在握桿、站姿、球位都掌握的前提下,把以下七個 全揮桿練習法 操作熟稔,球球必然甜蜜、桿桿肯定美姿:
drills for take-up (TU), spine angle consistency (SC), footwork and transition (FT), torso rotation (TR), hand gesture (HG), lag and follow through (LF), rhythm and tempo (RT)
1. swing vision for ALL
2. ride to crash or vice versa for FT
3. pelvis punch for TU, SC, FT, TR
4. up-pause-down for TU, SC, FT, TR
5. slow-slow-fast for ALL
6. behind the tee peg for HG, LF
7. aside the leading shoulder for HG, LF