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1. Law of Nature

2. Universal Law

3. Divine Law

4. Legal Norm




1. Zinet Agency

2. www.catholic.org

3. www.squidoo.com

4. www.dictionary.com

5. www.wikipedia.com

6. www.catholicencyclopedia.com

7. www.metaphysicalrevelation.com

8. www.scribd.com

9. www.iep.utm.edu

10. http://plato.stanford.edu

11. www.jewishvirtuallibrary.com

12. 【近世中國佛教思想史論】,陳永革,宗教文化出版社,2012

13. 【海外宣教】雙月刊,2013 / 34月份


何謂論證 (argument)


St. Thomas Aquinas (1225~1274),Summa Theologica】:

1. What, Why, and Why Not?

2. How different?

3. And then?


Law of Nature (自然法則)


A. What is axiom?

An axiom, or postulate, is a premise or starting point of reasoning. As classically conceived, an axiom is a premise so evident as to be accepted as true without controversy. The word comes from the Greek ἀξίωμα (āxīoma) 'that which is thought worthy or fit' or 'that which commends itself as evident.'


1. modern logic

2. mathematics

3. natural science


Law of Nature retains essence of Moral Law


B. What is maxim?

Maxims are understood as a subjective principle of action. An act is called moral if it has a certain universal value. In Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative, for instance, the maxim is combined with a certain intention to become moral. The moral intent is that one can, at the same time, will the subjective principle of action to become a universal law.


"Act only according to the maxim whereby you can, at the same time, it should become a universal law." ~ Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)


Universal Law (自然法則、普世法則)


Law of Nature = Universal Law?


Universal law or Universal Principle refers as concepts of legal legitimacy actions, whereby those principles and rules for governing human beings' conduct which are the most self-evident in their acceptability, their applicability, translation, and philosophical basis, are therefore considered to be the most legitimate.


Law of Nature = Natural Law (自然法)


According to E. Bodenheimer, JurisprudenceCh2, 1996

0. Right or Wrong = Moral Law (lex aeterna + lex humana)

a. discrimination

b. binding

c. manifestation

1. social practice

2. evolution

3. religion


The natural law is ‘nothing else than the rational creature's participation in the eternal law.’ ~ St. T. Aquinas, I-II, Q. xciv


Divine Law (神聖法、神授法、神啟法)


Divine law is any law that comes directly from the Will of God, in contrast to man-made law. ~ J. H. Blunt, Dictionary of Doctrines and History Theology; 1872




變動 (muta)

因果 (causalitate)

機率 (contingentia)

等級 (gradu)

目的 (ut)












「我不是要從佛教改信基督教,因為宗教不能救人。如果是從一個宗教換到另一個宗教,那大可不必,因為佛教已是世界上最好的宗教。」 ~ 龜谷凌雲,淨土真宗中興之祖蓮如上人第十八代子孫 (1888-1973),【從佛教到基督】




It always remains a scandal of philosophy and universal human reason that the existence of things outside us ... should have to be assumed merely on faith, and that if it occurs to anyone to doubt it, we should be unable to answer him with a satisfactory proof. ~ Immanuel Kant,Critique of Practical Reason


Wenn man wirklich ein moralische waere, habe ich die Existenz Gottes angenom’n, vorausgesetzt, dass nach dem Ende des Lebens nicht alles vorbei sein wuerde. ~Critique of Judgement


The position of Divine Law


> 宇宙萬物 [] > 認知 = []+[理性思維] = Divine Law、佛法...


The Content of Divine Law


1. It is independent of the will of Man, who cannot change it.

2. It is about being divine.

3. It is of Covenant.


Covenant > Agreement (Treaty) > Contract > Deal


Moral Aspect of Divine Law:

Old Law = Doctrines

New Law = Redemption


Induction and Reasoning


Divine Laws amalgamate and ‘verdeontiert’ Moral Laws

Natural Laws epistemise Moral Laws

Natural Law renders Divine Law


Natural Law = Eternal Law (Divine Law + Universal Law/Law of Nature) + Human Law

自然法 = 永恆法 (神啟法之一部或全部 + 自然法則之一部) + 人法


The Definition of Legal Norm


Why Legal ‘Norm’?

Why not ‘Standard’ or ‘Criterion’?



an average level of achievement or performance, as of a group or person; or,

a standard of achievement or behavior that is required, desired, or designated as normal



an acknowledged measure of comparison for quantitative or qualitative value; or,

an object that under specified conditions defines, represents, or records the magnitude of a unit



a standard for judgment and decision


Legal Norm = Compilation of potentiality of Law of Nature, Natural Law, Divine Law, or Moral Law


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