In Freedom From Confinement

§ 35. False Imprisonment

(1)An actor is subject to liability to another for false imprisonment if

(a) he acts intending to confine the other or a third person within boundaries fixed by the actor, and

(b) his act directly or indirectly results in such a confinement of the other, and

(c) the other is conscious of the confinement or is harmed by it.

(2)An act which is not done with the intention stated in Subsection

(1, a) does not make the actor liable to the other for a merely transitory or otherwise harmless confinement, although the act involves an unreasonable risk of imposing it and therefore would be negligent or reckless if the risk threatened bodily harm.

第四節 免於受人身拘禁自由之利益

第35條 人身拘禁


(a) 行為人基於意圖使他人或第三人侷限於其所定之範圍之內之行為;並且

(b) 其行為直接或間接致他人受此種拘禁;並且

(c) 該他人意識受到拘禁或因拘禁而受侵害。


§ 36. What Constitutes Confinement

(1)To make the actor liable for false imprisonment, the other's confinement within the boundaries fixed by the actor must be complete.

(2)The confinement is complete although there is a reasonable means of escape, unless the other knows of it.

(3)The actor does not become liable for false imprisonment by intentionally preventing another from going in a particular direction in which he has a right or privilege to go.

第36條 構成人身拘禁之要件




§ 37. Confinement: How Caused

If an act is done with the intent to confine another, and such act is the legal cause of confinement to another, it is immaterial whether the act directly or indirectly causes the confinement.

第37條 拘禁 - 如何造成


§ 38. Confinement By Physical Barriers

The confinement may be by actual or apparent physical barriers.

第38條 以有形之物理障礙所致之人身拘禁


§ 39. Confinement By Physical Force
The confinement may be by overpowering physical force, or by submission to physical force.

第39條 以有形力量方式拘禁

§ 40. Confinement By Threats Of Physical Force
The confinement may be by submission to a threat to apply physical force to the other's person immediately upon the other's going or attempting to go beyond the area in which the actor intends to confine him.

第40條 以有形威脅方式拘禁


§ 40A. Confinement By Other Duress
The confinement may be by submission to duress other than threats of physical force, where such duress is sufficient to make the consent given ineffective to bar the action.

第40A條 以其他脅迫方式拘禁

以力量威脅以外之脅迫方式而致他方屈服 時,如該其他脅迫方式不符合「自願受拘禁」之例外情形時,亦成立拘禁。

§ 41. Confinement By Asserted Legal Authority

(1)The confinement may be by taking a person into custody under an asserted legal authority.

(2)The custody is complete if the person against whom and in whose presence the authority is asserted believes it to be valid, or is in doubt as to its validity, and submits to it.

第41條 依聲稱法律權威方式拘禁



§ 42. Knowledge Of Confinement

Under the rule stated in § 35, there is no liability for intentionally confining another unless the person physically restrained knows of the confinement or is harmed by it.

第42條 受拘禁之意識


§ 43. Act Intended To Affect Third Parties

If an act done with the intention of affecting a third person imposes a confinement upon another, the actor is subject to liability to such other as fully as though it were intended so to affect him.

第43條 原擬拘禁第三人之行為


§ 44. Malice

If an act which causes another's confinement is done with the intention of causing the confinement, the actor is subject to liability although his act is not inspired by personal hostility or desire to offend.

第44條 惡毒之故意


§ 45. Refusal To Release Or To Aid In Escape

If the actor is under a duty to release the other from confinement, or to aid in such release by providing a means of escape, his refusal to do so with the intention of confining the other is a sufficient act of confinement to make him subject to liability.

第45條 拒絕釋放或拒絕協助脫離


§45A. Instigating Or Participating In False Imprisonment

One who instigates or participates in the unlawful confinement of another is subject to liability to the other for false imprisonment.

第45A條 教唆或幫助非法拘禁


Topic 5. The Interest In Freedom From Emotional Distress

§ 46. Outrageous Conduct Causing Severe Emotional


(1)One who by extreme and outrageous conduct intentionally or recklessly causes severe emotional distress to another is subject to liability for such emotional distress, and if bodily harm to the other results from it, for such bodily harm.

(2)Where such conduct is directed at a third person, the actor is subject to liability if he intentionally or recklessly causes severe emotional distress

(a) to a member of such person's immediate family who is present at the time, whether or not such distress results in bodily harm, or

(b) to any other person who is present at the time, if such distress results in bodily harm.

第五節 免於受精神上痛苦之自由之利益

第46條 致嚴重精神痛苦之極端無理之行為



(a) 行為人係以致該第三人之在現場最近親屬受嚴重,而無論其是否造成身體傷害;

(b) 行為人係以致其他在現場之任何第三人。

§ 47. Conduct Intended To Invade Other Interests But Causing Emotional Distress

Except as stated in §§ 21-34, and in § 46, conduct which is tortuous because intended to result in bodily harm to another or in the invasion of any other of his legally protected interests does not make the actor liable for an emotional distress which is the only legal consequence of his conduct.

第47條 意圖侵害他人之其他利益,卻致精神痛苦行為人之行為係意圖致他人受身體傷害或其他法律保護利益之侵害,而該行為之唯一法律效果為致他人受精神上傷害時,除本法第21條至第34條及第46條另有規定外,行為人不負責任。

§ 48. Special Liability Of Public Utility For Insults By Servants

A common carrier or other public utility is subject to liability to patrons utilizing its facilities for gross insults which reasonably offend them, inflicted by the utility's servants while otherwise acting within the scope of their employment.

第48條 公用事業就其受僱人之傲慢無禮行為應負之特別責任


Chapter 3. Privilege Arising From Consent To Intended Invasions Of Interests Of Personality

§ 49. Effect Of Consent

The rules stated in § 892A as to the effect of consent to the invasion of an interest apply to the intentional invasion of interests of personality.

第三章 因他人同意故意侵犯人身利益而免責之特殊權利

第49條 同意之效力


§ 50. Apparent Consent

The rule stated in § 892(2) as to apparent consent to the invasion of an interest applies to the intentional invasion of interests of personality.

第50條 表面上之同意


§ 51. Consent: By Whom Given

The rule stated in § 892A as to the person by whom consent must be given applies to the intentional invasion of interests of personality.

第51條 同意─由誰作成之同意


§ 52. Consent: To Whom Given

The rule stated in § 892A as to the person to whose conduct must be given applies to intentional invasions of interests of personality.

第52條 同意─向誰作成同意


§ 53. Consent To Particular Conduct

The rule stated in § 892A(2) as to consent to the particular conduct applies to intentional invasions of interests of personality.

第53條 就特定行為之同意


§ 54. Assent To Substantially Similar Invasion

[The Section is omitted. The matter is now covered by § 892A(2).]

第54條 對於實質上大致類似之侵犯之同意


§ 55. Fraud Or Mistake As To Harmful Or Offensive Character Of Contact

The rule stated in § 892B(1) as to consent induced by fraud or mistake as to the essential character of conduct applies to fraud or mistake as to the harmful or offensive character of a contact.

第55條 關於傷害性或冒犯性觸擊詐欺或錯誤


§ 56. Fraud Or Mistake As To Validity Of Purported Legal Authority

The rule stated in § 892B(3) as to consent induced by fraud or mistake as to the validity of a purported legal authority applies to intentional invasions of interests of personality.

第56條 關於聲稱為法律授權之效力之詐欺或錯誤


§ 57. Fraud Or Mistake As To Collateral Matter

The rule stated in § 892B(2) as to consent induced by fraud or mistake as to a collateral matter not affecting the essential character of the conduct applies to intentional invasions of interests of personality.

第57條 關於附屬情事之詐欺或錯誤


§ 58. Consent Under Duress

The rule stated in § 892B(4) as to consent given under duress applies to intentional invasions of interests of personality.

第58條 脅迫下之同意


§ 59. Incapacity To Consent

The rule stated in § 892A(2) as to incapacity to consent applies to intentional invasions of interests of personality.

第59條 同意能力之欠缺


§ 60. Consent To Invasion Constituting Crime

The general rule stated in § 892C(1) as to consent to invasions constituting a crime applies to intentional invasions of interests of personality.

第60條 構成犯罪之侵犯之同意



§ 61. Consent To Invasions Made Criminal For Protection Of Particular Class

The exception stated in § 892C(2) as to consent to invasions made criminal for the protection of a particular class applies to intentional invasions of interests of personality.

第61條 為保護特定類級人士之利益,同意受侵犯亦構成犯罪第892C條第(2)項之但書關於為保護特定類級人士之利益而於同意受侵犯亦構成犯罪之同意之規定,於故意侵犯人身利益,亦有其適用。

§ 62. When Consent Not Necessary

The rule stated in § 892D as to when consent is not necessary applies to intentional invasions of interests of personality.

第62條 同意並非必要之情形


Chapter 4. Defenses Of Person, Land, And Chattels-Recaption

Topic 1. Self-Defense And Defense Of Third Persons

§ 63. Self–Defense By Force Not Threatening Death Or Serious Bodily Harm

(1)An actor is privileged to use reasonable force, not intended or likely to cause death or serious bodily harm, to defend himself against unprivileged harmful or offensive contact or other bodily harm which he reasonably believes that another is about to inflict intentionally upon him.

(2)Self-defense is privileged under the conditions stated in Subsection (1), although the actor correctly or reasonably believes that he can avoid the necessity of so defending himself,

(a) by retreating or otherwise giving up a right or privilege, or

(b) by complying with a command with which the actor is under no duty to comply or which the other is not privileged to enforce by the means threatened.

第四章 人身、土地之防衛及動產之取回

第一節 自行防衛及為第三人之防衛

第63條 以不致他人於死或重傷之虞之力量而自行防衛



(a) 退卻或其他拋棄權利或特殊權利;

(b) 服從行為人原毋須服從之命令或服從他人原無特殊權利以威脅方式而執行命令。

§ 64. Self–Defense Against Negligent Conduct

(1)Except as stated in Subsection (2), an actor is privileged to use reasonable force, not intended or likely to cause death or serious bodily harm, to defend himself against harmful or offensive contact or bodily harm which he reasonably believes to be threatened by the conduct of another, although he recognizes such conduct to be negligent.

(2)The actor is not privileged so to defend himself if he knows or should know that he can escape the necessity of doing so by retreating, or by giving up the exercise of a right or privilege which, under the circumstances, it is reasonable to require him to relinquish.

第64條 就過失行為之自行防衛




§ 65. Self–Defense By Force Threatening Death Or Serious Bodily Harms

(1)Subject to the statement in Subsection (3), an actor is privileged to defend himself against another by force intended or likely to cause death or serious bodily harm, when he reasonably believes that

(a) the other is about to inflict upon him an intentional contact or other bodily harm, and that

(b) he is thereby put in peril of death or serious bodily harm or ravishment, which can safely be prevented only by the immediate use of such force.

(2)The privilege stated in Subsection (1) exists although the actor correctly or reasonably believes that he can safely avoid the necessity of so defending himself by

(a) retreating if he is attacked within his dwelling place, which is not also the dwelling place of the other, or

(b) permitting the other to intrude upon or dispossess him of his dwelling place, or

(c) abandoning an attempt to effect a lawful arrest.

(3)The privilege stated in Subsection (1) does not exist if the actor correctly or reasonably believes that he can with complete safety avoid the necessity of so defending himself by

(a) retreating if attacked in any place other than his dwelling place, or in a place which is also the dwelling of the other, or

(b) relinquishing the exercise of any right or privilege other than his privilege to prevent intrusion upon or dispossession of his dwelling place or to effect a lawful arrest.

第65條 以有致人於死或重傷之虞之力量而自行防衛


(a) 行為人合理地相信他人將施以故意之觸擊或其他身體傷害;並且

(b) 行為人因而受到死亡、重傷或強姦之危險,而僅能以立即使用此種之力量,方能避免。


(a) 如於行為人之居住處所,但該處所並非他人之居住處所,受前述之攻擊時,行為人之退卻;或

(b) 准許他人侵入其居住處所或准許他人將行為人逐出其居住處所;或

(c) 放棄其原有之合法逮捕他人之企圖。


(a) 如於行為人之居住處所以外之其他地區或於他人之居住處所,受前述之攻擊時,行為人之退卻;或

(b) 行為人之就防止他人侵入其居住處所或受逐出其居住處所或放棄合法逮捕他人以外之其他權利或特殊權利之放棄。

§ 66. Self–Defense Against Negligent Conduct Threatening Death Or Serious Bodily Harm
One is privileged to use force intended or likely to cause death or serious bodily harm to defend himself against conduct of another which he recognizes as negligent if, but only if, he reasonably believes that the other's conduct will cause him death or serious bodily harm which can be prevented only by the use of such force.

第66條 就有致人於死或重傷之虞之過失行為之自行防衛


§ 67. Assault Or Imprisonment In Self–Defense
The actor is privileged intentionally to confine another or to put him in apprehension of a harmful or offensive contact for the purpose of preventing him from inflicting a harmful or offensive contact or other bodily harm upon the actor, under the same conditions which create a privilege to inflict a harmful or offensive contact or other bodily harm upon the other for the same purpose.

第67條 因自行防衛而恫嚇或拘禁他人


§ 68. Self–Defense Against Confinement

The actor is privileged to use any means of self-defense to protect himself against confinement which he is privileged to use to protect himself against a harmful or offensive contact or other bodily harm.

第68條 就拘禁之自行防衛


§ 69. Effect Of Actor's Consent

If the actor has consented to any particular bodily contact, or any other invasion of his interests of personality, he is not privileged to defend himself against such an invasion unless his consent was obtained by fraud or has been withdrawn; but he retains his normal privilege of self-defense against any contact or invasion not included within his consent.

第69條 行為人之同意效力


§ 70. Character And Extent Of Force Permissible

(1)The actor is not privileged to use any means of self-defense which is intended or likely to cause a bodily harm or confinement in excess of that which the actor correctly or reasonably believes to be necessary for his protection.

(2)The actor may be privileged in self-defense to do an act which is intended to put another in immediate apprehension of a harmful or offensive contact or other bodily harm or a confinement, which is in excess of that which the actor is privileged to inflict, if his act is intended and reasonably believed by him to be likely to do no more than to create such an apprehension.

第70條 得行使之力量之性質及程度




§ 71. Force In Excess Of Privilege

If the actor applies a force to or imposes a confinement upon another which is in excess of that which is privileged,

(a) the actor is liable for only so much of the force or confinement as is excessive;

(b) the other's liability for an invasion of any of the actor's interests of personality which the other may have caused is not affected;

(c) the other has the normal privilege stated in this Topic to defend himself against the actor's use or attempted use of excessive force or confinement.

第71條 逾越自行防衛所允許之力量之程度行為人之行為逾越自行防衛所允許之武力或所允許之拘禁他人時,

(a) 行為人僅就其逾越之力量或逾越之拘禁負責;

(b) 他人如侵犯行為人之人身利益時,該他人應負之責任,不因而受影響;

(c) 他人就行為人之逾越力量、逾越之拘禁或此種意圖之施行,得依本節之規定,行使一般之自行防衛權。

§ 72. Defense Against Privileged Action

The actor is not privileged to defend himself against any force or confinement which the other is privileged for any purpose to inflict upon the actor except where the other's privilege is based upon a reasonable mistake of fact not caused by the fault of the actor.

第72條 就具有免責特殊權利之行為之防衛他人基於特殊權利而施行之力量或拘禁,行為人無行使自行防衛之免責之特殊權利。但他人之免責特殊權利係基於非行為人過失所致之合理事實錯誤而行之者,不在此限。

§ 73. Harmful Contact In Defense Against Harm Threatened Otherwise Than By Other

The intentional infliction upon another of substantial bodily harm, or of a confinement involving substantial pecuniary loss, for the purpose of protecting the actor from a threat of harm or confinement not caused by the conduct of the other, is not privileged when the harm threatened to the actor is not disproportionately greater than the harm to the other.

第73條 就他人以外之人之傷害性而對他人作傷害性觸擊之防衛就非他人之行為而致之受傷害或拘禁之威脅,如該威脅並非不相稱地較行為人致他人所受傷害為嚴重時,行為人故意致它人受相當重大之身體傷害或致相當重大金錢損失之拘禁者,不得主張自行防衛之免責特殊權利。

§ 74. Harmless Contact In Defense Against Harm

Threatened Otherwise Than By Other

(1)The intentional infliction upon another of an offensive bodily contact or a substantially harmless invasion of any other interest of personality is privileged for the purpose of protecting the actor from a substantial bodily harm or a substantial confinement involving pecuniary loss which is threatened otherwise than by the other, if inflicted under the conditions stated in §§ 63 or 64.

(2)The actor is subject to liability for any bodily harm or pecuniary loss caused by the exercise of the privilege stated in Subsection (1), although his act was not intended to cause such harm or loss and was not negligent as involving an unreasonable risk of so resulting.

第74條 就他人以外之傷害威脅而對他人作不具傷害性觸擊之防衛



§ 75. Liability To Third Person

An act which is privileged for the purpose of protecting the actor from a harmful or offensive contact or other invasion of his interests of personality subjects the actor to liability to a third person for any harm unintentionally done to him only if the actor realizes or should realize that his act creates an unreasonable risk of causing such harm.

第75條 對第三人之責任


§ 76. Defense Of Third Person

The actor is privileged to defend a third person from a harmful or offensive contact or other invasion of his interests of personality under the same conditions and by the same means as those under and by which he is privileged to defend himself if the actor correctly or reasonably believes that

(a) the circumstances are such as to give the third person a privilege of self-defense, and

(b) his intervention is necessary for the protection of the third person.

第76條 為第三人之防衛

(a) 其客觀情況為該第三人有主張自行防衛之免責特殊權利;
(b) 行為人之介入係為保護該第三人之必要。

Topic 2. Defense Of Actor's Interest In His Exclusive

Possession Of Land And Chattels

§ 77. Defense Of Possession By Force Not Threatening

Death Or Serious Bodily Harm

An actor is privileged to use reasonable force, not intended or likely to cause death or serious bodily harm, to prevent or terminate another's intrusion upon the actor's land or chattels, if

(a) the intrusion is not privileged or the other intentionally or negligently causes the actor to believe that it is not privileged, and

(b) the actor reasonably believes that the intrusion can be prevented or terminated only by the force used, and

(c) the actor has first requested the other to desist and the other has disregarded the request, or the actor reasonably believes that a request will be useless or that substantial harm will be done before it can be made.

第二節 行為人為保護其土地及動產之專有占有而防衛

第77條 以不致人於死或重傷之虞之力量而防衛占有行為人於下列情形時,得使用不致人於死或重傷之合理力量以防止或中止他人之侵入其土地或侵犯其動產
(a) 其侵入或侵犯並非依法享有之免責特殊權利,或他人之故意或過失致行為人相信其侵入或侵犯,並非依法享有之免責特殊權利;並且

(b) 行為人合理地相信其侵入或侵犯如非依其使用之力量,無法防止或中止;並且

(c) 行為人請求該他人停止侵入或侵犯而該他人不顧其請求,或行為人合理地相信其請求無效或其請求作成前將受到相當大之傷害。

§ 78. Effect Of Other's Mistake

The privilege intentionally to inflict upon another a harmful or offensive bodily contact or other bodily harm for the purpose of preventing or terminating the other's intrusion upon the actor's possession of land or chattels is not affected by the fact that the other reasonably but mistakenly believes that he has a right or privilege to intrude, unless the actor intentionally or negligently causes the other's mistake.

第78條 他人之錯誤占有之效力


§ 79. Defense Of Possession By Force Threatening Death Or

Serious Bodily Harm

The intentional infliction upon another of a harmful or offensive contact or other bodily harm by a means which is intended or likely to cause death or serious bodily harm, for the purpose of preventing or terminating the other's intrusion upon the actor's possession of land or chattels, is privileged if, but only if, the actor reasonably believes that the intruder, unless expelled or excluded, is likely to cause death or serious bodily harm to the actor or to a third person whom the actor is privileged to protect.

第79條 以有致人於死或重傷之虞之力量而防衛占有為防止或中止他人之侵入土地或侵犯其動產之占有,而以意圖致人於死或重傷或有此種可能之方式而故意致他人受傷害性、冒犯性觸擊或身體傷害,行為人有而且只有在下列情形時,方能主張此種之防衛之免責特殊權利:行為人合理地相信除非將侵入或侵犯者驅走或避免其進入,有可能致行為人或行為人有特殊權利以保護之第三人,受死亡或重傷之虞。

§ 80. Assault Or Imprisonment In Defense Against


The actor is privileged intentionally to confine another or to put him in apprehension of a harmful or offensive contact for the purpose of preventing or terminating the other's intrusion upon the actor's possession of land or chattels under the same conditions as create a privilege to inflict a harmful or offensive contact or other bodily harm upon the other for the same purpose.

第80條 就非法侵入土地或侵犯動產占有之以恫嚇或非法拘禁防衛行為人為防止或中止他人之侵入其土地或侵犯其動產之占有,於得以傷害性或冒犯性觸擊或其他身體傷害之免責特殊權利之同樣情況下,行使故意拘禁他人或使其致傷害性或冒犯性之觸擊之憂慮之免責特殊權利。

§ 81. Amount Of Force Permissible

(1)The actor is not privileged to use any means of defending his land or chattels from intrusion which are intended or likely to cause bodily harm or confinement in excess of that which the actor correctly or reasonably believes to be necessary to prevent or terminate the other's intrusion.

(2)The actor is privileged in defense of his land or chattels against intrusion to do an act which is intended to put another in immediate apprehension of a harmful or offensive contact or other bodily harm or confinement which is in excess of that which the actor is privileged to inflict, if his act is intended and reasonably believed by him to be likely to do no more than to create such an apprehension.

第81條 為防衛而得行使力量之範圍


§ 82. Effect Of Excessive Force

If the actor applies a force to or imposes a confinement upon another which is in excess of that which is privileged,

(a) the actor is liable for so much of the force or confinement as is excessive;

(b) the other's liability for any intrusion upon the actor's land or chattels which the other may have made is not affected;

(c) the other has the privilege to defend himself against the actor's use or attempted use of excessive force or confinement.

第82條 逾越必要力量之效力


(a) 行為人就其逾越之拘禁負責;

(b) 他人如侵入或侵犯行為人之土地或動產時,該他人應負之責任,不因而受影響;

(c) 他人就行為人之逾越力量、逾越之拘禁或此種意圖之施行,得行使自衛之權。

§ 83. Liability To Third Person

An act which is privileged for the purpose of preventing or terminating another's intrusion upon the actor's possession of land or chattels does not subject the actor to liability to a third person for any harm unintentionally done to him unless the actor realizes or should realize that his act creates an unreasonable risk of causing such harm.

第83條 對第三人之責任


§ 84. Use Of Mechanical Device Not Threatening Death Or Serious Bodily Harm

The actor is so far privileged to employ, for the purpose of protecting his possession of land or chattels from intrusion, a device not intended or likely to cause death or  serious bodily harm that he is not liable for bodily harm done thereby to a deliberate intruder, if

(a) the use of such a device is reasonably necessary to protect the land or chattels from intrusion, and

(b) the use of the particular device is reasonable under the circumstances, and

(c) the device is one customarily used for such a purpose, or reasonable care is taken to make its use known to probable intruders.

第84條 使用不致人於死或重傷之虞之工具


(a) 使用此種工具係為保護其土地或動產之免受侵犯所必要者;並且

(b) 使用此種特定工具,於其情況下係屬合理;並且

(c) 此種工具為一般人保護其土地或動產而通常採用者,或於使用此種工具時,對可能之侵犯者作合理之警告。

§ 85. Use Of Mechanical Device Threatening Death Or Serious Bodily Harm

The actor is so far privileged to use a device intended or likely to cause serious bodily harm or death for the purpose of protecting his land or chattels from intrusion that he is not liable for the serious bodily harm or death thereby caused to an intruder whose intrusion is,

in fact, such that the actor, were he present, would be privileged to prevent or terminate it by the intentional infliction of such harm.

第85條 使用有致人於死或重傷之虞之工具


§ 86. Defense Against Intrusion On Third Person's Land Or Chattels

The actor is privileged to inflict a harmful or offensive bodily contact or other invasion of another's interests of personality for the purpose

of preventing or terminating the other's intrusion upon a third person's possession of land or chattels under the same conditions and by the same means under and by which he is privileged to make similar invasions of another's interests to prevent or terminate an intrusion upon his own land or chattels, if

(a) the actor correctly or reasonably believes that the circumstancesare such as to give the third person such a privilege, and hisintervention is necessary to protect the third person's possessionfrom intrusion, and

(b) the third person is, or is reasonably believed by the actor to be, amember of his immediate family or household, or a person whosepossession the actor is under a legal duty to protect.

第86條 就第三人之土地或動產之受侵犯之防衛


(a) 行為人正確地相信或合理地相信其情況使該第三人有同樣之防衛權利,而其干涉係為保護該第三人占有免受侵犯之必要;並且

(b) 該第三人為,或合理地被認為,行為人之家屬或親屬或該他人之占有土地或動產乃行為人有法律上之保護責任。

Topic 3. Defense Of The Actor's Interest In Retaining Possession Of Land Or Chattels

§ 87. Defense Against Dispossessory Acts

The intentional infliction upon another of a harmful or offensive contact or other invasion of the other's interests of personality for the purpose of preventing the other from dispossessing the actor of his land or chattels is privileged to the same extent and under the same conditions as the intentional infliction of such contacts or other invasions for the purpose of preventing an intrusion upon the possession of such land or chattels.

第三節 行為人就其土地或動產占有之防衛

第87條 就剝奪土地或動產占有行為之防衛


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